अनुप्रयुक्त गणित का विभाग

प्रमुख वक्ताओं

Dept. data last updated on :15/02/2025

Invited Talk

Professor M. A. Pathan
Visiting Professor, Centre of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Kerala (Former Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University)
Conducted On: 22 December, 2022

Prof. M.A. Pathan delivered his talk on “Srinivasa Ramanujan and his contributions to the analytical theory of numbers”. Prof Pathan gave brief review on Ramanujan’s life and contributions in Mathematics especially to the number theory. He shared his personal experiences and incident related to Ramanujan and his work which inspired one and all present in the lecture.

Invited Talk

Speaker: Prof. Nor Haniza Binti Sarmin

 Department of Mathematical Sciences, University Technology Malaysia.

Conducted On: 22 November, 2022

The Department of Applied Mathematics conducted an invited lecture on the 22nd of November 2022. The resource person Prof. Nor Haniza Binti Sarmin, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia gave an enlightening talk on the topic “DNA Splicing System-Mathematical Biology in Computation”. Around 50 faculty members and students of the Department of Applied Mathematics & Department of Mathematics, AMU attended the lecture. Prof. Nor made the session very interesting by emphasizing about the DNA Computing which has emerged in the recent years as an exciting new research field at the intersection of Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics and Engineering. The speaker also discussed about the possibilities and opportunities of the research collaboration with AMU students. The lecture given by the Guest speaker was very informative for all the teachers as well as students. Prof. Mohammad Kamarujjama, Chairperson, Department of Applied Mathematics, gave the initial remarks. Prof Kamarujjama said that it was a great experience to be a part of such an informative session and more sessions of such kind would definitely change the way of working. The lecture ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Prof. Shamshad Husain.


The following speakers were invited to deliver lectures to under graduate and post graduate students under TEQIP-II program:

Prof. M. A. Sofi, Department of Mathematics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar (February 5-6, 2013)

Prof. Peeyush Chandra, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT, Kanpur (March 28, 2012)

Prof. Karmeshu, JNU, New Delhi (March 31, 2012)

Chairman and Professor