M.A./M.Sc. IV Sem.(Geography), CBCS Question Papers, 2023-24 | | |
M.A./M.Sc. II Sem.(Geography), CBCS Question Papers, 2023-24 | | |
B.A./B.Sc. IV Sem.(Geography), FYUP Question Papers, 2023-24 | | |
B.A./B.Sc. II Sem.(Geography),FYUP Question Papers, 2023-24 | | |
B.A./B.Sc. VI Sem.(Geography), CBCS Question Papers, 2023-24 | | |
B.A.B.Sc. V Semester | | |
M.A.M.Sc. III Semester | | |
M.A.M.Sc. I Semester | | |
B.A.B.Sc. III Semester FYUP | | |
B.A.B.Sc. I Semester FYUP | | |
B.A./B.Sc. VI Sem. (Geography), CBCS, 2022-23 | | |
B.A./B.Sc. (Geography) II Sem. (FYUP), 2022-23 | | |
M.Sc./M.A.(Geography) IV Sem. Question Papers,2022-23 | | |
M.A./M.Sc. II Semester Question Papers, 2022-23 | | |
PG Syllabus Skill Development | | |
UG Syllabus Skill Development | | |
List of Available Computer for Academic purpose | | |
Higher Education Admitted_Geography_2023 | | |
Value Added Courses VI Semster 2022-23 | | |
Value Added Courses V Semster 2022-23 | | |
Appointment letter_Amzad_Geography_2023 | | |
GGB 6P2: Socio-Economic Survey and Report Writing, Session 2022-23 | | |
DV-project (GGM4073), Session 2022-23 | | |
GGM 4071: Field Studies (Socio-Eco. Survey, Session 2022-23 | | |
JRF_NET_GEOGRAPHY_2022-23 | | |
Final_Report_of_National_Conference_2022 | | |
Award 2_Dr.Saleha_Geog._2023 | | |
Award 1_Dr.Saleha_Geog._2023 | | |
Appointment Letter_Teacher_2023 | | |
Project_Prof. Nizam_Geography_2023 | | |
Award_Teacher_Geography_2022 | | |
Award_Teacher_Gegraphy_2023 | | |
Feedback learning_2023 | | |
Feedback Infrastructure_2023 | | |
7.0_Geography_2023_FIST | | |
7_geography-2023-FIST | | |
Advertisement of the Events | | |
Report Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsow | | |
Research Advisory Committee, 2021-22 | | |
Student Mentor Ratio 2021-22 | | |
3.1.5 Geospatial and Cartography Lab | | |
2.2 Number of outgoing final year students during the Academic year 2021-22 | | |
2.1 Number of students during the Academic year 2021-22 | | |
NET/JRF December 2021 | | |
Geography Feedback of the student | | |
Project Sanctiob Order_ Prof. Tariq M Usman | | |
Project Sanction Order_ Dr. Saleha Jamal | | |
GGM 1073 (Field Project) 2021-22 | | |
Seminar Presentation 2021-22 | | |
Socio-Economic Survey and Report Writing 2021-22 | | |
Disaster Management based Project Work 2021-22 | | |
NEP Syllabus, 2022-23 onward | | |
UG VI Semester 2020-21 Field Survey | | |
List of PG Students 20-21 (Projects) | | |
Syllabus PG 2020-21 | | |
Syllabus UG 2020-21 | | |
Two Week Capacity Building Programme For Young Social Science Faculty (01-14 February, 2022) | | |
JRF/SRF/MANF/Other Fellowship | | |
Project Sanctioned Letters | | |
Ph.D. Award Notifications | | |
Placement | | |
Syllabus: Ethics/Gender/Human Values | | |
Post Doctoral Fellowship | | |
Ph.D. Syllabus 2014-2019 | | |
1.2_Geography Syllabi 2014-15 to 2019-20 | | |
ERD_Geography | | |
Action taken report | | |
5.2.1_geography SSR 5.2.1_geography | | |
346_Geography SSR | | |
3451_Geography SSR | | |
Useful downloads Ph.D. Programme Entrance Test Syllabus 2018-2019 | | |
Useful downloads 3.6.4 Extension activities Photo | | |
Useful downloads 5.2.2_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 5.1.1_Geography | | |
Useful downloads ACADEMIC & ADMINISTRATIVE AUDIT (AAA) Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.1.4 Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows | | |
Useful downloads 2.4.3 Appointment letter | | |
Useful downloads 3.2.1 Projects (2015-19) | | |
Useful downloads 2.2.1 Tutorial Classes | | |
Useful downloads 5.2.3_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 6.3.2_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.1.4_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.1.5_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 5.3.1_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 2.3.3 Student Enrolled | | |
Useful downloads 3.2.3_Geography_Dr.Saleha | | |
Useful downloads ERD Proforma | | |
Useful downloads 3.1.5 Institution has the following facilities to support research | | |
Useful downloads 1.1.2 CBCS_U.G. & P.G.Syllabus_2015-19 | | |
Useful downloads 6.3.4_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.1.6 UGC-SAP, DST, ICSSR | | |
Useful downloads 3.3.2_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 5.2.1 TPO of students (2015-19) | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.4 Ph.D. Awarded | | |
Useful downloads 4.1.1 Teaching learning facilities | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.6 BOOK PUBLISHED (2015-19) | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.5 PAPER PUBLISHED (2015-19) | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.6 BOOK CHAPTER PUBLISHED (2015-19) | | |
Useful downloads 3.6.4 students participating in extension activities | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.4_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 5.2.3 Student Progression to Higher Education (Previous Graduating Batch) (Current Year Data) | | |
Useful downloads 3.6.4_Geography a | | |
Useful downloads 3.6.4_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.1.6_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.6_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.5_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 6.3.2 financial support Dr. Rashid A. faridi | | |
Useful downloads 3.3.2 National & International Conferences, Workshops (2015-19) | | |
Useful downloads 6.3.2 Financial support for Conferences | | |
Useful downloads 2.4.3_Geography (1) | | |
Useful downloads 2.4.3_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 3.4.6_Geography a | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus for Ph.D Admissions Test , 2019-20 ,SECTION-A (Faculty of Science) | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus for Ph.D Admissions Test (Geography), 2019-20, SECTION-B | | |
Useful downloads 3.2.1_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 4.1.1_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 4.3.1_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 4.3.1_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 1.3.3_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 2.3.3_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 2.4.2_Geography | | |
Useful downloads | | |
Useful downloads 1.1.2_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 2.2.1_Geography | | |
Useful downloads 2.1_Geography | | |