व्यापार प्रशासन का विभाग
SOP: Chairperson’s Office Process
SOP: Student Grievance Redressal Process
Standard Operating Procedure and Guidelines
1. SOPs
and Guidelines for Safety during COVID-19
2. SOPs and Guidelines for
Summer Internship
3. SOPs and Guidelines for
Choice of Electives
4. SOPs and Guidelines for
Seminar Library
5. SOPs and Guidelines for
Book Bank
6. SOPs and Guidelines for
Computer Lab
7. SOPs and Guidelines for
Maintenance of Infrastructure & Facilities
8. SOP for Student Grievance
Redressal Process
9. SOP for Chairperson’s
10. SOP for office of
Dean, F/o Management Studies & Research
and Guidelines for Safety during Covid
During the ongoing pandemic, the teaching and non-teaching staff must
ensure compliance of all safety guidelines issued from time to time by the
World Health Organization, Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh
and the any related agency.
The following procedure
is to be adopted at the Department:
§ All
the staff members need to comply with the work schedules set by the
§ All
the staff members diligently read and follow the safety related instructions
issued by various functionaries of the University from time to time in the form
of circulars/notices/guidelines.
§ All
the staff members are encouraged to wear facemask at all times and use hand
sanitizers (contactless machines installed at various locations at the
facility) that has been provided at the workplace.
§ Chairman
office to ensure the regular disinfection of common areas such as meeting
rooms, pantry, reception lounge and toilets as recommended by the University
Health Officer.
§ Chairman
office to ensure that a log of disinfection and cleaning activities is
§ All
the staff members must practice social distancing (minimum 1 metre)
§ All
the staff members comply with staggered break time schedule as set by the
§ All
the staff members need to avoid unnecessary activities that require travel out
of the workplace.
§ Chairman
office to ensure that dedicated lidded trash bin is provided to employees for
safe disposal of used facemasks, gloves and tissue papers.
§ All
the staff members are encouraged to clean themselves before leaving the
and Guidelines for Summer Internship
An important component of MBA program is eight weeks summer training in
a reputed organization. During training, the students carry out an intensive
work on a specific management project assigned by the organization. The
students gain practical insight into working of the organization and the
organization, in turn, gets an opportunity to evaluate the worth of students.
The internship is done after MBA Part I, Sem II.
The following procedure is generally adopted:
Getting summer training offer: In
order to avail of summer training opportunities,
the Department invites companies for campus drives to select interns or
students may contact prospective companies on their own.
Companies send their
internship specifications and profile which is shared with the students by the
Training and Placement Office (TPO) of the Department.
Interested students are
asked to apply and send their CVs.
The CVs are shared with
the company.
Representatives of the
company may screen candidates through test or interview by visiting the campus
or it may be done telephonically or in online mode.
List of selected
candidates is displayed and offer letter shared with students. The offer letter
carries details of internship, company guidelines/rules, date of joining etc.
Student may accept the
offer and inform the company.
Offer through student’s own initiative:
Students may contact
companies of their choice directly.
A covering letter is
issued to the student from TPO of the Department in the name of the company.
Students may send their
CVs along with covering letter to their respective companies.
Representatives of the
company may screen candidates through test or interview by visiting the campus
or it may be done telephonically or in online mode.
Final decision
regarding selection and offer letter is shared by the company with the student
directly or sometimes through the Department. The offer letter carries details
of internship, company guidelines/rules, date of joining etc.
Student may accept the
offer and inform the company.
Proceeding for summer training: Students
are required to proceed for summer training and join as per dates indicated by
the company.
The student will carry
training related documents from the Department before proceeding. These include
a letter from TPO for the company, joining report, performance evaluation form,
summer training guidelines and their own offer letters.
Student will join the
company on the assigned date and complete joining formalities as prescribed by
the concerned company.
The joining report will
be sent to the Department after getting duly signed by the training supervisor
assigned by the company.
Summer training project
will be carried out as assigned by the company.
During the entire period of training, students are expected to
adhere to company guidelines and dos and don’ts.
Completion of summer training: On
completion of summer training, students will be required to:
Prepare a report for
the company (as per company guidelines).
Get a certificate of
completion of training from the company (to be submitted to the Department).
Get performance
evaluation form filled and signed by the supervisor (to be submitted to the
Complete other
formalities as suggested by the company.
Reporting back in the Department: After
completion of training, student will report back and join the Department for
Submission of training report: Students
are required to submit TWO copies of their summer training
project reports in the TPO of the Department.
The contents of the
report include broadly: Title Page, Certificate from the company, Declaration
certificate of the student, Acknowledgments, Preface, List of Tables/Exhibits,
Table of Contents, Main text (chapters of the report), References/Bibliography
and Appendices (Questionnaires used, Log table containing details of
daily/weekly activities, any other relevant document).
Project Report should
normally be around 50 pages, A4 size bond paper, Font Size 12 point and Times
New Roman font style. Fonts of headings may be one size bigger or may be in
One and half (1.5) line
spacing should be used for the body of the report, Margins: 4.0 cms on LHS and
2.5 cm on top, right and bottom sides.
All figures /
diagrams/graphs and charts should be labeled and sequentially numbered and be
referred to in the text.
In case of joint
projects, both students will have to submit two reports each. They are required
to inform the office about the same at the time of report submission.
Before final printing,
exhaustive proof reading should be done particularly for spelling and
grammatical mistakes. It is expected that students will take it up as a serious
academic exercise.
As per UGC rules,
reports will have to comply by the “NO PLAGIARISM” rule. Text should not be
copied from any source and any matter taken from books, journals or any other
source (including Websites etc.) should be mentioned in the references in the
end. Plagiarism test will be carried out using appropriate software and
plagiarism report will be submitted along with training report. Similarity
index allowed by UGC is upto 10%.
Students are advised to retain a personal copy of report for
their reference as the evaluated reports will not be returned back to the
students and will be kept in library.
Presentation of training project: Students
are required to present their summer training projects before a panel of
evaluators in the Department on the assigned date and time.
The student will make a
presentation of their project broadly focusing on title of the project, brief
profile of the company, project objectives, methodology, analysis and findings,
conclusions and implications, recommendations, limitations, future
directions etc. Key insights gained and learning acquired should be specially
Time allowed for making
presentation to each student is 15 minutes followed by queries and
In case of joint
projects, the time may be divided between the two students accordingly.
Students may bring
print-outs of questionnaires/research instruments used in their study for
distribution to the teachers/evaluators.
Presentations of all
students may take 2-3 days. Students should be present in all sessions on all
the days.
The panel of evaluators
may also ask for representation or resubmission of reports in case they find the
report/presentation is not up to mark.
The summer training report will be evaluated out of 60 marks by two
evaluators assigned by the Department. Remaining 40 marks shall be awarded on
the basis of report presentation.
In case if it is found that the training report/presentation/training
certificate/company evaluation report is not in order or there are doubts by
the evaluators on the authenticity of the work, the summer training may be
cancelled and the student may have to undergo fresh training next year.
and Guidelines for Choice of Electives
Notification is issued
regarding the choice of electives at the end of the 2nd Semester.
(Before the students proceeds for Summer Internship).
A Google form is
circulated to the student, specifying rules regarding choice of electives as
per the curriculum.
Students fill up and
submit the form
Based on the data, a
preliminary list of electives is prepared.
After the conclusion of
Summer Internship of the students and before the start of third-semester
classes, students are given a final opportunity to review and modify electives.
The list of electives
is finalized and circulated to the faculty, students and office of COE.
SOPs and Guidelines for Seminar Library
§ Books will be issued to individuals only and NOT to
§ Students of the Department who desire to use the
seminar library are required to enter his or her full name, faculty roll number
and time of entry legibly along with signature in the entry register.
§ The seminar library card is not transferable. If it is
lost, student must report to the seminar library in-charge immediately. Student
concerned will be held responsible for the misuse of his or her seminar library
§ In case of loss/damage/disfiguring/tearing of pages of
library books, students will be charged twice the prevailing cost of the book.
So, ensure that you are not receiving any book else, report it to the library
§ Users should not deface, cut, mutilate or damage library
materials (including documents) in any form. If found guilty, users will be
charged double the cost of that particular material.
§ Newspapers and magazines must be read only in the
library on specific tables and should not be taken to any other reading areas.
§ Readers should not mark, underline, write or tear
pages or damage the seminar library documents in any other way.
§ Documents taken out of the shelves must be left on the
table. Replacing the documents on the shelves by users is not encouraged as the
documents may get misplaced.
§ No library material can be taken out of the seminar
library without the permission of library in-charge.
§ Readers are advised to handle property of seminar
library carefully and to avoid any damage and disturbance to other users and
§ Use of mobile phones is not allowed. If readers wish
to carry their mobile phones during their visits to the seminar library, mobile
phones must be turned off or muted.
§ Without the permission of seminar library In-charge,
non-member cannot use the seminar library.
§ The discretion/decision of seminar library In-charge
on any matter pertaining to seminar library services will be binding on the
§ Food or use of
tobacco in any form is STRICTY PROHIBITED in the library.
§ Eating,
sleeping and talking loudly is strictly prohibited in the seminar. Students are
required to maintain decorum in the library.
§ Anyone who
violates the guidelines of the seminar library may be deferred from using the
seminar library facilities or other punishments due for breach of Students’
Conduct and Discipline Rule.
SOPs and Guidelines for Book Bank
The book Bank facility
is provided to all the MBA students.
Through this facility,
at least one textbook in each subject is supplied.
This facility is
available on payment of a hiring charge and is voluntary.
Notification is issued
at the commencement of the academic session.
Students are required
to fill-up the form and deposit the required fee
Books are provided
during office hours for a specified period.
Students are required
to return the issued books after the conclusion of the examination.
SOPs and Guidelines for Computer Lab
§ Lab users must sign in and out of the lab.
§ Mobile phones must be turned off. If students need to
use mobile phones, they may go to hallways.
§ Electronic devices should be used cautiously and with
§ Priority will be given for course-related use of
computers in the labs.
§ Activities in the lab(s) that are considered by the
lab aides to be abusive to the software, hardware and/or personnel may result
in expulsion from the lab(s) and denial of future use of the lab(s).
§ Lab aides maintain lab operations and provide help
when they can. However, lab aides are not in the labs to perform students’
work. Lab aides will refer students to lab in-charge at lab aides’ discretion.
§ Software may be installed by computer lab staff only.
Students are not allowed to install any software on their own. Files not
uploaded by computer lab staff will be routinely removed.
§ Students are not allowed to modify any software or
§ Copying software without appropriate authorization
violates the guidelines. Illegal use of materials in labs is ground for denial
of use of labs and confiscation of illegally used materials.
§ For any hardware, software, printer, paper or ink
related problems, students may contact lab-in-charge.
§ Any failure to follow the given guidelines will result
in the loss of lab privileges.
§ To secure internet connection provided by the
University, students may visit the webpage of Prof. M. N. Faruqui Computer
Centre on AMU website.
§ Food or use of tobacco in any form is STRICTY
PROHIBITED in the lab.
§ Eating, sleeping and talking loudly is strictly
prohibited in the seminar. Students are required to maintain decorum in the
§ Anyone who violates the guidelines of the computer lab
may be deferred from using the lab facilities or other punishments due for
breach of Students’ Conduct and Discipline Rule.
SOPs and Guidelines for Maintenance of
Infrastructure & Facilities
Upkeep and regular maintenance of the facility is the key responsibility
of the office.
The following procedure
is to be adopted at the Department:
Chairperson office shall ensure routine
cleaning and upkeep of lecture theatres
& classrooms, common room, seminar library, computer lab, corridors &
staircase, faculty chambers, faculty meeting room, office, conference room,
research scholars’ section, reception lounge, palm court, amphitheatre and garden/lawns.
Routine to be followed for Lecture Theatres & Classrooms, Girls’
Common Room, Faculty Meeting Room and Seminar Library.
Task |
Frequency |
Dust mop
tile floors |
Daily |
door handles (inside and outside) |
Daily |
trash receptacle |
Daily |
and clean furniture |
Daily |
chalkboards and chalk trays |
Daily |
monitor/overhead projector |
Daily |
Check for
burned out lights |
Daily |
floor of the classroom |
Weekly |
Wipe all
horizontal surfaces, including students’ desks |
Weekly |
Check AC |
Weekly |
Wash trash
receptacles |
Monthly |
Dust light
fixtures and clock |
Monthly |
Routine to be followed for Computer Lab, Research Scholars’ Section
and Conference Room
Task |
Frequency |
Dust mop
tile floors |
Daily |
Wet mop on
floors |
Daily |
trash/waste pot |
Daily |
and clean furniture |
Daily |
and clean all sinks and fixtures |
Daily |
Clean all
working surfaces |
Daily |
Dusting of
machine/equipment |
Daily |
walls, doors, and windows |
Weekly |
Wash trash
receptacles and sanitary boxes |
Weekly |
Check AC |
Weekly |
ceiling and light fixtures |
Monthly |
Routine to be followed for Corridors & Staircases
Task |
Frequency |
Clean and disinfect
drinking water cooler |
Daily |
trash receptacle |
Daily |
Mop floor |
Daily |
Grills |
Daily |
doors, horizontal surfaces, windows and walls |
Weekly |
Skylight of Faculty block |
Quarterly |
Clean mats
and grids under mats (if any) |
Quarterly |
ceiling area and light fixtures |
Quarterly |
Staircase |
Daily |
Routine to be followed for Offices, Dean’s Chamber, Chairperson’s
Chamber & Faculty Chambers
Task |
Frequency |
trash receptacle |
Daily |
Mop floor
& dust mop |
Daily |
Check AC |
Weekly |
Dust mop
and wet mop the entire floor |
Monthly |
Wipe down
window ledges |
Monthly |
Wet mop
tile floors |
Monthly |
ceiling area and light fixtures |
Monthly |
Wash trash
receptacle |
Yearly |
Routine to be followed for Reception Lounge
Task |
Frequency |
trash receptacle |
Daily |
Dust mop
floors |
Daily |
Dust all
horizontal surfaces |
Daily |
floors(wet) |
Daily |
door handles (inside and outside) |
Daily |
Dust mop
and wet mop the entire area |
Weekly |
Check AC |
Weekly |
Dust mop
portraits |
Weekly |
ceiling area and light fixtures |
Monthly |
Routine to be followed for Garden/Lawns, Palm Court & Amphitheatre
Task |
Frequency |
Sweep all
surfaces including the footpath |
Daily |
of struck-off leaves stems etc. |
Daily |
trash receptacle |
Daily |
Cutting of
grass, shrubs, herbs etc. |
Weekly |
Dumping of
plant waste |
Weekly |
Entrusted cleanliness personnel to submit
requirement of material to the Chairperson’s office on a weekly basis.
During the weekly and monthly review by
the UDC any requirement of repair/civil work shall be communicated to the
After the review by the Chairperson,
specific requirements shall be communicated to the Building Department of the
University for necessary action.