तंत्रिका शल्यचिकित्सा का विभाग
समाचार और प्रकाशन
1.Guest lecture by Prof. V. K. Srivastava delivered on "Immuno Therapy of Gliomas" on 16.03.2013 at KG Medical College, Lucknow in UP - Neurocon 2013.
2. Dr. Ali Adil Mahmud, Junior Resident Posted in NeuroSurgery presented a paper "Pattern of hearing loss in patients with head injuries - A review of 300 cases", in UP Neurocon-2013 at KGs Medical College, Lucknow.
3. Best paper Award for " Role of Nitric Oxide As Prognostic MArker In Traumatic Head Injury" at 3rd Annual Meeting of IndiAN Acaedemy Of Biomedical Science & Symposium on Modern Trends In Human Disease, Dr. M.F. Huda , Md. Midayatullah
4. Prof. V.K. Srivastava delivered Presidential address "Reminiscences of a neurosurgeon" during 14th Annual Conference of U.P. Neurosociety, UP & UK held in February 2014.
5. Dr. M.F. Huda participated in 62nd Annual Conference of Neurological Society of India 12 th -15th December 2013 in Mumbai.
6. Dr. M.F. Huda participated in 3rd Annual Conference of Neurological Surgeons Society of India held at AIIMS, Rishikesh from 28th February- 2nd March 2014.
7. Dr. R.M.Sharma participated in NEUROVASCON 2014 held in Bangalore 5th-7th September.
8. Paper presented at XXXIX UPASICON ;2013-"A prospective Study Of Clinical Features Of Traumatic Brain Contusion in Children; Dr. M.F. Huda"
9. Dr. M.F. Huda participated in XX Annual Conference Of Neuroscience Society UP NEUROCON -2014 held at Bareily
10. Head Injuries Sustained by Children Due to Fall From Height: A Comprehensive Study; J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2013,Vol 35, No.4
11. Dr. Raman Mohan Sharma delivered a lecture on Axis Anatomy And Dimensions Relative To Translaminar Screw Placement In Indian Population" In SPINE 2014, held at Ahmedabad
12. Dr.R.M.Sharma presented a Paper In SPINE 2014 held at Ahmadabad on Axis Anatomy And Dimensions Relative To Translaminar Screw Placement In Indian Population in presented
13. Dr.R.M.Sharma presented a Paper on Intracranial Civilian Gunshot Wound : Prognosis and Management; presented in NEUROTRAUMA-2015 at Bangalore
14. Lecture Delivered on Topic-EVIDENCE BASED MANAGEMENT OF LUMBAR DEGENERATIVE DISEASE BY DR. Nupur Pruthi,Additional Professor NIMHANS, Banglore ON 16th March, 2016 at 8:00 am to 9:00 am
15. Dr. Raman Mohan Sharma delivered a lecture on " Intraoperative Rupture of Aneuyrysm" in How I Do It session of 23rd NEUROCON UP-UK 2017 held at Ghaziabad
16. Dr. Imad Ali (Junior Resident,Department of Neurosurgery)got (best poster) award for paper on "primary Extradural Spinal Hydatidoses" in 23rd NEUROCON UP-UK 2017 held at Ghaziabad
17. Dr. Rupali Chaubey (Junior Resident, Department of Neurosurgery) presented a paper " Prognostic Factors and Management of Civilian Intracranial Gunshot Wounds" in 23rd NEUROCON UP-UK 2017 held at Ghaziabad
18. Dr.R.M.Sharma presented a Paper on Prognostic Factors and Management of Civilian Intracranial Gunshot Wounds" Free Paper presentation (Platform) in the 23rd UP UK Neurocon 2017
19. Lecture Delivered on Topic: CNS Lesions Understanding the Neuropathologist Viewpoint BY Prof. R. K. Saran Director & Professor G.B. Pant, Institute of Medical Science on 20th September, 2017 at 8:00 am to 9:00 am.
20. Dr.R.M.Sharma presented a Video on Intraoperative Rupture of Aneurysm in HOW I DO IT SESSION of 23rd UP UK Neurocon 2017
21. Dr.R.M.Sharma presented a Paper on Hinge or floating anchored craniotomy revisited; its utilization for cerebral decompression in a resource limited setting Free paper presentation in NSSI lucknow Annual Meeting 2018
22. Lecture Delivered on Topic 1.: WHEN TO SUSPECT BRAIN TUMORAND RECENT ADVANCES IN ITS MANAGEMENT BY Prof. DEEPU BANERJI Ex- Professor SGPGI Lucknow ,Director & Senior Consultant (Neurosurgery)Narayana Superspecialty Hospital, Gurugram on 11th December 2018 at 8:00 am to 9:00 am
23. Lecture Delivered on Topic 2: MANAGEMENT OF STROKE: THE PARADIGM SHIFT BY DR. TARIQ MATIN,Head And Senior Consultant ,Incharge Of North Cluster Narayana Health MD (Radiology), DNBpeciality- Interventional RadiologyNarayana Superspecialty Hospital, Gurugram
24. Dr.R.M.Sharma invited as Faculty Member & Trainer in Endoscopic Skull Base Conference with Live Operative and Cadaveric Workshop (September 2019) at AIIMS,Raipur,C.G1. Dr.Mohammad Tabish khan awarded Gold medal in M.Ch. (Neurosurgery) IMS BHU Varanasi (2018).
25. Poster presentation by Dr.Mohammad Tabish khan on Role of Super oxide dismutase in traumatic brain injury and its clinico-radiological correlation in 27nd Annual Conference of Neurotrauma Society of India RML Lucknow 2018.
26. Dr.R.M.Sharma presented a Paper on Endoscopic Management Of Third Ventricle Colloid Cysts, Analysis Of The Technical Nuances And The Neuroendoscopic Anatomy : A Preliminary Experience Oral presentation in Neurosurgical Society Annual meeting 2019
27. Selected to present his surgical experience and Video on Endoscopic Endonasal Binostril Transsphenoidal Surgery For Pituitary Adenomas in World Federation of Neurosurgery (WFNS) Special Congress ,Beijing China 2019 (September)
28. Dr.Mohammad Tabish khan Participated as Delegate in the NEUROTRAUMA 2019 Annual Meeting of Neurotrauma Society of India (NTSI) held at Jaypee Hotel and DConvention Centre,Agra from 23rd -25th August 2019.
29. Dr.Mohammad Tabish khan attended the hands on cadaver workshop on Endoscopic skull base worhshopconducted by World neuroscience Summit at MSR advanced learning Centre Bangalore on 21st August 2019.
30. Dr.Mohammad Tabish khan Participated in SGPGI-MISS 2019 Workshop at SGPGI Lucknow (UP) held on 22nd to 24th Feburary 2019.
31.Aftab Hussain, Hammad Usmani, Mohd Fakhrul Huda, Guru Prasad Dureja, Dhruv Bibr. Comparison of Cervical Medical Branch Nerve Block Versus Trigger Point Injection in Patient with Chronic Neck Pain. Indian Journal of Pain Page 27, 16-04-2020