व्यापार प्रशासन का विभाग
इस क्षेत्र में हैं
The Department has been at the forefront of management education for several decades. It has focused on teaching and research in core areas like general and strategic management, marketing, finance, human resource, operations and IT. With changing requirements of time, several new teaching and research domains have been added.
Entrepreneurship Development
In the wake of economic liberalization, institutes of higher education are playing an increasingly vital role in the overall development of the society. In order to make optimal use of facilities, expertise and know-how available in these institutions for the benefit of the society, it is necessary that appropriate links are established between them and the industry. In addition, young graduates are also looking out for opportunities to exploit their full potential by setting up their own ventures thus becoming "job generators" rather than "job seekers".
Thus, it is necessary to develop
mechanisms so that academic institutions
focus their attention on entrepreneurship
& self-employment. It is important to fill the gaps in the form of focused
programmes to inculcate entrepreneurial spirit amongst management graduates.
Many MBA students choose entrepreneurship as their final year elective and
focus on pursuing entrepreneurship as a career option by choice. Thus, they
would be able to participate directly in the economic development of the country.
Islamic Finance
The world had not yet come out of the 2008-10 financial crisis completely when the Euro zone crisis started threatening to wreck the world’s financial system. The global economic recession induced by the Covid-19 crisis has further exacerbated the world economy. The world has been looking for a more robust and stable financial system.
Islamic Finance based on the principles of justice and equity offers an alternative. Islamic finance disapproves debt financing and its trading and promotes equity finance. It rules out speculative and derivative instruments behind complex financial products. It promotes risk sharing not risk shifting. It disapproves making money from money and casino economics. In short, it is a value-based financial system, having the potential to make the world a safer place to live in. According to information released by Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI), the industry includes 284 Islamic financial institutions which operate in thirty eight countries and manage US$178.5 billion. In order to meet the demand for human resources trained in Islamic Finance, institutions offering courses in Islamic Finance have proliferated.
India has the second largest muslim population in the world. The religious sanction against interest prevents a chunk of the Muslim population to stay out of the ambit of financial system. RaghuramRajan committee had suggested introduction of Islamic banking operations in India for financial inclusion of muslims. As of now no Islamic bank is in operation but Islamic Finance has taken off. There are many Shariah Compliant financial products that are available in India.Realizing the need to have a barometer of performance of Shariah compliant investments, BSE, in collaboration with TASIS has launched TASIS Shariah 50 Index in 2010. These developments auger well for Islamic Finance in India.
Hospital Administration
is one of the fastest growing sectors in the entire world.Healthcare
industry comprises of hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing,
telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance and medical equipment.The hospital industry in India is expected
to reach $132 bn by 2023; growing at a CAGR of 16-17%.Owing to the Covid-19
pandemic, the importance of seamless delivery and reach of healthcare has
become an extremely crucial issue. As healthcare
industry continues to expand, there will be more need for professionals who can
manage healthcare delivery.The
existing gap between the discipline of medicine and management, and the future
requirements of professionals who can drive healthcare businesses has
necessitated focusing attention towards health management. Considering a surge
in the industry, the Department has introduced MBA (Hospital Administration) to
inculcate a blend of
management skills and healthcare
New-age management skills
Keeping pace with market and industry needs, the Department has adopted teaching and research with focus on several emerging areas. These include big data analytics, HR analytics, social media marketing, sports marketing, design thinking, spreadsheet modelling, critical thinking skills, strategic human resource, behavioural finance among others. The curriculum has been redesigned with a renewed focus on developing new age management skills compatible with the ever-evolving corporate landscape.