शिया धर्मशास्त्र का विभाग
कैरियर सहकारी समिति
Dept. data last updated on :10/06/2024
With the reference of the letter LD No. ( C ) / 5703 dated 26.05.2017 of Registrar. A "CAREER COUNSELLING COMMITTEE
" is constituted of the following. Which will constitute of following members :
1 .. Prof. Syed Ali Mohd. Naqvi
2 Dr. Syed Mohd. Asghar
3. Dr. Syed Tayyab Raza Naqvi (Nodal Officer)
4. Mr.Asghar Ajaz (Nodal Officer)
5. Mr. Hadi Raza
The committee assigned The Responsibilities To Encourage Student And Seek Guidance. In the Second Month Of the session.

Chairman and Associate Professor