इल्मुल अदबिया (औषध विज्ञान) का विभाग
SOPs of Office
- Working Hours of Office: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Monday to Saturday except Friday with one hour lunch break 1:25 p.m. to 2:25 p.m.); 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Friday without lunch break
- Maintain Attendance Register of Employees and P.G. Students
- Departmental web page updated on regular basis.
- Notice board updated regularly.
- All the electrical switches and water taps are checked before closing the Department.
- Sweeper is responsible for cleaning the whole premises of the department.
- Chairman chamber, Faculty chambers, Office, Seminar
Room and Laboratories are cleaned every day before and after the practical
classes commence.
Standard Operating Procedure for Laboratory and Chemical Safety Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh
Ilmul Advia department is having research labs specifically for the experimental work including all the analytical procedures that can be operated well, as per the guidelines and Good lab practices are followed. All the protocols are operated under proper supervision as per rules and regulations with the following objectives:
To ensure the safety of the lab and its personnel
Reliable data can be found
Proper handling of all materials including hazardous materials.
Safety guidelines create not only a safe work environment but a fast work environment once all scholars have an understanding of safety requirements.
General Safety Procedures
Know the potential hazards of the materials used in the laboratory.
Review the Safety Data Sheets for any chemicals used in the laboratory.
Operation manuals should be read and understood and safety procedures should be followed when operating benchtop instrumentation.
Know the location of safety equipment such as emergency showers, eyewashes, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, first aid kits, and spill kits.
Read and understand all safety procedures regarding the laboratory and the materials used in the laboratory.
Leather shoes, closed-toe with slip- resistant soles are recommended.
Minimize unsafe work conditions by making sure exits and safety equipment are unobstructed, workbenches are uncluttered, and accumulated waste is sequestered appropriately.
Both business casual attire, as well as casual attire, are permitted in the lab. Clothing is to be chosen to minimize exposed areas below the neck. If areas of exposed skin are present, a full length lab coat is to be worn to protect the worker. Clothes made of synthetic fabrics such as nylon should not be worn in areas that hold potential hazards like open flame or reactive chemicals.
Contact lenses are permitted, but not recommended for use inside the lab. Working with volatile organic chemicals is problematic for contact lens wearers.
Restrain or confine long hair and loose clothing. Restrained clothing or hair should not present loose tails that could increase a fire hazard or get caught in moving parts.
Storing food in the lab or in the laboratory refrigerator is not allowed.
All experimental activity or general lab activity should be completed.
Potentially hazardous experiments should not be left unattended by the lab technician.
Experiments in progress should be made known to the lab supervisor and manager for prior approval and take steps to ensure the experiment in progress is adhering to safety measures when unattended.
Instrument Safety
Workers in the lab should be aware of any hazards of working with the instruments and be properly trained on how to operate the instruments safely.
Some instruments have extremely hot surfaces and high voltage associated with them and workers should take precautions to avoid interacting with them unsafely and possibly being injured or killed.
A proper training regimen and daily basic maintenance like calibration are vital for safe usage and the generation of reliable data.
Chemical Safety
Proper chemical labeling and storage is essential for a safe laboratory work environment. Inappropriate storage of incompatible or unknown chemicals can lead to spontaneous fire and explosions with the associated release of toxic gases.
To minimize these hazards, chemicals in the laboratory must be segregated properly.
Storage and handling procedures listed below are not intended to be all-inclusive but should serve instead to supplement more specific procedures and recommendations obtained from container labels, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and other chemical reference material.
Chemical Identification
Manufacturer chemical labels must never be removed or defaced until the chemical is completely used.
Once a chemical is used, a permanent marker can then be used to completely obscure the manufacturer label.
All secondary chemical containers such as bottles, beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, volumetric flasks, and vials should all be labeled.
Larger containers should have the full chemical name, the day’s date, and the initials of the user of the container.
Small containers should have either a number or a letter/character designation with a referenced associated log that describes the contents of the smaller container.
Groups of smaller containers can be labeled as a group and stored together.
Safety Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all laboratory chemicals are required to be maintained in the laboratory or online.
Safety Data Sheets are available from chemical manufacturer’s websites.
These can be accessed for free by entering the product code and /or manufacturer’s Lot number.
The SDS for the exact chemical or mixture provided by the manufacturer of the product must be available.
The chemical identity and manufacturer found on the label must match the chemical identity and manufacturer found on the SDS.
All personnel must know how to read and understand an SDS.
Chemical Storage
A defined storage place should be provided for each chemical/ chemical group and the chemical should be returned to its defined place after every use.
Chemical containers must be in good condition before they are stored.
Frequent inspection of chemical containers can inhibit leakage or unwanted spills.
Chemicals (including chemical waste) must be separated and stored according to their hazard group and specific chemical incompatibilities.
Reading the SDS of a specific chemical can lend insight on how to store a specific chemical properly.
Chemicals should be separated by distance.
Physical barriers such as storage cabinets and secondary containers should be used to prohibit contact of incompatible chemicals in the event they are accidentally released or spilled.
Liquids should not be stored above dry chemicals unless they are stored in secondary containers.
Storage of chemicals within hoods and on bench tops should be avoided.
Stored chemicals should not be exposed to heat or direct sunlight. Storage shelves and cabinets should be secured to prevent tipping.
Shelves should have a lip or doors to prevent chemicals from falling.
Flammable liquids in excess of 37.8 liters in each laboratory must be stored in an approved flammable storage cabinet.
Liquid chemicals should be stored below eye level to minimize spilling.
The list of Hazard Groups for chemical grouping distinguishes each chemical group to be stored with specific properties that similar to individual chemicals within each group.
Flammable/Combustible Liquids
Inorganic Acids
Strong Bases
Water Reactive
Gases*- Inert/Flammable