M.A., M. Phil. & Ph. D. in Arabic from JNU, New Delhi
Associate Professor
Saudi Literature, Indo Arab Literature & Translation
4/147, Gali No. 1, Shibli Bagh, Dhorra, Jamalpur, Aligarh-202002
Time Table UG & PG 2020-21 & 2021-22Time TableTime Table UG & PG 2020-21
Dr. Arafat Zafar, presently working as Associate Professor in the department, has obtained his M. A., M. Phil. and Ph. D. degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has completed his B. A. ( Hons) course in Arabic Language and Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi with English Literature, Political Science and Indian Religions & culture. He has earned the degree of Diploma in Modern Arabic and Advance Diploma in Modern Arabic Language & Translation from the JMI itself. He has received " Shah Waliullah Dehlavi Gold Medal for securing 1st position with distinction in B. A. (H) Arabic examination. He has qualified NET and selected for JRF awarded by UGC, GOI. He has attained his basic education from Madrasa Al-Islah, a famous Islamic seminary situated in Azamgarh, UP.
Dr Arafat has worked as Translator cum Interpreter in the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in New Delhi. He has taught as Guest Faculty at the centre of Arabic & African studies JNU, New Delhi. Before joining AMU, Aligarh, he served the University of Lucknow as Assistant Professor from the year 2007 to 2019.
His area of interest includes Saudi Literature, Indo-Arab Literature, Arabic grammar and Translation. He has seven published books; six in Arabic and one in Urdu. And has written more than seventy five articles and research papers in Arabic, English and Urdu languages, published in the reputed journals of India and abroad on various aspects of Arabic literature, culture and history. He has contributed several chapters in different volumes of Arts and literature. Apart from this, he has participated and presented papers in more than forty five national and international seminars and conferences in India and abroad. So far six students have successfully completed their research work under his supervision. He has delivered lectures on different topics of Arabic literature and on various issues of social and national relevance in colleges and institutions.
He is Joint Editor of Bi- Annual Journal of Quranic Sciences , Institute of Quranic Sciences, Aligarh. Moreover he is member of the editorial board of several reputed research and literary journals including Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic, AMU Aligarh and online Arabic Journal Naqeebul Hind . Likewise he is member & joint secretary of the Institute of Quranic Sciences, Aligarh India. He was bestowed upon the membership of the World Union of Arabic Teachers and Scholars, based in Beirut Lebanon. He was awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Teen Murti Bhawan, New Delhi for his academic excellence. He has visited Saudi Arabia and Malaysia for academic purposes.
Besides, he has been engaged as examiner and papers setter in major Indian universities. Furthermore he actively participates in the academic and administrative activities of the department. He successfully discharged the responsibilities of coordinator PG and PHD admission test of the department. He is advisor of Arabic Society of the department. Besides he contributes to the corporate life of the university as well. As of now he is warden in Sir Syed Hall North.
- Shazrat - e - Maulana Ameen Ahsan Islahi ( Edited) Year of Publication: 2024
- Dirasatun Fi Al-Adab Wa Al-A’lam, 2022, ISBN: 978-93-91601-56-0
- Imam Abdul Hameed Al-Farahi: Hayatohu wa Aamalohu Al-Loghaviyya wa Al-Adabiyya, 2021, ISBN: 978-93-92089-15-2
- Reflection of Islamic Thoughts and Values in Modern Saudi Poetry, (Arabic) 2021
- Al-Nahza Al-Adabiyya wa Al-Thaqafiyya Fi Al-Mamlaka Al-Arabiyya Al-Saudiyya 2020
- Development of Modern Arabic Poetry in Saudi Arabia (Arabic) 2019
- Shaikh Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahab : Life and Reforms (Arabic) 2016