शरीर विज्ञान का विभाग

महत्वपूर्ण प्रयोगशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :17/02/2025



Neurophysiology Laboratory of the department boasts of state of the art equipment for conducting various neurophysiological tests that include:

- BERA( Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry),

- NCV (Nerve Conduction Velocity),

- VEP (Visual Evoked Potential),

- EEG (ElectroEncephaloGram) ,

- HRV (Heart Rate Variability) etc.

The laboratory not only caters to the research need of the resident doctors but also provide valuable clinical support to the hospital patient.


The post-graduate biochemical laboratory is designed to help the post-graduate students in their research and thesis works involving estimations of biochemical parameters. The lab is fully equipped to facilitate the following biochemical analysis:-

Estimation by Colorimeter / Spectrophotometer :

1. Blood glucose or serum glucose.

2. Blood or serum lipid profile.

3. Serum creatinine.

4. Total serum lipid.

5. Total protein in plasma or serum.

6. Serum bilirubin.

7. Serum Urea estimation.

Estimation by Mediflame / Photometer :

1. Estimation of Sodium and Potassium in serum.


The human physiology laboratory is designed to facilitate the 1st year undergraduate medical students (MBBS & BDS) to acquire the basic required clinical skills. To promote effective learning of the skills the human physiology laboratory has been divided into two sections viz; Human Lab I and Human Lab II each catering to a different set of skills and experiments.

The basic skills acquired in the Human Physiology Lab are:

Human Physiology Lab I:

1. Central Nervous System Examination.

2. Abdominal Examination.

3. Cardio-vascular system examination.

4. Visual acuity testing

5. Permimetry

6. Colour vision testing

Human Physiology Lab II:

1. Respiratory system examination.

2. Measurement of Blood pressure.

3. Evaluation of pulse

4. Spirometry.

5. Exercise Tolerance test.


The amphibian lab is basically concerned with the understanding of nerve-muscle physiology and the effect of various drug preparations on the amphibian heart. Through the virtual software of frog and rabbit di, the students are provided a complete insight into the various principles of nerve-muscle and cardiac physiology.


The hematology lab is the place where students are provided basic laboratory skills in the field of blood examinations.

The manual methods of almost all the human blood investigation are being taught to the undergraduate MBBs & BDS students.

The experiments taught in the lab includes:

1. Peripheral blood smear examination

2. Total Leucocyte Count (TLC)

3. Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC)

4. Total RBC counts

5. Total WBC counts

6. Heamoglobin concentration

7. Platelet count

8. Blood grouping

9. Bleeding time & clotting time

10. Total reticulocyte count

Apart from the routine hematology experiments, the students are also demonstrated the technique to perform the pregnancy test and seminogram.

Chairman and Professor