अनुप्रयुक्त गणित का विभाग

उपयोगी डाउनलोड

Dept. data last updated on :15/02/2025
2.4.2 Faculty Ph.D. Degree

5.2.2 Placement Certificate (2023-24)

5.2.1 UGC Net Certificates(2023-24)

4.3.1 Seminar

3.4.1 Research Methodology

3.4.1 RAC _ Ph.D. Students (2022-23)

3.3.2 National Mathematics Day 2023

3.1.5 Computer Lab

2.3.3 Mentee Mentor(2023-24)

1.4.2 Feedback (2023-24)

1.1.2 syllabus revision (2023-24)

List of retired_ faculty members_applied mathematics

2.4.2 Faculty Appointment letters

1.4.1Ph.D. Students Feedback 2022-23

2.3.3 Mentors (2022-23)

1.4.1 Feedback (2022-23)

Research Advisory Committee 2022-2023

Feedback Forms

NET/JRF Certificates

Mentors for B.Tech/M.Tech programme

National Mathematical Day 2022-2023

Subscription of Journal for the Seminar Library

Invited Lectures 2022-2023

Syllabus of Paper-I Research Methodology( AM-811)

Computer Invoice

Feedback Action Taken Report ( Learning)

Feedback Action Taken Report (Infrastructure)

Mentor A1B Dr. Zubair Khan

Mentor A1B Dr. Feeroz Babu

Mentor A1B Dr. Mohammad Salahuddin Khan

Mentor A1B Dr. Ghazala Yasmin

Mentor A1A Dr. Mumtaz Riyasat

Mentor A1A Dr. Kamran Khan

Mentor A1A Dr.Sabiha Tabassum

Metor A1A Raiquddin

Collaborative Works

Fellowship Award 2021-2022

Award 2021-2022

2.4.2 Ph.D. Degree Dept of App Math

award 2020-2021

Feedback analysis(2020-2021)

10.1.3 B.O.S Meeting Minutes of the Department of Applied Mathematics(2017-2021)

2.3.1 tutorial sheet

4.1.3 Main front of the department _ Photo

4.1.3 Seminar Library Photo

4.1.3 Computer Lab Photo

4.1.1SoPs for Seminar Library

3.6.1. Extension lectures in tabular form

3.1.1 Research Projects grants

2.3.1 Tutorial Schedule

5.1.2. students scholars department

5.1.1 PPT research fellowship certificates

5.1.1 research fellowship certificate

5.1.1. Complete Research Fellowship at a glance

4.4.2 SoPs for Office

4.4.2 Operational Manual

4.2.2 SoPs for Teaching

4.1.1 SoPs for Computer Lab

4.1.1 SoPs for Equipment

3.1.1 promotion of research

2.1 admission list of Ph.D. candidates

1.1.3 placements of Ph.D. students

1.1.2 percentage of course revision

1.1.1 minutes of course revision- tutorial

5.3.2 conferences attended by the Research Scholars

Course Revision Notice

Mid Semester Scheme

3.1.1 Research Advisory Committee(RAC)

5.3.2 Student Council Committee

research papers(revised)2014-2019

Foreign Travel Certificates

3.4.5 research publication_ faculty members(2014-2019)

3.3.2. Conferences & Seminars attended by faculties( during 2014 - 2019)

3.3.3 Teachers Awards Dept. of Applied Mathematics

Action Taken Report on Feedback 2018-2019

2.1.1 Demand Ratio and Ph.D. Admission_AMD

4.3.1 geo tagging Computer Lab and Seminar Library_AMD


3.4.4 Ph.D. Awarded Notification Dept of App Math

3.4.4 Ph.D. Awarded Dept of App Math

2.4.1 Teacher Appointment Dept of App Math

2.1.1Ph.D Admission Cancelled Notifications Dept of App Math

2.1.1 Ph.D. Admission during 2014-19Dept of App Math

3.1.4 Research Fellowship Certificates Dept App Math

6.3.4 Faculty Development Programme Dept_ App Math

6.3.2 Financial Support Dept_ App Math

5.2.2 Placement Dept _App Math

3.7.1. Collaborative Activites( Research )

3.7.1 Collaborative Activities( Co- supervisor)

3.4.6 Books and Chapters Dept _ App Math

3.4.5 Research Publications Dept _ App Math

3.4.4 Ph.D. Award Notification Dept _ App Math

3.4.4 Ph.D. Degree Awards Dept_ App Math

3.3.2 Conference Details Dept_ App Math

3.3.2 Extension Lecture Dept _ App Math

2.4.2 Research Guide Dept of App Math

1.2.1 New Courses Introduced Dept. of App. Math

1.1.2 Revised Syllabus Dept of App Math

1.1.2 Old Syllabus Dept of App Math

1.1.2Course Revision BOS of Dept.of Applied Mathematics

Useful downloads

Ph.D. Course Work_ Paper_I_AMD

Useful downloads

Syllabus of B.E(Evening) course

Useful downloads

Syllabi of B.Tech, B.E.(Evening) and M.Tech courses

Useful downloads

B.E. Syllabus_AMD

Useful downloads

Present_ Ph.D. Student_AMD

Useful downloads

M.Tech. Syllabus_AMD

Useful downloads

Ph.D. Entrance Syllabus_AMD

Useful downloads

B.Tech. Syllabus_AMD

Useful downloads

Syllabus of M.Tech. course

Chairman and Professor