स्त्री एवं बाल रोग का विभाग
समाचार और प्रकाशन
International Women's day 2024
The Department of Niswan wa Qabalat, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College and Hospital, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh, celebrated International Women's Day. Two impactful free medical health camps were organized to mark the celebration of Women’s Day on 8th and 9th March’ 2024 in collaboration with Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh.
The first camp,
held on March 8, 2024, at OPD number 4 of
Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital was graced by esteemed members
of the faculty. Prof. Salma Ahmed, MIC
Dawakhana Tibbiya College inaugurated the camp, Prof. Ubaidullah Khan, Dean,
Faculty of Unani Medicine &
Prof. B.D.
Khan, Principal, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Prof. Suboohi Mustafa, Chairperson,
D/o Niswan wa Qabalat, Prof. Syeda Aamena Naaz, Dr. Fameeda Zeenat, and Dr. Abiha
Ahmad Khan along with PG Scholars and Interns were present. Approximately 160
patients get consultation for gynaecological issues like PCOD, leukorrhea, STD,
Menstrual disorders, PID, anemia alongwith antenatal check-ups with advice and treatment.
Disbursement of Unani Medicines along with multivitamins, calcium, iron etc. was
also done along with free blood check-ups of the patients.
Continuing the initiative on March 9, the second camp unfolded at Nai Abadi, Hussainabad area, Quarsi Bypass Road, Maheshpur Tiraha, Aligarh in collaboration with Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU and SOCH NGO. Prof. Ubaidullah Khan, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine, inaugurated the camp. Prof. Salma Ahmed, MIC Dawakhana Tibbiya College, Prof. Suboohi Mustafa Chairperson, D/o Niswan wa Qabalat , Prof. Syeda Aamena Naaz, Dr. Fameeda Zeenat and Dr. Abiha Ahmad Khan
graced the occasion. Prof. Salma Ahmed, appreciated the efforts of the organizers and emphasized the importance of community healthcare initiatives in the form of such health camps. More than 220 patients visited the camp and availed free health services. Dr. Fahmeeda Zeenat coordinated both the camps along with dedicated team of doctors, post graduate students and interns of the department who provided their services to the patients regarding their health concern. This event exemplified a harmonious blend of medical expertise and compassionate outreach programme leaving a positive impact on women's health in the community.
CME forTeachers of Amraze Niswan wa Atfal 1st to 6th August'2022
CME 26th Sep. to 1st Oct.' 2022 NEWS
PUBLICATIONS (2014-2019)
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number |
Efficacy of Irsa(Iris ensata) on vaginal discharge in the patients of Cervicitis: A Clinical Study | Suboohi Mustafa, S. Aamena Naaz | Journal of integrated Community Health | 2014 | 2319-9113 |
Relevance of Pap smear cytology in Cervical cancer | Suboohi Mustafa, S. Aamena Naaz | Journal of integrated Community Health | 2014 | 2319-9113 |
A Review of Sinusitis in the Unani Medicine | Suboohi Mustafa, | International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences | 2014 | 2319-8149 |
Clinical Evaluation of Mizaj (Temperament) in The patients of Polycystic Ovarian Disease | Suboohi Mustafa, S. Aamena Naaz | International Ayurvedic Medical Journal | 2015 | 2320-5091 |
Clinical Evaluation of Dry Cupping for the treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhoea (Usre tams Tashannuj) in Married Females: A 20 patients Pilot Study | Suboohi Mustafa, | Paripex- Indian Journal of Research | 2015 | 2250-1991 |
Medicinal Values of Quercus Infectoria; A Boon from Tropics | Suboohi Mustafa, S.Aamena Naaz | Journal of Integrated Community Health, Special issue | 2015 | 2319-9113 |
A Review on Hammam (Hot Bath): An Antediluvian Art of Curing | Suboohi Mustafa | International Human Research Journal | 2015 | 2347-7067 |
Incidence of Pregnancy induced Hypertension (PIH) in Different Temperaments (Mizaj) | Suboohi Mustafa | Unimed Kulliyat | 2016 | 2249-5703 |
Efficacy of Herbal Formulation (Acacia Arabica & Butea Frondosa) in treatment of Post Natal Backache | Suboohi Mustafa | Paripex- Indian Journal of Research | 2016 | 2250-1991 |
Clinical Study for Efficacy of Hejamat bila Shurt(Dry Cupping) in the management of Waja uz Zuhr(low back pain) | Suboohi Mustafa | World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2016 | 2278-4357 |
Effect of Munzij Mushil Therapy and Regimenal Modalities in Post Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: A Case Study | Suboohi Mustafa | Research &Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy | 2017 | 2394-1960 |
Role of Sharbate Bazoori in UTI-A review | Suboohi Mustafa, S.Aamena Naaz | Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative Research | 2018 | 2349-5162 |
Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy and Sikanjbeen Lemooni-A Review | Suboohi Mustafa, S.Aamena Naaz | International Journal of Researchand Analytical Reviews | 2018 | 2349-5138 |
Clinical Evaluation of Mizaj(temperament) in the patients of Monorrhagia-An Observational Study | Suboohi Mustafa, S.Aamena Naaz | IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences | 2018 | 2279-0853 |
Iltehabe Unqur-Rehm(Cervicitis) & Its Unani Aspect: A Review | S.Aamena Naaz | International Journal of Enhanced Research in Medicine & Dental Care | 2015 | 2349-1590 |
Analgesic, Anti ?Inflammatory and Anti Microbial Activities of Irsa(Iris ensata): A Clinical Study on the Patients of Iltehabe Unqur- Rehm(Cervicitis) | S. Aamena Naaz | International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Research | 2015 | 2349-7203 |
Deobstruent ( Mufatteh-e sudad ) property of Irsa (Iris ensata) A Clinical Study on patients of Cervicitis (Iltehabe Unqur Rehm) | S. Aamena Naaz | Journal of Hospital Pharmacy | 2015 | 2348-7704 |
An Observational Study on the patients of cervicitis according to dietary habits, contraceptive methods and parity | S. Aamena Naaz | Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2015 | 2349-7750 |
Management of Primary Dysmenorrhoea by Dry Cupping: A Review | S. Aamena Naaz | Advanced Journal of Pharmacie and Life science Research | 2016 | 2454-3535 |
Treatment of menorrhagia with Unani formulation Qurs-e-Habis: A case report | S. Aamena Naaz, Suboohi Mustafa | Pharma Innovation Journal | 2019 | Online: 2277-7695, Print |
Treatment of Trichomonal Vaginitis with Arq-e-Mako, Arq-e-Kasni And Marham-e-Basleeqoon. A case Report | Suboohi Mustafa, S. Aamena Naaz | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2019 | E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN |
Sputum negative tubercular Adult spreads infection & disease to their house hold children | Diwan Israr Khan | Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia | 2019 | 2456-2602 |
Comparative Analytical study of the Efficacy of Unani Formulations with reference to Oligospermia | Dr. Mohd. Anas | Hippocratic journal of Unani Medicine | 2015 | 0974-1291 |
Role of Physical Activity in Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Melitus | Mohd. Anas | International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences | 2015 | 2319-8141 |
A Clinical Study of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis with Application of Wet Cupping and Majoon Choob Chini in its treatment | Mohd. Anas | Hippocratic journal of Unani Medicine | 2016 | 0974-1291 |
Sharaiyt-e-Murzia, Mwaniat,Razaat wa Saqoot-e-Labn ka Tehqeeqi Mutaala | Mohd. Anas | Turjumane Tib | 2016 | 2454-4507 |
Evaluation of Therapeutic Massage (Dalak) in Pediatric care | Mohd. Anas | Journal of Integrated Community Health | 2016 | 2319 -9113 |
Therapeutic potential of leech therapy in Unani Medicine | Mohd. Anas | Journal of Integrated Community Health | 2016 | 2319 -9113 |
Clinical Evaluation of Safoof-e- Mudir in Hurqat-ul- Baul | Mohd. Anas | Indian Journal of Unani Medicine | 2016 | 0974 -6056 |
Exploring the Physiotherapeutic Strategies for the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis | Mohd. Anas | Journal of Medical Erudite | 2016 | 2278-1927 |
Clinical Evaluation of a Unani formulation (Qurse Mufsalin) in Knee Osteoarthritis | Mohd. Anas | Indian Journal of Unani Medicine | 2016 | 0974-6065 |
Therapeutic Intervention of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer in the Management of Back Pain ? An Evaluative study | Mohd. Anas | Unimed Kulliyat | 2016 | 2249-5703 |
Importance of Asbab e Sitta zarooriya in maintaining health with special reference to Harkat e Badni | Mohd. Anas | Unimed Kulliyat | 2017 | 2249-5703 |
Concept of Mizaj (Temperament) in Unani Medicine | Mohd. Anas | Indian Journal of Unani Medicine | 2017 | 0974-6065 |
Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy of Hijamah Bish Shart (Wet Cupping Therapy) in cases of Shara?Muzmin | Mohd. Anas | International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences | 2017 | 2319 ? 8141 |
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder(ADHD): Unani concept and its possible management | Mohd. Anas | Unimed Kulliyat | 2018 | 2249 -5703 |
Muqaddam Ziyabitus Shakri: Tarz e Hayat ki badnazmi | Mohd. Anas | Unimed Kulliyat | 2018 | 2249 -5703 |
Combating trichomoniasis through a Unani drug Marham Dakhliyun | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine | 2016 | 0974-1291 |
Therapeutic evaluation of a polyherbal formulation Leuco-Cure in trichomoniasis | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine | 2016 | 0974-1291 |
Clinical efficacy of Nigella sativa Linn seed in primary dysmenorrhea | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine | 2016 | 0974-1291 |
Clinical Efficacy of a Unani Formulation in Primary Dysmenorrhoea | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Unani Medicus - An International Journal | 2016 | 2230-8083 |
Evaluation of a pharmacopoeal formulation in uterine prolapse | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Unani Medicus - An International Journal | 2016 | 2230-8083 |
Clinical Evaluation of Sailani in Vaginal Candidiasis | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Unani Medicus - An International Journal | 2016 | 2230-8083 |
Clinical efficacy of Anisoon (Pimpinella anisum seeds) in Sailanur Rahem caused by Trichomonas vaginalis | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Unani Medicus - An International Journal | 2017 | 2230-8083 |
Medicinal plants as potent diuretic: A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Int J Adv Pharm Med Bioallied Sci | 2017 | 2348-2109 |
Therapeutics and pharmacology of Gul-e-Surkh (Rosa damascena Mill): An important Unani Drug | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Int J Adv Pharm Med Bioallied Sci | 2017 | 2348-2109 |
Therapeutics, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Iklilul Malik (Astragalus hamosus Linn): A natural Unani Remedy | Fahmeeda Zeenat | International Journal of Herbal Medicine | 2017 | E-ISSN: 2321-2187 P-ISSN: |
Therapeutics, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Cassia fistula Linn: A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat | European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Reasearch | 2017 | 3294-3211 |
Therapeutics, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of an Important Unani Drug Kalonji (Nigella Sativa Linn): A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat | European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Reasearch | 2017 | 3294-3211 |
Therapeutics, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of an Important Unani Drug Punica granatum Linn: A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat | European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Reasearch | 2017 | 3294-3211 |
Therapeutics, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Alsi (Linum usitatissimum Linn): An important Unani drug | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry | 2017 | E-ISSN: 2278-4136 |
Clinical evaluation of Tamarindus indica Linn seeds in uterine prolapse | Fahmeeda Zeenat | International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine | 2018 | ISSN (E): 2616-4558 |
Therapeutic, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Azadirachta indica: A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat | International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine | 2018 | ISSN (E): 2616-4558 |
Therapeutic, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Tamarindus indica: A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat | International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine | 2018 | ISSN (E): 2616-4558 |
Clinical Efficacy of Zeera Siyah (Carum carvi) in Usr-e-Tams Ibtedai (primary dysmenorrhea) | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Journal of Research in Unani Medicine | 2018 | 2320-8015 |
An Appraisal of Medicinal Properties of Shibb-e-Yamani (Alum): A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat, Suboohi Mustafa, S.Aamena Naaz | Unimed Kulliyat | 2018 | 2249-5703 |
Resolution of Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst by Unani Formulations - A Case Report | Fahmeeda Zeenat | Int. J. AYUSH Case Report | 2019 | 2457-0443 |
Therapeutic Potentials of Cinnamomum camphora (Kafoor) in Skin Disorders: A Review | Fahmeeda Zeenat | World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences | 2019 | 2454-2229 |
Immunomodulatory herbs of Unani medicine: A review | Abiha Ahmad Khan | International Journal of Herbal Medicine | 2015 | 2394-0514 |
A Review on Galactogogue Herbs of Unani Medicine | Abiha Ahmad Khan | Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry | 2015 | 2349-8234 |
Resolution of uterine fibroid by Unani herbal formulations- A case report | Abiha Ahmad Khan | World Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science | 2015 | 2278-4357 |
Treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome by wet cupping ? a case report | Abiha Ahmad Khan | Journal of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine | 2015 | 2321-1563 |
Breast cancer prevention: A Unani approach | Abiha Ahmad Khan | International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine | 2015 | 2249-5746 |
Explanation of Term ?Ikhtanak-UrRehm? In Present Disease Categories Of ICD-10 | Abiha Ahmad Khan | International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences | 2015 | --- |
Antenatal Care: An Approach through Unani System of Medicine | Abiha Ahmad Khan | International journal of medicine and pharmaceutical research | 2016 | 2321-2624 |
Contraceptives in Unani medicine: An alternative to modern unmet | Abiha Ahmad Khan | International journal of medicine and pharmaceutical research | 2016 | 2394-0514 |
Darchini (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum): A detailed review of literature | Abiha Ahmad Khan | Unimed Kulliyat | 2018 | 2249-5703 |
Polycystic ovarian syndrome from greeko-arab to the present: A review | Abiha Ahmad Khan, Suboohi Mustafa | World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research | 2018 | 2455-3301 |
Isolated MAYER-ROKITANSKYKUSTER-HAUSER (MRKH) syndrome: A case report and review of the literature | Abiha Ahmad Khan, S.Aamena Naaz | Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2018 | 2349-7750 |
Prevalence of anemia in reproductive age females in Aligarh: A retrospective study | Abiha Ahmad Khan, S. Aamena Naaz | International Organization of Scientific Research ?Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences | 2018 | 2279-0861 |
Treatment of simple Hemorrhagic cyst with Arqe Mako and Arqe Kasni. A case report | Abiha Ahmad Khan, Suboohi Mustafa | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2018 | 2277-7105 |
Efficacy of Darchini In the Management of PCOS: A Randamized Clinical study | Abiha Ahmad Khan | Journal of Herbal Medicine | 2019 | 2210-8033 |
BOOKS PUBLISHED (2014 - 2019)
Cardiovascular Changes during Pregnancy Symptomatology & Unani Treatment IInd editioin ISBN 9789386312006
Antenatal Care An Overview with Unani Treatment for Minor Ailment ISBN 978-93-87492-23 3
Kitab-Ut-Ta'dia ISBN 386460554-7