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सेमिनार / कॉन्फ्रेंस / कार्यशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :11/03/2025
Capability Building Workshop at Department of Commerce

Aligarh, June 30: Commerce students of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) enhanced skills, knowledge and understanding of resources needed to do jobs competently to obtain better results in the ‘Case Based Teaching and Learning’ Capability Building Workshop of the Department of Commerce. 

The resource persons, Dr Mohammad Rishad Faridi (Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia) and Prof Saloni Sinha and Dr Surbhi Cheema from BIMTECH, Greater Noida said: “In this workshop, students captured a solid picture of their capabilities, outlined potential career options that can be pursued, framed approaches to build targeted capabilities and defined what they need to be successful. 

Dr Mohammad Rishad also spoke about case studies as effective tools for teaching and learning pedagogy, Prof Saloni talked about the importance of art-based learning and creative confidence and Dr Surbhi presented the analytical poll results of the workshop.

Prof Nasir Zamir Qureshi (Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Workshop Patron) remarked: Case-based learning workshops significantly help the students in their development, giving them a clear picture of how to use their talent for executing key initiatives and achieving goals.

“Case based approach engages students in discussion of specific scenarios that resemble real-world examples. This is a learner-centered method involving intense interaction between participants for learning complex problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork-collaboration and cognitive and affective comprehension”, Prof Nawab Ali Khan (Chairman, Department of Commerce and Workshop Director) pointed out. 

In the workshop, student participants in groups were made to study the Case, ‘Artfully Yours – A Case Study of Creatively Omnipresent and Versatile Inclusive Design (COVID)’ by Slam Out Loud’ under the mentorship of Dr Mohd Shoeb, Dr Ahmed Musa Khan, Dr Aslam Khan, Dr Nayyer Rahman and Dr Neshat Anjum.

Jigyasa Labroo (Co-founder, Slam Out Loud) interacted with students and answered their queries.

Dr Sheema Tarab, Dr Mohd Saeem Khan, Dr Aslam Khan and Dr Ahmed Musa Khan coordinated the programme.

SURE (Stimulating Urban Renewal through Entrepreneurship) Workshop

Workshop commenced on 15th May, 2022 at the Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh. The Workshop shall run a twelve-week program (on Sundays) aiming to provide an educational platform that facilitates a value-added partnership between students, industry experts, and entrepreneurs from under-resourced communities. Consequently, this Workshop will produce socially engaged students who will develop empathy, critical thinking, and vital soft skills, simultaneously stimulating urban renewal by empowering entrepreneurs in under-resourced communities.

The SURE is also offered to local entrepreneurs and skilled or trained individuals, emphasizing women, low- to moderate-income earners, who require entrepreneurial insights. It inculcates financial literacy and entrepreneurship to those in Aligarh city or nearby wanting to start or grow/strengthen a small business. At the end of the workshop, we connect the participants with local Microfinance and other financial institutions so that they can launch or grow their small businesses.

Virtual Workshop on "Basics of Econometrics on 13 to 13 May 2020

Virtual workshop on 'Basics of Econometrics' from 13th to 14th May, 2020

one-week national workshop on the theme Skills Trends and Skill Needs in Tourism Sector in India from 23rd – 28th September 2019

Regional Seminar on Financial Inclusion through Financial Education

Seminar on 'Career Challenges for Women in Post Covid19 World' on 3rd September, 2020

Regional Seminar on Financial Inclusion through Financial Education

‘Goods and Services Tax: Emerging Issues and Challenges’ on February 24, 2018

Lecture on Islamic perspective of Leadership and motivation by Prof Khaliq Ahmad, IIUM On 28th February 2017

International Webinar on Invisible Opportunities Post Covid-19 on 15th May, 2020

'Water Conservation' Awareness Program

Online Faculty Development Program on Digitalisation of Education Content Through Open Source Tools from 6th to 10th Aug, 2020

Online Professional Training on Teaching-Learning Process using Virtual Platforms from 16th to 21st Aug, 2020

Online Faculty Development Program on Open Source Tools for Online Teaching from 20th to 24th July, 2020

A Colloquium on the Aftermath of COVID 19 on Indian Corporate Sector 13th June to 14th June 2020 (Virtual)

The Untold Story of Jamia Millia Islamia RCA Growth – 28th June 2020

Webinar on Management of Frozen World & Melting Economies – Malaysia Panel – 4th May 2020

Webinar on Innovation and Development in Academia: A perspective of Oman – 8th May 2020

Webinar on Management of Frozen World & Melting Economies – International Panel – 11th May 2020

Webinar on Management of Frozen World & Melting Economies – Indonesia Panel – 12th May 2020

Seminar on Derivatives and Risk Dynamics: The Changing Horizons – 3rd October 2020 (Virtual)

Workshop on Mastering Inner Games – 18th July 2020 (Virtual)

Panel Discussion on Union Budget 2021 – 6th March 2021 (Virtual)

National Conference - Working Women in Unorganized Sector: Issues & Challenges in Contemporary India

Aligarh, March 6: Deliberations on informal sector as a greater source of employment for women and their coping mechanisms in the social and economic situation, were made in the National Conference on 'Working Women in Unorganized Sector: Issues and Challenges in Contemporary India' organised by the Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).

Speaking as the chief-guest of the inaugural function, Retired Indian Economic Services Officer, Dr Renu Singh Parmar stressed on the policy concerns for women working in unorganized sector.

She discussed the expectations of working women from the new labour code.

In the keynote address, Prof Sabiha Hussain, Director, Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women's Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia spoke on the sociological and gender perspectives prevalent in the unorganised sector.

"Women still remain poor and underpaid in the labour sector," she pointed out while speaking on policy challenges.

Presiding over the inaugural function, renowned paediatrician, Dr Hameeda Tariq shed light on the multitasking ability of women and the need for recognition, irrespective of the sector.

Subhash Bhatnagar, Founder Member, Nirmana Group emphasised the need of labour identity cards for working women and regulations in the unorganised sector through community engagement.

Prof Imran Saleem, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Convener of the conference briefed on the conference theme.

Prof Nawab Ali Khan, Chairman, Department of Commerce delivered the welcome address and Prof Asiya Chaudhary, Organising Secretary of the Conference extended the vote of thanks.

'Skill Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship', a book authored by Dr Mohd Shoeb and a Conference Souvenir were also released in the inaugural function, said Prof Mohd Mohsin Khan, the Conference Chairman.

Dr Nishat Anjum conducted the programme, which was spread over six technical sessions.

Sarika Saxena, a well known entrepreneur of defence equipments was the chief-guest in the valedictory session, which also featured a keynote lecture by Preeti Maheshwari, the brand ambassador of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan in Aligarh.

The chief-guest and the keynote speaker shared entrepreneurial experiences in the unorganised sector during the valedictory programme.

Capacity Building Programme for Faculty Members in Commerce and Social Sciences

Capacity Building Programme for Faculty Members in Commerce and Social Sciences September 11th â?? 24th, 2014 A two weeks Capacity Building Programme For Faculty Members In Commerce And Social Sciences have been organized by the Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from September 11th -24th, 2014, sponsored by ICSSR, MHRD, New Delhi . The Course Directors of the programme are Prof. Mohd Mohsin Khan and Dr. Asiya Chaudhary. The objective of this workshop is develop research capabilities among young faculties and to turn completed research into publishable material in the form of journal articles/books, specifically, to develop capacity for conceptualizing and writing research proposals. The programme also aims at improving research skills and competence of the young social scientists to undertake research. The course also introduces applied statistics such as descriptive statistics, correlations, regression analysis, factor analysis, principal component, ethnography and uses & applications of computers and relevant software for researches in social science.

Training at Commerce Department

Training at Commerce Department

Interactive Session of B.Com. Final Year on 30.10.2017

Interactive Session of B.Com. Final Year on 30.10.2017


PARYATAN PARV, SEMINAR ON DISCOVERING DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF TOURISM Organized by Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University (24th Oct 2017)

Chairman and Professor