Department of Cardiology

Completed Research Projects

Dept. data last updated on :20/07/2024

Project Title :

A double Blind Randomized, Active Controlled, Parallel Group, Comparative Phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Azelnidipine versus Amlodipine in newly Diagnosed Patients with mild to moderate Essential Hypertension.

Funding Agency :

Industry Funded

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. M. U. Rabbani

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Comparison of pulmonary functions between smokers and nonsmokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Funding Agency :

Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mohammad Rafi Anwar

Co- Principal Investigator :

Dr. Zulquarnain

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Time to Reperfusion therapies in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and identification of factors responsible for delays

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr Malik M Azharuddin

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Chairman and Professor