इल्मुल अदबिया (औषध विज्ञान) का विभाग

About the Department

Dept. data last updated on :18/02/2025

History: This department was established in 1972 as a Post Graduate Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences) of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital by Ministry of Health & F.W. Govt. of India and is fully funded and upgraded by U.G.C.

It is the first Institution of its kind in India and abroad which is associated with Interdisciplinary Research Work on Unani drugs and formulations. The department is an integrated complex which carries out teaching and multi disciplinary research activities on the system with the help and application of modern chemical, pharmaceutical and pharmacological sciences. This department imparts teaching, training and research guidance to P.G. (M.D. in Ilmul Advia) and U.G. (B.U.M.S.) students.

During the last 49 years the department has made significant contribution towards the research work on Unani Medicine as well as for innovation in teaching methodology and production aid material. Various research projects funded by the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India and DRS-I under Special Assistance Programme (SAP), U.G.C. have been completed in the department. After successful completion of DRS-I, the department has been sanctioned DRS-II which is undergoing effectively since 2018.

Teachers of the department have participated in various conferences/Seminars and presented their research papers in India and abroad as well such as Germany, Turkey, China, U.K., Uzbekistan, Iran, Pakistan, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia etc. The faculty members have also been conferred with various awards including prestigious civilian award.

Objective: The main objective of establishing the department was to uplift the educational and research standard among the postgraduates as well as to pave the ground for the availability of the better qualified teachers, research scholars and pharmaceuticals of Unani Medicine. The Scientific Research work on Unani Drugs and formulations are carrying out regularly by P.G. students under the supervision of Pharmacologist, Pharmacognist and Medicinal Chemist along with experts of Ilmul Advia.

Prime Institution of India: This department is a prime institution of India where Research on Unani drugs are undergoing on scientific guidelines and established parameters. It is the only Department of Unani Medicine in India which has been sanctioned DRS Program under University Grants Commission (U.G.C.) SAP-II mainly on three thrust areas of Ilmul Advia viz. Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Standardization of Unani Drugs identified by U.G.C.


  • Transmit WHO-recognized classical Unani pharmacology to contemporary minds.
  • Inculcate ability to apply Ilmul Advia to contemporary health-care system.
  • To develop Center of Excellence for imparting quality research training and teaching of Unani pharmacology.
  • Understanding and integrating the holistic and molecular approach of Unani drugs for the betterment of the system.


  • Theoretical and practical understanding of original character of natural drugs.
  • Inculcate Research Aptitude according to Unani Paradigm supported by relevant elements of Current Biosciences.
  • Sound knowledge of Unani classical text & conceptualization.
  • Instill the ability to learn and apply Ilmul Advia along with the relevant elements of Modern Science in Health-care.

Research Policy: Rapid growth in scientific knowledge is an indication of quest for discovery and has an impact on economic and societal development. Science, technology and innovation is often initiated at the University research environment and it is also the mission of our department. Research and developmental activities create and disseminate new knowledge in range of fields, promote innovation, motivate better learning and teaching among faculties and students, as these are often incorporated in the courses.

Taking these into considerations, following research policy has been formulated in the Department of Ilmul Advia.

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Research Policy is to create a vibrant atmosphere of research among faculty and researchers in the department. The policy shall serve as an overall framework within which research activities may be carried out.

2. Scope

Research is the foundation of knowledge that brings new energy, builds state of the art facilities, promotes research publications, develops collaborations and becomes part of active community that shares the mission objectives. It is implementable in all campuses doing research activities in the field of Unani Medicine in India and can serve as a guideline in overseas campuses.

3. Objectives

  • To create an enabling environment within the department in order to foster a research culture as well as provide required support through research framework and guidelines.
  • To ensure high level of efficient and effective support system to facilitate faculty and researchers in their research activities.
  • To ensure publications in quality journals, indexed in Scopus/Web of Science and/or with impact factor and U.G.C. approved list.
  • To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful research with potential for commercialization.
  • To establish Research Centres within Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh with potential for Excellence.
  • To forge interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships nationally and globally.
  • To promote Traditional Philosophy-Science forum and approach to practically implicate Kulliyat in holistic research.

4. Custodian of Policy

The implementation and updating of Research Policy shall be carried out by the Chairman. Department of Ilmul Advia. The Research Policy shall have a research advisory body to function under the competent University authority and Research Advisory Committee of the department, to assist and advise in matters related to research.

5. Policy and Guidelines

5.1 Undertaking Research

Faculty members and scholars of the departments are expected to undertake research, leading to quality publications, presentations in National/International conferences of repute, generation of Intellectual property with potential for commercialization, socially useful outcome and other similar research activity.

5.2 Research Management

Overall management of research activities will be coordinated by Chairman of the Department and Research Advisory Committee of the department. Research Advisory Committee shall be responsible for overall functioning of research activities within the department.

Laboratories: There are various laboratories equipped with sophisticated instruments like Fully Automated Langendorff System for Cardio-Vascular Study, B.P. recording Modern, Isolated Tissue Organ Bath used with computerized Modern Data Acquisition System, ELISA Reader & Washer, PCR, Gel Doc, Laminar Air flow, BOD Incubator, Autoclave, Digital Colony Counter, Deep Freezer, Cooling Micro-Centrifuge, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Refractometer, HPLC, Microtome, Stability Study Chamber, Centrifuge etc.

Current Thrust Areas: The thrust areas of research of the department include the experimental and clinical trials of unani drugs on different topics viz. Cardiovascular studies, Dermatological studies, Antimicrobial studies, Nephrotoxicity, Hepatotoxicity, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic, Anti-diabetic, Anti-parkinson, CNS, Anti-oxidant activities etc., Evaluation of Pharmacopoeial Compound Formulation, SOPs, Standardization & Quality Control of Unani Compound Formulations, Evaluation by elimination of Hepatitis B in clinical study, scientific study on cardiac parameters and blood pressure.

Chairman and Associate Professor