सुघट्य शल्य चिकित्सा का विभाग

छात्रों की उपस्थिति रिकॉर्ड

Dept. data last updated on :13/11/2024
Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of February 2021

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of January 2021

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of December 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of November 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of October 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of September 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of August 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of July 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of June 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of May 2020

Attendance of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Students for the month of April 2020

Chairman and Associate Professor