आर्युविज्ञान संकाय
Students Mentorship Programme
Students Mentorship Programme (SMP)
Faculty of Medicine, A.M.U., Aligarh
[ For MBBS and BDS Students ]

“Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be”
- Eric Parsloe
The Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring
The Students Mentoring Programme in Faculty of Medicine is
designed to ensure the transition of freshers of Faculty of Medicine
(MBBS and BDS students) into smooth college life.
A fresher (Mentee) joining JNMC/ZADC will be assigned a mentor (teacher) for five year.
The mentors will guide the mentees in all matters of academic and co-curricular activities.
The Students Mentorship Programme (SMP) will help new graduate students adjust more quickly to the life at AMU.
Responsibilities of Mentors (Teacher)
1. To interact with the mentee at least once a month.
2. To monitor the attendance of Mentees.
3. To monitor the sessional/terminal marks and academic progress of the mentee.
4. To liaise with the parents in academic matters.
5. To respond to e-mail of the mentee.
Responsibilities of Mentees (Students)
1. To be courteous and respectful of their mentors.
2. To maintain contact with their mentors and benefit from their mentors’ knowledge and experience.
3. To attend the programme as per schedule.
4. To complete the feedback survey at the end of the session
Students-Mentors List (MBBS and BDS)
1. Students-Mentors List 2016-17
2. Students-Mentors List 2017-18
3. Students-Mentors List 2018-19
4. Students-Mentors List 2019-20
5. Students-Mentors List 2020-21