न्याय-आयुर्विज्ञान का विभाग
Forensic Medicine
[A] Introduction
The Department of Forensic Medicine was established in 1966 at the J.N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. It offer courses leading to the award of MBBS and MD degrees. Facilities exist for Ph.D research work. Most of the research is done by the teachers and post graduate students. However, during the last five year plans scanty funds were provided to the department for strengthening the existing research infrastructure. Many Ph. D students from outside the department enjoy the benefit of research infrastructure after obtaining prior permission.
In the XIIth Five Year Plan emphasis has been placed on building for faculty staff and research facilities in pursuance of the strong emphasis laid down by the Medical Council of India in their inspection visits time and again. Similarly deficiencies for post graduate education are to be fulfilled. It is, therefore, decided to develop research labs covering multiple scientific areas. These are not mutually, exclusive. Besides these the deficiencies as per Medical Council of India requirement for under graduate education (150 admissions) and for post graduate education 2001 are to be met as first priority. The M.D degree was recognised vide MCI letter No.40(22)/2009/Med dated 20.01.2010.
Faculty Members:
1) Prof. Afzal Haroon, Chairperson (Reg. No. 26662)
2) Prof. Saadiya Saeed (Reg. No. 19787)
[B] Future Plans
1.Medicolegal Autopsy
2. Poison Information Centre
3. Forensic Nursing
[C] Academic Status
I -Under Graduate Teaching
(i) Result
(ii) Attendance
(iii)Student Greivance Commiittee
(iv) others
II - Post Graduate Teaching
(i) Curriculum
(ii) Number of Students
[D] Topics of the thesis till date
1. Usmani,Jawed Ahmad
Study on the postmortem changes in some of the nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) levels of blood ,cerebrospinal fluid
and vitreous humor in experimental animal rabbit. Aligarh, AMU.1987
2. Taqi Hasan Faruqi
Comparative histopathological study of sub-acute toxic effects of some of the organophosphorous insecticides on
different organs of Albino rats .Aligarh AMU 1988.
3. Punia Rajpal Singh
Sex differentiation from upper extremity with special reference of Anatomical angles of the extended elbow in Indian
population.Aligarh AMU.1989
4. Study of Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme; an approach for the identification of stains. Aligarh, AMU.1991
5. Musawwir-e-Islam
Time related estimation of myloperoxidase enzyme in traumatic wounds.Aligarh, AMU.1991
6. Ghayasuddin Khan
Study of stature from hand measurement in adults.Aligarh, AMU.1993
7. Saadiya Saeed
Prospective study of the pattern of medico legal injuries of the abdominal cases at Medical College
8. Abidur-Rahman
Study of occupational realated lead toxicity in lock factory workers in District Aligarh. Aligarh, 1998.
9. Shaukat Arif Hanif
Estimation of acid phosphatase in some of the body fluids.fluids. Aligarh, AMU, 1992
10. Barkha Gupta
Profile of injuries in septic abortion at J N Medical College and Mahila Chikitsalya, Aligarh, 2000
11. Sukhdeep Singh
A study of estimation of stature from foot measurements in adults, 2005
12. Naseem Akhtar
To study the pattern of child abuse and its outcome in the reported cases at JNMC Hospital, 2005
13. Imran Sabiri
Recovery and isolation of de-oxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in some selected samples of forensic significance, 2006
14. Tariq Wali
Topxicopathological study of occupational exposure to nickel and chromium in electroplaters in district Aligarh,
15. Saifur Rehman
AIDS and criminality: a new legal perspective, 2006
16. Umar bin Abdul Aziz
Pattern of poisoning cases in JNMC, district Aligarh, 2008
17. Usama bin Ghaffar
Epidemiological profile of the pattern of burn injury - a medicolegal analysis, 2008
18. Afzal haroon
A retrospective study of road traffic accident cases reported at JNMC, AMU and associated mortality within 72 hours
of admission, 2008
19. Ishrat Fatima Majidi
Pattern of ocular injuries: a study in Aligarh, 2008
20. Wasi Khan
A comprehensive study of of facial injuries sustained as a result of accidents and intentional violence at JNMC - a 2
year retrospective study, 2008
21. Iram Khan
Pattern of gunshot injuries at J N Medical College - a study in Aligarh, 2008
22. Sobia Khan
A comprehensive study of paediatric injuries in hospital reported cases, 2008
23. Nihal Ahmad
CT scan as radiological determinant for estimating age through fusion of skull sutures in north Indian population,
24. Ishrat Fatima Majeedi
Pattern of ocular injuries - a study in JNMC and Gandhi Eye Hospital Aligarh 2009
25. Lalit Kumar
Level of Accessibility of Radiological diagnostic tools of high technology and its effect on human health: study of Ultrasonography, CT SCAN and MRI in different perspective 2010.
26. Azfar Mateen
Genetic profiling of Uttar Pradesh population using STR Loci 2010.
27. Mohd Kaleem Khan
Pattern of head injury in adult cases reported at JNMCH AMU Aligarh. 2010
28. Hashim Abbas
A study of the Toxic effects of copper and nickel in workers employed in brass manufacturing units in District Moradabad UP. 2011
29. MD. Shadab Raheel
Histopathological study of sub acute toxic effects of chloroacetic acid on different organs of Albino rats and its co-relation with levels of
Malondialdelyde in Blood. 2011
30. Abhishek Varshney
Estimation of stature by factoring sternal measurement on X ray chest as radiological Determinate.2013.
31. Manoj Kumar
A study of the pattern of Head injury in Patients of tall from Height who reported at J.N. Medical College Hospital, AMU, Aligarh. 2013
32. Md. Asrarul Haque
Pattern of Injuries in cases of Blunt trauma Abdomen reported at JNMC Hospital, AMU, Aligarh-A Prospective & retrospective study.2014
33. Mojahid Anwar
Comprehensive study and Creation of Profile of trauma Patients Admitted in ICU of a Tertiary Care Hospital in India. 2015
34. Faiz Ahmad
A study of Para suicides by self poisoning in Patients registered at the emergency section of JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh. 2016.
[E] M.D awarded with years
5. Musawwir-e-Islam, 1991
6. Shaukat Arif Hanif, 1992
7. Ghayasuddin Khan, 1993
8.Saadiya Saeed, 1997
[A] Board of Studies
1. Prof. Saadiya Saeed
2. Prof Farzana Beig (Dept of Pediatrics) (assigned member)
3. Prof. Kafeel Ahmad (Dept of Pathology) (assigned member)
4. Dr. Afzal Haroon, Professor
5. Dr Mohd Kaleem Khan, Professor
6. Dr Mohammad Asrarul Haque , Assistant Professor
7. Dr Jitendra Kumar, Assistant Professor
8. Dr Kashif Ali, Assistant Professor
[B] Alumni Committee
1. Prof. Saadiya Saeed
2. Dr. Afzal Haroon, Professor
3. Dr Mohd Kaleem Khan, Professor
[C] Students' Grievance Committee
1. Prof. Saadiya Saeed
2. Dr. Afzal Haroon , Professor
3. Dr Mohd Kaleem Khan , Professor
4. First three rank holder of MBBS II Professional Batch (2017)
[D] Departmental Purchase Committee
1. Prof. Saadiya Saeed
2. Dr. Afzal Haroon , Professor
[E] Gender Sensitization Committee
[F] Staff members associated with the central committee / council / unit
a. Faculty Meeting
b. Academic Council
c. Committee CASR
d. Anti Ragging Committee
e. Medical Education Unit
f. Assigned members to Board of Studies of other department
g. Additional Charge from...
[G] Retired teachers
1. Professor Iqbal Ashraf
2. Professor Shameem Jahan Rizvi
3. Professor Jawed Ahmad Usmani
4. Dr Shaukat Arif Hanif
5. Professor Munawwar Husain