अनुप्रयुक्त गणित का विभाग

सेमिनार / कॉन्फ्रेंस / कार्यशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :15/02/2025
National Mathematics Day 2023

The Department of Applied Mathematics celebrated the ‘National Mathematics Day’ on December 22, 2023 to mark the birth anniversary of the Eminent Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan.

The celebrations aim at spreading awareness about the importance of mathematics and the contributions made by Srinivasa Ramanujan, in the field of mathematics. Prof. Mohammad Kamarujjama, Head, Department of Applied Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University explained the significance and relevance of National Mathematics Day.

As part of the celebration, "Oral Presentation Competition" was organized, led by Prof. Nabiullah Khan as convener and Dr. Zubair Khan and Dr. Ghazala Yasmin as coordinators.

The students of Ph.D. from Department of Applied Mathematics and Department of Mathematics participated in Oral Presentation Competition on the themes “Mathematics for everyone”, Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology” and “Srinivasa Ramanujan: The man who knew infinity” and the prize was bagged by:

  • Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (Ph.D student, Department of Applied Mathematics) secured 1st Position.

  • Mr. Aaqib Ayoub Bhat (Ph.D student, Department of Mathematics) secured 2nd Position.

The Program started with the welcome address by Dr. Ghazala Yasmin, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics.

The Guest Speaker of the event Professor M. A. Pathan, Former Chairman, Department of Mathematics, AMU delivered his talk on “Ramanujan Conjucture and Numbers”. He briefly sheds light on Ramanujan’s life and contributions in Mathematics especially to the number theory. He shared his personal experiences and incident related to Ramanujan and his work which inspired one and all present in the lecture.

Prize distributions were done by the guest speaker Professor M. A. Pathan. The participants were given certificates while the winners received position certificates.

The function was conducted by Dr. Sabiha Tabassum, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics.

Finally the event concluded with vote of thank by Dr. Zubair Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics. All the faculty members, staff and students attended and contributed to make the event a grand success.

National Mathematics Day 2022

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International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Biology, Analysis and Applications

Departments of Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, jointly organized following lectures under TEQIP II Program:

Departments of Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, jointly organized following lectures under TEQIP II Program: Date: February 5, 2013 Topic: Multiplication in Euclidean Space Speaker: M. A. Sofi, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Kashmir, J & K Date: February 6, 2013 Topic: The Importance of Proof in Mathematics Speaker: M. A. Sofi, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Kashmir, J & K Departments of Applied Mathematics organized following lectures under TEQIP II Program: Date: March 28, 2012 Topic: Why Mathematics for Engineers? Speaker: Peeyush Chandra, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, IIT, Kanpur, India Date: March 31, 2012 Topic: Information, Entropy and Maximum Entropy Framework Speaker: Karmeshu, Professor, School of Computer and Systems Sciences, Jawahar Lal Nehru University , New Delhi, India Date: March 31, 2012 Topic: Computational Probability and Monte-Carlo Methods Speaker: Karmeshu, Professor, School of Computer and Systems Sciences, Jawahar Lal Nehru University , New Delhi, India

Chairman and Professor