इल्मुल अदबिया (औषध विज्ञान) का विभाग

उपयोगी डाउनलोड

Dept. data last updated on :18/02/2025
Teacher-Student Mentor

Office Order Teacher - Students Mentor

Entries of the Computers in the Stock Register

Entries of the computers available in the Department of Ilmul Advia

Minutes-IA 25.09.2023

Minutes for the approval of the Synopsis of M.D. (Ilmul Advia) - 25.09.2023

Minutes - IA 13.07.2022

Details of the Synopsis Approved of M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Students 13.07.2022

Minutes-IA 07.12.2021

Details of the Synopsis Approved of M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Students 07.12.2021

Renewal Letter IAEC - 17.11.2022

Renewal Letter of the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee of the Department of Ilmul Advia by the CCSEA, Govt. of India. Renewed on 17.11.2022

Registration of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (I.A.E.C.))

Registration of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee of the Department of Ilmul Advia by CCSEA, Govt. of India

Action Taken Report 2022

Action Taken Report of the Feedback Forms-2022

List of students 2020-21 undertaking field projects /research projects / internships

Old Syllabus as per CCRUM

Old Syllabus

Time Table BUMS III Year (Batch 2018)

Time Table BUMS III Year (Batch 2018) Revised on 27.05.2021

Time Table BUMS II Year (Batch 2019)

Time Table BUMS II Year (Batch 2019) Revised on 27.05.2021

Time Table of M.D. III Year (Batch 2018)

Time Table of M.D. III Year (Batch 2018)

Time Table M.D. II Year (Batch 2019)

Time Table of M.D. II Year (Batch 2019) Revised on 27.05.2021

Time Table M.D. I Year (Batch 2020)

Time Table of M.D. I Year (Batch 2020) Revised on 27.05.2021


Mentors of the Department of Ilmul Advia, A.K. Tibbiya College

Course Outcomes of B.U.M.S

Course Outcomes


Second Professional  

C-1       Ilmul Advia

C-1.1  Kulliyat e Advia

CEO 1.1a  Ability to know the basic understanding behind the use of Unani drugs in Single as well as Compound forms in best possible manner.

CEO 1.1b  Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities OF Unani Pharmacology.

C-1.2  Mufradat–e-advia

CEO-1.2a  To understand the knowledge of Mawalide-e-salasa (Sources of drugs) used in Unani system of Medicine.

CEO-1.2b Ability to write the correct nuskhajat (prescriptions) through the knowledge of medicinal properties of Unani drugs

CEO-1.2c  Ability to treat the patients with the help of Mufrad drugs (single drugs)

CEO-1.2d   To get the basic knowledge of modern pharmacology


Third Professional  

C-2       Advia Murakkabah

CEO-2    Understanding of professional responsibilities and integration of existing and new acquired techniques in the discipline for further development.

Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes

C-1                  Usool-e-Tahqeeq wa Hayati Shumariyat (Research Methodology and Bio-statistics)

C-1.1   Research Methodology

CO 1.1a          Students will be able to devise feasible and optimal research methodology for any study design with professional and ethical learning.

CO 1.1b          Ability to write reports with reflective learning abilities

C-1.2   Bio-statistics

CO-1.2a          Basic understanding of Bio-Statistics and its utilization in problem analysing

CO-1.2b    Ability to communicate through effective presentation

C-1.3   Experimental Pharmacology and Clinical Research

CO-1.3.1         To produce Unani post-graduates with sound knowledge and practical skills for conducting experimental (animal) and clinical pharmacological research particularly on Unani Medicine (UM) and other Traditional Medicine (TM) treatments and Natural Products in academia, pharmaceutical industry and research and policy-making institutions.

CO-1.3.2         To produce post-graduates with the theoretical and practical ability to adept modern research methodology in this area to the distinctive character of UM and TM treatments.

C-2                  Usool wa Qavanin-e-Advia

CO-2a             To understand and integrate the holistic and molecular approach of Unani drugs for the betterment of the system

CO-2b             Ability to conduct the Kulliyat based clinical and experimental research for studying the efficacy of Unani drugs.

CO-2c             Understanding of the principles of research which enables scholars to carry out the correct research activity in the light of Kulliyat guided modules

C-3                  Ilm wasful Aqaqeer (Pharmacognosy)

CO-3a             To enable students to know the basic understanding of Pharmacognosy and about various means for identification of crude drugs and features to distinguish them from spurious and adulterated drugs

CO-3b             Understanding of WHO guidelines for GACP and Plant Tissue Culture.

CO-3c             Ability to understand about Secondary metabolites and means of their qualitative and quantitative analysis and detailed profile of various drugs as per their phyto-chemistry

C-4                  Advia Murakkabah Ma’ Jadeed Izafat

CO-4               Ability of creative thinking and understanding of the knowledge of Unani compound drugs with the help of Interdisciplinary research

C-5                  Advia Mufradah Ma’ Jadeed Izafat

CO-5               Understanding of new research approach and capability to co-relate single drugs with recent scientific findings on them

C-6                  Afa’lul Advia (Pharmacology)

CO-6               To allow Unani Medicine fraternity to know the types of drug effects needed and known in present day health-care scenario so that Unani drugs with similar role but more healing ability and safety may be identified and developed.

C-7                  Tibbi Kemiya wa Mayar Bandi (Medicinal Chemistry and Standardization of Unani Drugs)

CO-7a             To set the physico-chemical and phyto-chemical parameters of standardization as per WHO guidelines and to check the authenticity of Unani Drugs

CO-7b             To make the students  aware of the various modern instrumental techniques of standardization of Unani Drugs

C-8                  Saidla wa Taklees

CO-8   Ability to prepare and dispense Unani Dosage forms

SWACHTA PAKHWADA 1-15 September, 2017

As per the UGC letter vide D.O.F. No. 1-1/2017 (Secy) dated 18 August 2017 in accordance to the Ministry of Human Resource Development to call for participation in SWACHTA PAKHWADA (1-15 September, 2017) for spreading the message of cleanliness not only among students but among the surroundings areas various activities were undertaken in the Department of Ilmul Advia under the Program Co-ordinator–Dr. Sumbul Rehman as marked by the Chairman, Department of Ilmul Advia.

SWACHHTA HI SEVA 15th September 2017 - 2nd October 2017

National Education Day Birth Anniversary - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 11 November 2019

Various competitive programs activities in the department of Ilmul Advia were organized by the coordinator as Seminar Presentation on the very theme of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: His Life and Contributions to the society, in which many students very enthusiastically presented their views through PowerPoint presentation


Gender Sensitization Programme under the scheme of Gender Champions approved by UGC was organized in Conference Room, Department of Saidla, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U. Aligarh on 6 March 2019 as Debate cum prize distribution ceremony.

International Women’s Day -8 March 2019

To commemorate International Women’s Day on 8 March 2019, a program was organized by Dr. Sumbul Rehman (Organizing Secretory), Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia in collaboration with AMUSU to facilitate the women achievers in the field of Unani Medicine in College Auditorium Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U. Aligarh

Sardar Vallabbhai Patel-The Unifer of India Birth Anniversay 31st October 2017

The Department of Ilmul Advia celebrates birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, one of the great leaders our country who is an outstanding icon and role model for patriotism, political integrity, visionary but highly pragmatic leadership and value based politics.

M.D. Students Refund of Security Amount

University House LIcence

Remuneration Bill for M.D. Students

Casual Leave proforma

M.D. Students Attendance Proforma

Special Casual Leave and Duty Leave

Revised EL Form

Child Education Allowance

Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the IAEC

Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the IAEC

Minutes of the Third Meeting of the IAEC

Minutes of the Second Meeting of the IAEC

Submission of Research Protocol

BUMS (Batch 2018)

List of students of BUMS

BUMS (Batch 2017)

List of Students of BUMS

BUMS (Batch 2016)

List of Students of BUMS

BUMS (Batch 2015)

List of Students of BUMS

BUMS (Batch 2014)

List of Students of BUMS

Feedback Forms

Chairman and Associate Professor