अंतर-अनुशासनिक नैनोटेक्नोलाजी केंद्र
Student Section
List of Candidates Provisionally selected for Admission to PhD (Nanotechnology) at INC
4th Semester
Mid-Semester Presentation/Assessment of Dissertation Phase II - Monday, March 13, 2023, to Saturday, March 18, 2023
Earliest date of Submission of Final Dissertation - Thursday, May 04, 2023.
Latest date for Submission of the Final Dissertation* - Wednesday, August 16, 2023.
*May change depending on commencement of odd Semester, 2023-24
Time Table IIIrd Semester (Session 2022-2023)
GATE Scorecard
GATE Scorecard
GATE Scorecard
M.Tech Nanotechnology - (NTC-7911) Dissertation Phase I - Supervisor List
M.Tech Nanotechnology - (NTC-7912) Dissertation Phase II - Supervisor List
Advanced P.G.Diploma in Nanotechnology - Project (NTC-5760) - Supervisors List
IELTS Test Report Form
GATE Scorecard
Joining Letter
M.Tech (Nanotechnology) Ist Semester Experiments List - NTC 6900 ( Lab- 1)
M.Tech (Nanotechnology) IInd Semester Experiments List - NTC 6910 ( Lab- II)
Time Table 1st Semester (Session 2022-2023)
Time Table IInd Semester (Session 2021-2022): Adv.P.G.Diploma in Nanotechnology
Time Table IInd Semester (Session 2021-2022): M.Tech - Nanotechnology
Time Table IVth Semester (Session 2021-2022): M.Tech - Nanotechnology
Paid facilities

Time Table 1st Semester (Session 2021-2022)
Time Table 3rd Semester (Session 2021-2022)
Time Table PhD Course Work 2019-2020 (Session 2021-2022)
Courses offered
Program Name: Ph.D
Specialization: (Nanotechnology)
Number of Seats : Vacancies are shown on the website of Controller of Exams
Post Graduate Programme
Programme Name: Master of Technology in Nanotechnology
Number of Seats : 15
Eligibility Criteria :
Jobs Prospects :
Research and Development in industry and academia.
Programme Name : Advance Post Graduate Diploma in Nanotechnology
Number of Seats : 10
Eligibility Criteria :
Jobs Prospects :
Instrumentation facilities
- Lyophilizer (2.5 Ltr. High-Performance Benchtop FreeZone, LABCONCO)
- BOD incubator (Make:- USS)
- Tubular Furnace (Carbolite Gero 30 - 3000 ℃)
- Rotary Flask Shaker (Make :- USS)
- laminar Flow
- Sonicator (Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner, Model :- LMUC - 3, capacity 3 liters, Frequency 40KHz, Tank Size 240x140x100mm)
- Cold Centrifuge (Model :- C- 30 Plus, REMI)
- Incubator Shaker (Temp. Controller, Shivaki, Model :- AL-556)
- Furnace (30 ℃ - 1750 ℃)
- Muffle Furnace (Temp. 1150 ℃, Size - 4X4X9, Rating- 3KW, USS)
- XRD (X-Ray Diffractometer),Miniflex II, Rigaku
- TGA (Thermogravimetric Analyzer),Pyris 1 TGA, PerkinElmer
- DSC (Differential Scanning Analyzer),DSC-6000, PerkinElmer
- DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer),DMA 8000 (0 Hz to 300 Hz), PerkinElmer
- UV-VIS-NIR,Cary 5000, Agilent Technologies
- Fluorescence Spectrometer,LS 55, PerkinElmer
- CV (Cylic Voltameter),Compact Soft, Serial No. B100A7, Ivium Soft
- FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer),Spectrum Two, PerkinElmer
- Impedance Analyzer /LCR Meter,E4990A, Keysight Technologies
- CMA (Contact Measurement Angle),Easy Drop, Kruss
- Research Microscope,M Co- Axial Trinocular Digital Research Microscope Vision Plus-5000 DTM Magnification Range (40 x to 1000x), Metzer
- Ball Milling,PM 100, Retsch
- Consultancy for project writing/grants guidance in the field of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology.
- Consultancy for providing Nanoparticles having applications in various fields.
- Consultancy on Cancer nanobiotechnology