Department of Education - Malappuram
To identify the existence of a multiplicity of scientific methods, interrelationships between science and technology among the various disciplines of science.
To equip prospective teachers and scholars with the latest and the advanced materials and supplies.
To provide first-hand experience in observation and manipulation of the materials of science.
To understand the nature of science - scientific enterprise, scientists and how they work.
To meet the individual differences of students including high and low achievers.
B.Ed. students.
All the Prospective teachers are required to make an entry in to the Log register every time before using the equipment and chemicals.
Equipment issued to the students for specific purpose are to be returned in good working condition after the use.
· Chemicals of the Science Lab will not be issued to carry out of the Lab.
· The lab in-charge is authorized to check the working condition of the issued equipment when it is returned.
· Before using a piece of equipment of Chemicals for the first time, seek training from the Lab In-charge.
· A breakage and order register is maintained in the lab where broken equipment and order placed are recorded with the students’ and teachers’ signature.
Food, drinks and
refreshments are not allowed
in the lab and are strictly
· Talking loudly and using of mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the Science Lab.
· You are Not Permitted to replace, relocate or make any damage to the equipment in the lab.
· Problems related to the Science Lab should be reported to the Lab In-charge immediately.
· Users are expected to keep the Lab neat and tidy.
· Users can give their suggestion in the Suggestion Book placed in the Lab
· Soliciting your support to ensure smooth functioning of the Lab.
Procedures of using Science Lab:
- Read all procedures and associated safety information prior to conducting any experiment.
- Perform only those experiments authorized by your subject teacher.
- Do not use damaged electrical equipment. Report if there is any damaged electrical equipment in the lab to the lab in-charge.
- Active experiments should not be left unattended like anything being heated or is visibly reacting.
- Always practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands after removing gloves, before leaving the laboratory, and after handling potentially hazardous material.
- While working in the laboratory, wear personal protective equipment - eye protection, gloves, and laboratory coat - as directed by your subject teacher.
- Properly segregate and dispose of all laboratory waste in the bin.
- Clean and decontaminate all laboratory pieces of equipment, table tops, bench tops, cabinets, and shelves
General lab safety rules
- Ensure you are fully aware of the building's evacuation procedures.
- Make sure you know where your lab's safety equipment is, which includes first aid kit(s), fire extinguishers etc.
- Know emergency phone numbers to use to call for help in case of an emergency.
- Dress for work in the laboratory. Wear clothing and shoes that cover exposed skin and protect from potential splashes. Tie back loose long hair, avoid dangling jeweler.
- For females, secure your shawl and stoles with safety pins; avoid anything loose that may catch fire.
- Never wear sandals, slippers or other open-toed shoes in the lab. Footwear should always cover the foot completely.
- Note:
ü Plan your work during regular working hours.
ü This will ensure that one is not alone for prolonged periods. Working alone leaves one more vulnerable in case of accidents or injuries.
ü Do not operate any equipment or conduct experiments without prior training.
ü If you are still unsure of a particular procedure, get help from your subject teacher or in-charge of the Lab.
ü Note down protocols or make copies of the SOPs to refer to whenever in doubt.
AMU Centre, Malappuram, Kerala Department of Education has a well-established curricula lab. The curriculum provides educational materials and resources to students and faculty. It has a variety of resources viz Copies of Policies, Commissions, Committees, NCFs and NCFTs which Is helpful for the students to get the right perspective of curriculum, develop lesson plans, class assignments and design presentations. The resources in the lab assist the students in understanding the full scope of what is necessary to become an exemplary teacher and contribute to the success of the education, health and human service students in preparing the coursebook.
To develop understanding, interest, attitude and skills which would enable him/her to promote all round development of children under his/her care.
To develop a positive teaching attitude among the trainees.
To cater for the need for diverse knowledge and learnings.
To gain adequate knowledge of the subject matter
To make a balance between theory and practical works.
To develop a holistic approach to the teaching-learning process.
To equip the pupil-teachers with required pedagogical skills.
1. All the faculty members of the department of education are communicated to submit
requisitions for books based on the curriculum.
3. Depending on the requisitions raised, vendors are selected.
3. Comparative statement is prepared and sent for the approval of the Director.
4. After the budget is sanctioned, books are procured and entry is done in the accession register.
5. After the stock entry the books are placed in the respective racks and available for the students'utilisation.
6. Lab in-Charge ensures that the availability of print copies of Committees, Commissions, Policies, NCFs, NCFTEs and recent developments regarding curriculum policy.
Membership of the lab
All the B.Ed students of the Centre become members of the lab after their enrolment into the course offered by the University.
General Rules:
1. Maintain silence in the lab.
2. Don’t displace books/documents in racks. Each book/document is located at its designated location.
3. Handle books/documents carefully.
4. Students should not write upon, damage or mark any book and documents belonging to
Rules and Regulations:
1. Lab opens on all working days.
2. Working and transactions hours: 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM (except Friday).
3. Working and the transaction hours (Friday ) 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
4. Book lending period is 15 days for Students and Staff two months.
5. One rupee fine will be charged for each day if a student doesn't return the book on the return date.
6. Policy documents related to the curriculum can not issue to any student. Students can't learn it only by sitting in the lab only.
The National Curriculum Framework (2005) has been termed Work Experience as Work Education and makes it an integral component of the school education system. Work experience provides both knowledge and skills through well-structured and graded programmes, which helps learners on their entry into the world of work. Work Education is a distinct curricular area for providing children with opportunities for participation in social and economic activities inside and outside the classroom, which enables them to understand scientific principles and procedures involved in different types of work. The productive manual work experience is being drawn from the area of health and hygiene, food, shelter, clothing, recreation and community service. The competencies to be developed in this field include knowledge, understanding, practical skills and values through need based life activities. Introduction of Pre-vocational courses get a prominent place at this stage. Work Education restores the dignity and respect of all types of manual work, promoting self- sufficiency and self-reliance in meeting one’s daily needs and those of one’s family and community, increasing productivity through the development of proper work skills and values, and promoting commitment to the welfare of the society through suitable programme of social work or community service
Objectives :
● To develop a feeling of positivity towards manual work.
● To acquaint students with socially useful productive work activities in the community.
● To make students understand about the facts and scientific principles involved in various forms of work.
● To develop a sense of respect for the diverse nature of work around us.
● To infuse ideals which don't discriminate between different forms of works.
● To take the Gandh Ji’s work and craft message forward.
● To understand the needs of a technologically advancing society in terms of productive processes and skills.
● To understand the processes of planning and organization of productive work.
● To develop abilities for self-evaluation of performance and for entrepreneurship.
● To develop proper work ethics such as regularity, punctuality, honesty, dedication, discipline, etc.
Organization Formation & Operation -
1. Announcements - Teacher In-Charge submits proposal to the Coordinator for Approval of Lab's programs and activities.
2. All fourth semester B. Ed
students are members of the Work Experience Lab. A few students are part of the
core team which is entrusted to finalize the schedule of the programs and
activities. Club in- Charge submits the tentative plan of event, date, and
budget to the coordinator of the Department. The Faculty Coordinator then
presents the proposal to the Director of the Centre for final approval. Club
in-Charge must also be present at all official club meetings, events,
activities, etc.
Team and Students conveners
● A core committee comprises 4 students and 2 student conveners with a fine balance of male and female students who indicate interest to serve on.
● Shall maintain the Lab’s inventories
● Shall be responsible for taking attendance during the activities.
The activities include:
● Programme for the satisfaction of day to day needs of the students and their families.
● A programme for sensitization students towards their responsibility to satisfy the community needs.
● Organises pre-vocational skill development programmes.
● Campus clean program
● Tree plantation drive.
● Health and hygiene program.
● PPT presentation
● Poster competition
● Cooking competition
To provide guidelines and instruction to prospective teachers physical fitness and awareness about importance of maintaining good health.
To develop right concepts about health and factors influencing health
To understand the concept of physical education, physical fittness and its objectives
To Acquire knowledge of working of different organs involved in various functions of human body
To Identify the role of institutions in physical education
To Help student teachers to realize the effects of drugs, tobacco. Smoking, and alcohol on human body.
To Acquire knowledge of various communicable diseases and be able to protect from them.
To Acquire knowledge of common accidents occurring in colleges, home and community and first day aid measures related to them.
To orient the B.Ed. students in assessing structural and functional aspects of human physiology during exercise through various scientific equipment.
Hours of Operation for Students,
• The facility will be available during the department working hours and in the presence of the lab in charge (If the lab in-charge is on leave, in the presence of the officially deputed staff).
• Current University students only can access the facility
Use of physical education equipments only permitted in the presence and supervision of in charge teacher
Scans the Room:
• Continually scan all rooms while members are in the rooms
• Scan for potential problems, inappropriate use of equipment
• Report any equipment issues on the Log Sheet.
• users remainds to put equipment at the designated places.
Physical Education Lab Rules:
1) No Food or Eating
2) No Bags - All Bags Left Outside
3) No Spikes or Cleats - Plastic Included
4) Wipe-Off Equipment with Spray After Use
5)The use of the facility in any form and purpose is only permissible with the prior permission of the authority.
6) Acceptable body temperature and optimal health condition must check and confirm to permit the facility.
Physical Education lab in charge enquire
conditions like hypertension,
post-surgery, skin problems, pregnancy, cardiac issues etc. before allowing
anyone to use the facility.
8) Do & don’t rules that are appropriate to the particular laboratory should be written and displayed in the labs.
9) Before the commencement of work, each student should sign the entry and that they have understood the rules and regulations
10) All laboratory equipment is registered in the stock register of the department.
11) Students' health status is given a check prior to their participation in any activity.
12) If Rules are not Followed, appropriate action will be administered by the competent authorities.
13) All students are required to note down their entry with a signature prior to the commencement of the work with the undertaking that they will follow the rules and regulations of the lab.
The facilities in the Social Science Lab are available during the working hours on all days from 8 am to 4 pm, except Friday (from 8.00 am to 12 pm). The students of B.Ed. can avail the lab facilities in the period allotted to the Physical Education’ in their respective timetable.
The field of educational psychology relies heavily on quantitative methods, including testing and measurement, to enhance educational activities related to instructional design, classroom management, and assessment, which serve to facilitate learning processes in various educational settings.
per the guidelines of the NCTE (National Council of Teacher Education), the
Department of Education, Malappuram centre has a well-equipped Psychology
Laboratory to train student-teachers in various
psychological assessment techniques and acquaint them with the concept of
standardized tests. The laboratory is equipped with different
apparatus/equipment/instruments for conducting different psychological
experiments. Pictures and quotes of eminent psychologists are also available in
this lab.
The Main objectives of Psychology Laboratory are:
· To enable the students to understand the way of conducting psychological experiments.
· To give practical experiences to B.Ed. students teachers in regard to some of the psychological concepts and principles.
· To enable the B.Ed. students to apply scientific methods for the solution of psychological problems in psychological laboratories.
· To give B.Ed. students’ firsthand experience with regard to the conducting of psychological test administration in their classroom situation in future.
· To enable B.Ed students to apply the knowledge of various psychological experiments and tests in school situations.
· To train students for using psychological tests for research work.
· To find individual differences among their students using various psychological tests/scales.
· To provide training in administering, scoring and interpreting various psychological tests/scales.
· To create a psychologically sound and conducive teaching-learning environment.
· To provide personal, educational and vocational guidance to their students in future by administering various psychological tests/scales
All the B.Ed students of the Department of Education have access to lab equipment/instruments and tests/scales with strict adherence to the SOPs.
Standard Operating Procedure of Psychology Laboratory
· Only bonafide Students are allowed to use the Psychology Lab.
· B.Ed. Students have access to lab equipments/instruments and tests/scales to use in designated course curriculum and getting first hand training.
· All the Students, Research Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows are required to make an entry in the Log register every time before using/borrowing equipments/instruments and tests/scales in the Psychology Lab.
· A request for issuing equipment/instrument and test/scale will be made by the student on prescribed Performa.
· The Lab In charge will issue the equipment after verifying its workability.
· Not working/obsolete equipments/instruments will not be issued and the process for their repair/condemnation will be initiated by the Lab assistant as per rule.
· Psychology teacher/Lab In-Charge will demonstrate the steps involved for operating an equipment/instrument, before the students will be allowed to use it independently or in groups.
· After completion of the experiment, the equipment/instrument will be returned with the confirmation that it is in working condition. Lab Assistant will verify its workability before placing it at the designated Almirah/showcase.
· If there are any issues/problems related to functioning of equipment/instrument, it should be reported to the Lab In-Charge immediately.
· Psychology teachers will illustrate and elaborate the administrative and scoring procedures to be followed for a test/scale, before students are allowed to use it on their own.
· After completion of the experiment, the test/scale will be returned in proper condition. The Lab Incharge will verify its condition before placing it at the designated Almirah/showcase.
· All students have to follow proper precautions while using any equipment/instrument and test/scale.
· Food, drinks and refreshments are strictly prohibited in the Psychology Lab.
· Shouting, loudly talking, use of cell phones or listening to music is strictly prohibited in the Psychology Lab.
· Equipments/instruments and tests/scales in the Psychology Lab may not be relocated or disassembled without permission of the Lab In-Charge.
· The Psychology Lab resources are prohibited from usage for any illegal or disruptive purposes.
· Be considerate to other users in the Psychology Lab.
· Users are expected to keep the Lab neat and tidy.
· Professionalism is expected from students, and Lab In-Charge such as the use of appropriate language and proper dress, being prompt for scheduled hours, polite and courteous treatment of fellows and research participants, and the maintenance of a positive and helpful attitude.
· We need to solicit your support to make this endeavour a success.
· The facilities in the Psychology Lab are available during the working hours on all days (from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm), except on Friday (from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm).
· B.Ed students avail the lab facilities in Psychology periods allotted in the Time Table.
Man is a social animal. Important
functions of education is to help one child for socialization. In this
regard Social Science has increasing its
relevance. Social Science Labs will help to learn social science in a
systematic and effective way to develop students knowledge, skills and attitude
for constructing a progressive society. The education department of AMU centre
has a well equipped social
science room cum laboratory. It is well equipped with equipments, apparatus and
materials required for the subject, which helps in creating and maintaining a
much needed congenial atmosphere for effective learning. The permanent display
of important maps and globes, pictures and charts and constant reference to
them by teaching is sure to make the teachers of social studies effective,
lively and interesting.
To enable the students make a better citizen that is socially contributing and psychologically sound.
To give practical experiences to prospective teachers in regard to social science subjects.
To provide rich benefits provided by the laboratories help in fulfilling the motto of learning by doing.
To provide various options to learn better and to increase their cognitive and cooperative learning.
To motivate younger generation by enrich their understanding and learn to analyze the way of use of evidence and data.
To make acquaintance with geography of different region by using various equipments
To understand the time and place relationship some equipments such as maps and globe will help the students.
To acquaint with various equipments such as historical and political maps, geographical and political charts, working models, still models, globe so on
To learn and investigate how social science is embedded in our everyday life
Standard Operation Procedure of Social
Science Lab
Only bonafide students are allowed to use the Social Science lab
B.Ed. students have access to lab equipments to use in designated course curriculum and getting first hand training.
All the students are requested to make an entry in the register every time before using/borrowing equipments from Social Science lab.
A request for issuing equipments /instruments will be made by the students on prescribed performa
The lab in-charge will issue the equipment after verifying its workability
Not working/obsolete equipments/instruments will not be issued and the process for their repair/condemnation will be initiated by the lab assistant as per rule.
Social Science lab in-charge will demonstrate the functions involved for operating an equipment/instrument, before the students will be allowed to use it independently or in group.
After completing of the use of equipment will be returned with confirmation that it is in working condition. Lab assistant will verify its workability before placing it at the designated place.
If there are any problems related to functioning of equipments. It should be reported to the Lab in-charge immediately.
Food, drinks and refreshments are strictly prohibited in the social science lab
Equipments/instruments in the lab may not be relocated or disassembled without permission of the lab in charge.
Users are expected to keep the lab neat and tidy and maintain discipline.
Professionalism is expected from students and lab in charge. Such as the use of appropriate language and proper dress, being prompt for scheduled hours, polite and courteous treatment of fellows and research participants, and the maintenance of a positive and helpful attitude.
To help in reshaping the environment of the class, by giving the students an opportunity to go beyond the school and preparing them for the workplace.
All the students, especially social science opted B.Ed students of the department of education have access to lab equipments with strict adherence to the SOPs.
The facilities in the Social Science Lab are available during the working hours on all days from 8 am to 4 pm, except Friday (from 8.00 am to 12 pm). The students of B.Ed. can avail the lab facilities in the period allotted to the course ‘pedagogy of Science’ in their respective timetable.
The Language Lab at the Department of Education is a
dedicated space for foreign language learning offering more advanced features
and functionalities and is shaped to utilize the-art -audio-visual equipment
and materials
as an aid in imparting
language skills. It is open to students
and faculty members for various self-enhancement and soft competence
development activities. It acts as a confidence building platform particularly
to rural and/or language poor section to enhance language skills, communication
skills and to practice soft skills.Because this toolgives opportunity to students and teachersto listen, repeat, record,
compare, practice and assess one's
speech in any language.
Objectives of the laboratory activities
· To equip the language and communicative competence of students.
· To develop confidence, a corporate personality and provide an opportunity to assess one's speech in any language.
· To train students in active listening Skills more like real life situation.
· To enhance individual employability emphasizing the need of languages in the technical world.
· To enhance conversation, discussion and commenting skills.
· To help students to do the individual or group exercises.
provide a
recreational and consolidating opportunity for students to learn and practice
· To enhance students’ learning opportunities by engage them in cooperative tasks
Operating procedures
- All the faculty members and bonfied
students are permitted
to use Language Laboratory as a
supporting facility
to enhance the language competence in their teaching learning activity - The language lab will be monitored by the Teacher in-charge
- To maintain cleanness and neatness taking off the footwear and keep them on the shoes shelf is compulsory to enter language laboratory.
- Students identity card is must to enter the Language Lab.
- To make teaching learning process free from grief or trouble and to create a feeling of ease,students put their bags on the next to their chairs, and turn their cellular phones off.
- Signing in the user’s attendance book is compulsory to enter to the language lab.
- For the safety and well-being of language lab equipment/instruments, it is the responsibility of the user while they are using it/them.
- The lab in charge demonstrate the steps involved for operating an equipment / instrument before the students will be allowed to use it.
- Any issues or problems noticed by the user related with the functioning of the equipments must be reported immediately to the lab in charge.
- Food, drinks and other refreshments items are strictly prohibited in the language lab.
- Any language lab equipment may not be relocated by the user without permission of the lab in charge.
- It is prohibited to use language lap equipments for any illegal or disruptive purposes.
- Professionalism is expected from users and lab in charge in case of using appropriate language, positive attitude, proper dress, being prompt for secluded hours, polite and courteous behavior etc.
- Users listen the content of audio by putting the headsetand thus loud talks, shouts or videos, etc. are strictly prohibited in the language lab.
- Studentsdo the assignments given by the faculty members, listen attentively and focus to the announced recording, and write down the important points, and make sure about the whole process with concentration.
- Documents maintained by the language lab includes attendance register, equipment issued register and allotted students register with timings.
- The
language lab is opened from 8 am to 4 pm on all working days except on
Friday. On Friday the timing will be from 8 am to 12 pm.The lab facilities
are available to B.Ed
students at periods allotted in their time table.
The Department of Education has a well stacked library with a latest edition of books and periodicals in the field of Arts, Science, Computer Science, Social Science etc. The library is retained with vibrant functional procedures for optimal deployment of its resources and is fully automated with barcoding technology and OPAC facility.
The Department has a well sufficient Seminar Library with approximately around Ten Thousand books. It facilitates faculty and students, as well as anyone who would like to use the books for academic purposes. The faculty and students of the Department can issue/use the books as per the Seminar rules. The Seminar Library can be accessed during the working hours on all days of the Department (from to 4. pm).
Acquisition Process
Recommendations for purchasing of Books and Journals are collected from the faculty members and students.
Duplicate checking is done to avoid purchasing of duplicate books and journals.
A final list of Books and Journals are prepared and sent to the Central Library of Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malappuram for placing order to concerned Book Distributors.
After receipt of Books and Journals, accessioning work is done in the Accession Register of the Seminar Library.
Technical Processing
Despite the Centralized Acquisition Process done by the Central Library of Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malappuram.
All newly purchased books are catalogued and classified in the seminar library using DDC Scheme and MYLOST software respectively.
Facilities and Services
Seminar Library offers various facilities and access services to faculty members and students, including lending service (issue and return) Current Awareness Services, Online Public Access Catalogue, Access to computer, Internet and Wi-Fi and printout facility.
The students have furthermore, a section of books and materials specially allocated for them, in line with the curriculum and for SET preparation, so as to facilitate them in studying and preparing for competitive examinations. These books can be accessed/borrowed by producing valid identity cards of the centre.
There are some books in the Reserved Section which are meant to be accessed in the Seminar Library itself. For these, valid identity cards and entry in logs are required.