इस्लामिक अध्ययन का विभाग
SOPs of The Department of Islamic Studies
SOPs for the Governance of the Department:
• The Department of Islamic Studies is chaired by a chairperson appointed as per AMU Ordinances.
• The Teaching allocation for each course is prepared and approved by the Board of Studies of the Department.
• Internal and External Examiners, Moderators, Re-evaluators, Scrutinizers and Tabulators are also approved by the Board of Studies of the Department.
• The department has various Committees to deal with the academic matters of the Department and students.
• The office of Department is engaged with providing all required support to the faculty, students and staff to ensure the smooth functioning of the department.
SOPs of the Office
• The Office of Chairperson overall supervises all administrative works.
• The office collects the attendance records of the undergraduate and postgraduate students of the department and records the leaves of all students and faculty.
• The office collects all records of examinations and marks and submits to the controller of Exams for processing of results.
• The Office ensures maintenance of infrastructure of the department.
• The office of department maintains records of assets and properties of department by maintaining stock register.
• The office displays the notices on the webpage of department and notice Board related to exams, scholarships and other important information.
• Maintains receipt and dispatch register entries.
Prof. Abdul Aleem Library: Institute of Islamic Studies, AMU, Aligarh
Director: Prof. Abdul Hamid Fazili
• It is purely Oriental Studies library, one of richest Islamic Studies Library in South Asia.
• It preserves about 80,000 book and journals in Arabic, Persian, English, Turkish, Urdu, Hindi, French and German.
• It has Journal and News Papers Subscriptions: Daily: 02, Weekly: 02, Fortnightly: 04, Monthly:12, Quarterly: 03, Bi-Annual: 02, Annual: 02
• It has some rare books and journals on Islamic Culture and Civilization.
• It stores many reference works on Oriental Studies.
• It is a repository of internationally acclaimed journals in Urdu, Persian, Arabic, French and German since 18/19 century.
• It preserves nearly 300 theses (including M. Phil, Ph.D., PDF) related to Islamic Studies.
• The plan is to transform the Library into a state of Art Library through digitalization and development of necessary infrastructure.
• It is accessible to researchers, teachers, UG, PG Students from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Sunday closed), and Friday up to 12:00 noon
SOPs: Prof. Abdul Aleem Library
• Timings of the Library is from 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. (Sunday Closed).
• Timings of the Library is from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Friday.
• The Library is open for teachers, Research Scholars, UG and PG students for reading and research purposes.
• The Library books are issued only to the teachers of the Department of Islamic Studies. Issued books are to be returned within 14 days, otherwise penalty is imposed.
• It is strictly prohibited to talk, eating foods, smoking, disturbing others inside the library.
• Visitors are advised in keeping the library clean, not to damage the books, furniture and other belongings of the Library.
• Permission is required for external visitors from the Director, Institute of Islamic Studies for consulting library books.