शिया धर्मशास्त्र का विभाग
पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट
Shia Theology
Refer Guide to Admission
Refer Guide to Admission
M.A. (ShiaTheology) provides the basis to pursue research programs like Ph.D course. After successful completion of the course, the student can apply for NET or JRF examination conducted by University Grant Commission (UGC) in the field of Comparative religions and other subject.
The success in these exams enables students to opt teaching or research in this field.
Student of Shia Theology may become University and Madrasas teachers as well as enlightened imams or khateebs .Moreover, due to proficiency in Arabic and Persian, they have job prospects in the Gulf as well as.
Students can pursue career as Assistant Professor in Universities, colleges and Research Institutes.
Students can pursue career as Teachers In School
Students can become Madrasas teachers as well as enlightened imams or khateebs . Moreover, due to proficiency in Arabic and Persian, they have job prospects in the Gulf as well
PhD scholars seek to pursue career PhD scholars seek to pursue careers in higher education institutions and research-oriented organizations in aboard.
Upon completion of this Programme, Student will be able to:
Describe important trends and phenomena in the history of Theology
Students will be able to teach theology and religious studies
Students will be able to carry out independent , original research on theology
Students will disseminate in today's academic and critical idiom the religion worldview
Apply learning to research and training activities
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