नाक-कान-गला चिकित्सा का विभाग

महत्वपूर्ण प्रयोगशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :15/03/2025

Endoscopic Procedures Laboratry

Otoendoscopy, Direct Nasal Endoscopy, Laryngoscopy are being done for various indications in this lab. This lab is equipped with camera, light source, Hopkins telescopes (Zero degree, 90 Degree, 70 degree) and flexible fibre-optic nasopharyngoscope.

Audiology Laboratory

Department has a well-equipped Audiology Lab. in the OPD section.

Pure Tone Audiometry, Tympanometry, OAE, BERA and ASSR are routinely done for the benefit of patients.

1. Temporal Bone Laboratory

The Department has a Temporal Bone dissection Lab with two working stations to help the PG students in learning the basic temporal bone anatomy

The Lab has an operating microscope, temporal bone holders, suction apparatus, and other instruments which have been provided for dissection of the temporal bone.

Dry temporal bones are provided for dissection. Dry bones are soaked in water for one week prior to dissection.

Chairman and Professor