धर्मविज्ञान संकाय
The Office overall supervises all administrative works under the direction of the Dean as follows :
•It holds Faculty
and CASR meetings.
• Convenes Selection
Committee for Assistant Professor (Contractual), Guest Teachers etc.
•Students of UG
courses, PG courses and Ph.D. program are enrolled in the office of the Dean.
• Registration and
continuation forms of all the courses are submitted in Dean’s office for
• It also keeps the
record of the results of the students UG and PG.
• Examination forms
of PG applicants collected and are sent to the office of Controller of
• Leaves are
sanctioned to the Ph.D. Students.
• Special Casual
Leaves are sanction to the faculty members by the Office.
•Drafting, typing
and maintaining of proformas for various university purposes.
•It monitors and
expedites UGC non-net and other fellowships for the students
•It maintains and
displays the attendance record of the UG/PG students
•The Office provides
support for all Department Entrance Tests and Admissions
•Elections of AMUSU
and AMU Court Membership are conducted under the Supervision of Dean.

Dean and Professor
Office: Office of the Dean, Faculty of Theology Ext: 1781
Phone: 2701166 Ext: 1781
Email: ftheology@yahoo.com