राजीव गांधी सेंटर फॉर डायबिटीज़ एण्ड एंडोक्रिनोलोजी
Regulations for Ph.d. and Scholars
Ph.D. Scholars
Name: Saba Noor
Ph.D. Topic: A Clinico-Microbial Study of Diabetic Foot Infections: Conventional and Molecular Approaches for Bacterial Identifications and Quantification?
Supervisor: Prof. Jamal Ahmad
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Faculty of Medicine
JNMC, AMU, Aligarh
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Iqbal Parwez
Department of Zoology
Faculty of Life Science
AMU, Aligarh
2. Name: Amit Mukherjee
Session: 2017
Ph.D. Topic : Epigenetic & Genomic Study of Candidate Gene Promoter in North Indian Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Subjects
Supervisor : Dr. Sheelu Shafiq Siddiqi
(Associate Professor & Director)
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Faculty of Medicine
JNMC, AMU, Aligarh
Co-Supervisor: Professor. B.D. Banerjee
Department of Biochemistry
University College of Medical Sciences
University of Delhi, DELHI
Regulation for Ph.D.

Director and Professor
Office: Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, JNMCH Ext: 7585
Email: director.rgcde@gmail.com