Prof. Shahjahan Bano
Dr S Bano Street No. I, Dhorra âAligarh-202002
I am a senior Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and joined as the Dean F/O Medicine on 23.1.2014.
I an proud of the fact that i completed my graduation and PG in Anaesthesiology from JN Medical College, AMU Aligarh in 1976 & Jan. 1980 respectively . I joined as Clinical Registrar in Anaesthesia in 1979 and became Lecturer in 1981. i have been working as Professor in Anaesthesia since March 1997. My passion for providing better care to patients has been the focus area of all my activities. Thus started Pre-anaesthtic Evaluation Clinic or Anaesthia OPD in 1998 (first in UP Medical Colleges). Encouraged junior Faculty to work for super-specialisation and established Pain Clinic at JNMC Hospital in 2005. During the same tenure of chairmanship i was able to start a Para-medical Course (2 year Dip. in Anaesthetic Assistance) in the year 2005. Further, with strong support from department & a trained faculty in critical care, the existing ICU was upgraded to the present state of the art facility ( XI FYP grant) with full cooperation from Hospital administration. my teaching interest revolves round the patient and simulators have been purchased for training during my tenure. i have organised many academic programs like CME, Conferences, Clinical Updates, Hands-on Workshops including Workshops for Nurses and Courses like ACLS , FCCS and ETAC for Doctors & Residents from other specialities ( more than 12 in last 12 yrs) as organising secretary or chairman of organising committee. i have published work in prestigious journals like Anaesthesia Analgesia, Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology and Indian Journal of Anaesthesiology.
I have served extensively as an examiner for UPSC for past 10 years and on the interview board for selection committeee for AIIMS and the upcoming new 6 AIIMS. i am invited as post graduate examiner from various medical colleges from all over India. currently i am serving on the Editorial Board of prestigious ournal: National Archives of Anesthesia and Resuscitation.
after joining as Dean i have been able to realise my dream of providing the best to my patients by my efforts towards improving teaching and training of residents. We celebrated the World Education Day by practising 'Each One Teach One'.
i have also introduced regular PG evaluation with support from Chairmen of all departments in my faculty. We have also introduced Log Books for post graduates to help in their professional developement.
Regarding Faculty Developement i was able to hold the 1st Basic Course Workshop in MET and initiate a regular Combined Clinical Meet for promoting inter Deratmental Collaboration at JNMC.