Prof. Irshad Mahmood
Plant Nematology
House No.21, Rainbow Roof Phase-I, Anoopshahar Road, Aligarh-202 002 (UP)
Dr. Irshad Mahmood is working as a professor in the field of Plant Nematology, Department of Botany. He obtained Ph.D. degree from Aligarh Muslim University in the field of Plant Pathology and Nematology. Thrust area of my research is to promote organic farming across the world by utilizing the organic matters, mychorrhizal fungi. PGPR, biofertilizers and some other beneficial organisms for sustainable management of plant-parasitic nematodes through biological means as well as enrich the soil with nutrients necessary for plant growth and development. He attended a number of national and international conferences related to his subject and published over 100 original research papers, review articles and book chapters in various refereed national and international publication media, most of them in very high impact factors. He has been associated with teaching program of undergraduate and post-graduate level students of botany for the last 30 years and research experience in Plant Pathology and Nematology of 35 years, and visited many countries including United States, France, and U.K. He has successfully completed many training courses sponsored by ICAR, a premier Govt. organization and one in North Carolina State University, Raleigh U.S.A. He is member of national and international scientific organizations, served as experts for selection committee, reviewer of journals, Ph.D. thesis, funding agencies and is recipient of scientist of the year award in the field of his specialization. He has guided six Ph.D., several M.Phil. and a number of M.Sc. dissertations. He has involved for establishing a joint Govt. project in Aligarh Muslim University for improvement of infrastructural facilities in Botanical Garden to facilitate Ex Situ conservation and Propagation of rare, Endangered and Threatened Plants and Plants Endemic to the region.