स्त्री एवं बाल रोग का विभाग

सेमिनार / कॉन्फ्रेंस / कार्यशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :22/03/2025
National Workshop on 24th February' 2025

National Workshop on "Managing Menopause: Holistic Care Approaches & Recent Advancements in Management"


Department of Niswa wa Qabalat observed World breastfeeding awareness week 2024 from 1st august to 7th August 2024.




National Voters Day 2022

Children's Day

Children's Day

International Women's Day 2022

Breast Feeding Awareness week 2022

CME (Ilmul Atfal)

CME (Ilmul Atfal)

CME (Ilmul Qabalat Amraz-e-NIswan)

CME (Ilmul Qabalat Amraz-e-NIswan)

CME brochure

CME brochure Attfal

CME Brochure


World Breast Feeding Awareness Week from 1st August'2021 to 7th August'2021

Aligarh, August 11: Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery 2017 batch students, Abdullah Faizul Hasan and Ilma Nazim won the first and second prizes respectively in the poster-making competition to observe the ‘World Breast Feeding Awareness Week’ at the Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-Wa-Atfal, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).

Other events such as lecture series, spreading awareness through visual aids, pamphlet distribution and counselling of nursing mothers were also carried out.

“The breast feeding week is a grim reminder of the correlation between the diminished status of breastfeeding and rising health complications in children. The most natural, convenient and spontaneous way of feeding the new-borns has been progressively neglected over the years and is unfortunately substituted by inferior replacements marketed in the name of complete baby food due to variety of factors,” said Prof Suboohi Mustafa, Chairperson, Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-Wa-Atfal.

She stressed on the role and responsibility of the community at large to support breast feeding campaign.

Prof Syeda Aamena Naaz, Dr M Anas, Dr Diwan Israr Khan, Dr Fahmeeda Zeenat and Dr Abiha Ahmad Khan discussed how breast milk provides complete nutrition to newborns and holds many benefits for the mother-child dyad while protecting children against many common childhood illnesses.  

They were speaking on ‘Protect Breast Feeding: A Shared Responsibility’, the theme for this year’s Breast Feeding Week. 


The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal organised a camp on 9th March 2021 and a guest lecture on 10th March 2021 on the occasion of INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY.

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal observed " WORLD BREAST FEEDING AWARENESS WEEK from 1st to 7th August 2018

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal observed " WORLD BREAST FEEDING AWARENESS WEEK from 1st to 7th August 2018 To motivate the undergraduate students , interns and PG Scholar a poster competition on the 2018 theme of World Breast Week : Breast feeding : Foundation of life .were organised on 4th August' 2018 in the Seminar Hall of the Department.

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal organised two competitions on the occasion of Swachhta Pakwada observed from Ist September'2017 to 15th September' 2017.

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal organised two competitions on the occasion of Swachhta Pakwada observed from Ist September'2017 to 15th September' 2017. The first event was held on 5th September' 2017 on Essay Writing competition on the topics of " Innovative way for Spreading the message of Hygiene" and the second event the Elocution Contest was held on 14th September'2017 on "Health & Hygiene is the real Wealth"

The Depatment of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal will organize a Free Camp for Women's on the eve of Internation Women's Day on 8th March 2016 in Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital at 10:00 am onwards.

The Depatment of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal will organize a Free Camp for Women's on the eve of Internation Women's Day on 8th March 2016 in Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital at 10:00 am onwards.

The Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal organized a Free Medical Camp on the occasion of Children's Day on 17th November'2015 in Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital, AMU Aligarh.

The Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal organized a Free Medical Camp on the occasion of Children's Day on 17th November'2015 in Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital, AMU Aligarh.

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal organised the Free Health Camp on eve of Children's Day on 14 November'2017 in OPD No.03.

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal organised the Free Health Camp on eve of Children's Day on 14 November'2017 in OPD No.03.

The Amaraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal has organised a Free Camp for Women's on the eve of International Women's Day on 8th March '2018 in Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital at 10.00 a.m. on wards

The Amaraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal has organised a Free Camp for Women's on the eve of International Women's Day on 8th March '2018 in Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital at 10.00 a.m. on wards

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal were organized a CME cum Workshop on 3rd May 2018 " Essential New Born Care during early Neonatal period.

The department of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Atfal were organized a CME cum Workshop on 3rd May 2018 " Essential New Born Care during early Neonatal period.

07-FEB-2019: Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal observes Cervical Cancer awareness month

07-FEB-2019: Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal observes Cervical Cancer awareness month Aligarh, February 7: The Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal, Hakim Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) observed Cervical Cancer awareness month by organising events such as patient awareness through counselling, screening for pre-cancerous lesions by visual inspection with acetic acid and Pap Smear test and an expert lecture on 'Importance of Pap Smear as a screening modality in identifying pre-cancerous lesions' by Dr Uroos Abdi. Students and interns were given hands-on-training on Pap Smear and visual inspection with acetic acid which included training on preparing fresh acetic acid. Meanwhile, over 200 patients were counselled through interactions with doctors and special screening sessions and around 75 patients also underwent tests. Speaking on the occasion, Prof Syeda Aamena Naaz (Chairperson, Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal) emphasised the importance of Pap Smear in reproductive age women. Dr Suboohi Mustafa, Dr Diwan Israr Khan, Dr M Anas, Dr Fahmeeda Zeenat and Dr Abiha Ahmad Khan also spoke to the patients. Public Relations Office Aligarh Muslim University Related Pictures Faculty members and students during cervical cancer awareness month observations

Office of the Chairperson

Office of the Chairperson Deptt. of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal Faculty of Unani Medicine A.M.U., Aligarh NOTICE It is for â??One and Allâ?? as department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal is observing Swachhta Pakhwada 2020, A Competition themed â??Best out of wasteâ?? is scheduled to be held in the seminar of the department at 01:00 pm on 27.01.2020. Letâ??s participate in large members for the cause. (Prof. Suboohi Mustafa) Chairperson

Chairperson and Professor