B.Sc Engg. (Electrical), MBA, PhD
Consumer Behaviour, Service Marketing, Business Research
4/1460(9) Shahnaz Manzil, Medical College Road, Civil Lines, Aligarh-202002 (Uttar Pradesh), India,
9557633713 ,
Dr Mohammed Naved Khan, is a Professor at Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Aligarh Muslim University. He is also UGC Adjunct Faculty, Central University of Jammu. After completing Electrical Engineering, he did his MBA and PhD in the area of Consumer Behavior. The topic of his PhD was Dimensions of Family Decision Making in the Purchase of Consumer Products.
Dr Khan is the recipient of P D Agarwal TCI Award for Doctoral Research in Management under the aegis of IIM (Bangalore). He has also been awarded the prestigious "Emerald Literati Award (2018)" by Emerald Publishing Limited. Another of his paper co-authored with Dr Danish Kirmani and titled "Decoding willingness of Indian consumers to pay a premium on green products" published in South Asian Journal of Business Studies has recently been selected by the editorial team as "Highly Commended" in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards. His paper titled "Consumer Ethnocentrism: Validating the CETSCALE in India and Bangladesh" was adjudged among the "TOP THREE PAPERS" at the 6th IIMA International Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies organized by Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad (Jan 7-9, 2015). The paper titled "Developing a Hedonic E-Service Quality Scale: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach" authored by Obaidur Rahman (currently Research Associate, MRP-ICSSR, New Delhi), Dr. Asad Ahmad (currently Assistant Professor, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi) and Dr. Mohammed Naved Khan received the prestigious "Labdhi Bhandari Memorial Award for Third Best Paper" in the 7th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies held at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad (January 11-13, 2017). Paper titled "Service Quality of Online Shopping Websites: An Empirical Study" of the same team of researchers also won the BEST PAPER AWARD at 3rd International Conference, SGGS College of Commerce, University of Delhi (Feb 4-5, 2016).
He has teaching experience of more than 20 years and areas of interest include Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Research Methodology. Several leading business schools in India and abroad regularly invite him as a resource person for conducting workshops for management teachers, corporate professionals, researchers, and management students on use of latest tools and techniques in business research. He has to his credit books published by leading publishers such as Sage Publications, New Delhi (India)/ Thousand Oaks (USA)/ London (UK).
Around 100 of his research papers have been published in leading refereed national and international journals. He has successfully guided around 28 doctoral students.
He attended and chaired sessions during the Frontiers in Service Conference co-sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Service, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, USA, IBM Research, and American Marketing Association, held at San Francisco, USA. He has presented papers in several International and National Conferences including Global Conference on Job & Wealth Creation through Entrepreneurship jointly organized Max Planck Institute for Economics, Jena, Germany; School for Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA and Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon, India; International Conference on Return on Marketing Investments jointly organized by Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, India, and Zyman Institute of Brand Science, Goizueta Business School, Emory, Atlanta, USA; and has presented papers at International Conferences on the theme 'Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies' organized by Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, India. He has travelled widely and visited USA and several countries in Europe and Middle East.
Dr Khan is Member, Academic Programme Committee; CBCS Curriculum Revision Committee; Committee for Ranking of University, IQAC; Committee for Preparing Vision, Mission and Perspective Plan of Aligarh Muslim University; and Teacher-in-Charge, Community Outreach Initiatives, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Aligarh Muslim University, India.
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