जनसंचार का विभाग

समाचार और प्रकाशन

Dept. data last updated on :28/10/2024

Faculty Publications 2014-19

  1.    1. Kidwai, Shafey, Urdu Literature and Journalism, Critical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press (2014) 
  2. 2. Kidwai, Shafey, Savanhe Sir Syed (Sahitya Academy awarded book), Brown Publishing House (2017)

  3.    3.
    Kidwai, Shafey, Fiction Studies, A Post-modern Reading,
  4. Brown Publishing House (2018)
  5. 4.
  6. Kidwai, Shafey, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Reason, Religion and Nation.
  7. Routledge (2020)


    1. Bharadwaj, Pratha and Pitabas Pradhan (2019). Role of Corporate Websites in Building Online Identity: A Study of Four Indian Corporate Websites, the Indian Journal of Communication Review, Vol. 7 (1), PP. 1-19.
    2. Pradhan, Pitabas and Pratibha Mittal (2019). Communication Apprehensions-Reasons and Remedy: A Study Among Students in Aligarh, The Indian Journal of Communication Review, Vol. 7(1), PP. 28-39
    3. Pradhan, Pitabas (2019), A Study of Social Media’s Twitter Trends on Gauri Lankesh
    4. Pradhan, Pitabas and Niky Kumari(2018: Jan-June).A Study on Journalistic Use of Social Media, Amity Journal of Media and Communication Studies, ISSN 2231-1033) Vol.8(1), PP.49-59, Impact Factor-3.929
    5. Pradhan, Pitabas and Diwakar Raghav (2018, April). Smart city Campaign and Role of Media: A Study of Public Perception at Aligarh, Amity Media and Journalism Review, (ISSN 2319-5126(Vol 7(1):6-14.
    6. Pradhan, Pitabas and Nazia Irshad (2018, April-June). Media Coverage of the
    7. Pradhan, Pitabas and Niky Kumari (2018, March). Journalistic Usage of Social Media and its Professional Implications, Indian Journal of Communication Review (ISSN 2454- 9339), Vol 6(1):
    8. Pradhan, Pitabas (2018: March). Social Media Tools in Employee Communication. Indian Journal of Communication Review (ISSN 2454-9339), Vol. (1):
    9. Pradhan, Pitabas, Singh, Jitendra, and Niky Kumari (2018: March). Clash of Ideology on Social Media: analysis of Twitter Trends on Gauri Lankesh Murder case, Indian Journal of Communication Review (ISSN 2454-9339), Vol 6(1):
    10. Pradhan, Pitabas and Jyoti Bhaskar (2017, Dec). Social Media Adoption and Its Impact: A Study of SNS Usage Among the Youth, Pragyaan- Journal of Mass Communication (09745521), Vol.15 (2): 5-14.
    11. Pradhan, Pitabas and Sana Abbas (2017: Oct- Dec). Role of Public Campaigns in Nation Building: Study of Selected Public Service Advertisements in India, Media Mimansa (ISSN 2229-5593), Vol. 11(2):2-18.
    12. Sethi, Ganesh, Pradhan, Pitabas and N.N. Singh (2017: July). Journalistic Ethics in the Age of Digital Media: Addressing the Citizen’s Privacy concerns, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Vol.1 (LIII):16-22.
    13. Pradhan, P. and Sana Abbas (2017: June). Efficacy of public service campaign as a
    14. Pradhan, Pitabas. (2017: June). Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Indian Media. Journal of
    15. Pradhan, Pitabas (2017: March). CSR as a Corporate Sustainability Strategy, Indian
    16. Bhardwaj, Pratha and Pitabas Pradhan (2017: March). Sustainability Initiatives and Role of Employees, Indian Journal of Communication Review (ISSN 2454-9339), Vol 5(1): 75-84
    17. Abbas, Sana and Pitabas Pradhan (2017: March) Sustainability Issues and Indian Print
    18. Pradhan, Pitabas, Sana Abbas, and Sachin K Agrawal. (2016). Media Corporatization and its Implications for Media Performance, Journal of Communication Review (ISSN
    19. Pradhan, Pitabas, and Sachin K. Agrawal.(2015). Media and Health Communication:
    20. Pradhan, Pitabas. (2015). Environment management the new face of CSR: Response of the public sector in India, Journal of Communication Review (ISSN 2454-9339), Vol. 3(1), PP.59-75
    21. Pradhan, Pitabas, F. Hussain, and S. Khan (2014), Journalism or Jingoism: A content
    22. Pradhan, Pitabas. (2014). Employee communication at NALCO: An Audit, Indian Journal of Communication Review (ISSN 2454-9339), Vol.1 (2), PP.29-52
    23. Social Media Impact on Election Campaign: A Study of the Indian General Elections 2014 (2015). (ed.) Zlitni, Sami / Liénard, Fabien, Electronic Communication -Political, Social and Educational uses, Bern: Peter Lang, (ISBN 978-3-0343-1687-3), PP.39-62. 2)
    24. Media discourse and empowerment of the marginalized: Exploring the new media impact in India (2014), (eds.) A. Mohapatra, Development issues in India-Policies and Perspectives, Delhi: Mangalam Publishers and Distributors (ISBN 978-93-82816-21- 8), 286-298.
    25. G. K. Sahu & B. H. Heathy. “Unveiling Feminine Myth: Semiotic Analysis of Cosmetic Advertisements”, International Journal of Communication and Media Studies, Vol. 9 (3), Jun 2019, Pp. 15-24, ISSN 2250-0014.
    26. G.K. Sahu and A. Ahmad. “Gatekeepers, Gatekeeping Role Towards Upholding Human Rights: A Comparative Study of the Times of India and the Indian Express”, International Journal of Communication and Media Studies, Vol. 8 (5), Nov-Dec 2018, Pp. 7-14, ISSN 2250-0014
    27. G. K. Sahu & A. Ahmad. “News Media Coverage on Human Rights Issues: Comparative Analysis of the Times of India and the Hindu”, Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, Vol. 8 (2), October 2018, Pp. 149-165, ISSN 2277-7938.
    28. G. K. Sahu & A. Ahmad. “Understanding News Media Agenda on Human Rights: The Case Study of the Hindu”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol. 5 (4), October - December, 2018, Pp- 91-97, ISSN 2394 - 7780
    29. G. K. Sahu & A. Ahmad. “Gatekeepers, Gatekeeping Role Towards Upholding Human Rights: A Comparative Study of the Times of India and the Indian Express”, International Journal of Communication and Media Studies, Vol. 8 (5), Dec 2018, Pp- 7-14, ISSN 2250-0014.
    30. Mohd. Anas & G. k. Sahu. “Press Coverage on General Elections Campaign: A Comparative Study of two Mainstream English Dailies”, Indian Journal of Communication Review, Vol. 6(1), March-2018, Pp. 36- 44, ISSN 2454-9339.
    31. G. k. Sahu & S. Alam. “Portrayal of Rape and Assault cases in Indian Newspapers: Feminist Perspective”. In Srivastava, M. K. & P. Kumar (eds.) Trends of Contemporary Journalism and India. A. R. Publishing Co. 2017, Pp. 21-34.
    32. G. K. Sahu & A. Parveen. “Portrayal of Female Protagonists in Hindi Films: A Study on Changing Trends” IMS Manthan, Vol 11(1) Jan-Jun, 2016, ISSN 0974-7141.
    33. G. K. Sahu. & A. Kumar “Indo-Pak Relations in the Backdrop of a ‘Friendly Gesture’ and an Attack: Framing Analysis of Indian and Pakistani Press Coverage”, Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, Vol. 6(1), April 2016, Pp. 14-25. ISSN 2277-7938.
    34. G. K. Sahu “Alternative Communication Approach for Tribal  Development: Role of Community Communication Centre”, Academic Discourse, Vol. 5(1), June, 2016, Pp. 27-36. Print ISSN: 2278-3296, Online ISSN: 2349-4441.
    35. G. K. Sahu. & Avneesh Kumar. “Reporting Conflict: Coverage of the Third Gaza War by the Times of India and the Hindu”, Mass Communicator, Vol. 10 (1), January-March, 2016, Pp. 16-22. ISSN 0973-9688.
    36. G. k. Sahu & S. Alam. “Gender Issues in the Press: A Comparative Study of the Times of India and Dainik Jagran” Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol. 6(1), February, 2016, Pp. 70- 84. ISSN 2231-4547.
    37. G. k. Sahu & S. Abbas. “Use and Abuse of Female Body in Popular Hindi Films: A Semiotic analysis of Item Songs”, International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, Volume 3(10), December, 2015, pp. 14-25. ISSN 2321-7065.
    38. G.K. Sahu “Children in Indian Television Commercials: A Semiotic Analysis”, Quest - The Journal of UGC -HRDC Nainitnal, Volume 9 (2), May-August, 2015, pp. 98-105. Print ISSN: 0974-5041. Online ISSN: 2249-0035.
    39. G. K. Sahu & S. Alam. “Agenda Setting Role of Hindi Dailies on Women’s Issues: A Comparative Analysis”, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 4 (3), April, 2015, Pp. 46-48. ISSN 2277 - 8179.
    40. G. K. Sahu & S. Alam. “Coverage of Women’s Issues by Urdu and English Press: A Comparative Analysis”. IMS Manthan (The Journal of Innovations). Jan-Dec 2014; 9(1&2), Pp. 163-169, ISSN 0974-7141.
    41. G. K. Sahu. “The Age of Lost Innocence: Semiotic Analysis of Television Advertisements”, International Journal of Communication Development, Vol. 4 (2&3), July- December, 2014, Pp. 34-42. ISSN 2231-2498.
    42. G. K. Sahu. “Introducing Saaralaa Mahaabhaarata’ by Bibudhendra Narayan Pattnaik Book Review”, Indian Linguistics, Vol. 75 (1-2), pp. 173- 177. ISSN 0378-0759.
    43. G. K. Sahu. “Reconceptualising News and Redefining its Values: Postmodern Perspective”, Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol. 4(2), August 2014, pp. 165-182. ISSN 2231-4547.
    44. Published a paper titled “GM Food and Sustainable Development” in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, February 2015. 2.
    45. Published a paper titled “Framing of Genetically Modified Food in Major English dailies” in International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, February 2015.
    46. Published a paper titled, “Importance of Science Fiction Books in Popularization of Science” in the Indian Journal of Communication Review, 2014. 6.
    47. Published a paper titled, “Spread of HIV/AIDS Awareness and the Role of Media in its Prevention and Control” in the Indian Journal of Communication Review, 2014.
    48. Constructing Discourse Around Development: News Framing of 'MGNREGA' by Elite Indian Press (2016) (ed.) Khan & Sharma, Rural Development in Bhutan -Prospects and Challenges. (ISBN978-99936-33-21-1). PP.159-162
    49. Inspiration or Appropriation: An analysis of three Bollywood blockbusters. Indian Journal of Communication Review. Volume 1, Number 04, March 2016.
    50. William Howard Russell and the birth of war reporting. AMU Journal of Language and Media Discourse. ISSN: 2582-1741. Vol. 2. Issue 1-2, 2019-20.
    51. “A Study of the Coverage of Environment and Sustainable Development in Indian English Dailies”, IMS Manthan (The Journal of Innovations), Vol 11, No 02, 2016.
    52. “Climate Change and Newspapers in India”, Indian Journal of Communication Review, March 2015.
    53.   "Media and Environment: Issues and Challenges", Indian Journal of Communication Review, Volume 1, Number 2,            March 2014.

Chairman and Professor