Dr. Azhar Jameel

    PhD, (Civil Engg.), MSc Engg (Build. Engg.), BSc Engg. (Civil), MISTE, FIE


    Associate Professor


    Surveying, Concrete & Steel Structures


    "Jameel Manzil" , Street No. 08 Iqra Colony, New Sir Syed NagarALIGARH - 202002 (U.P)India





    Time table


PROFILE Dr. AZHAR JAMEEL had worked as Incharge (Head) of Civil Engineering Section since June 2002-Oct.,2012 (more than ten years). He joined the University Polytechnic in Oct. 1983 as a lecturer and was promoted as a Reader in June 1993 and re-designated as Associate Professor since Jan.2016. He has obtained his PhD (Civil Engg), M.Sc. Engg.(Build. Engg) and B.Sc Engg. (Civil) Degrees from this university and having a teaching experience of about 34 years for both diploma and degree level. He worked as Superintendent Examination besides looking after TPEC & CFC as Incharge. He has been actively involved in various development work of the University in general and Polytechnic in particular. During his about more than three decade of association in teaching he taught the subjects like Strength of Materials, Design of Steel Structure, Deign of Concrete Structure, Surveying, Transportation Engineering, Building Materials and Construction etc and laboratory work- Strength of Materials, Concrete, Soil and Survey labs. He was the Provost of RM Hall in year 2011 -2012 & SS(North) Hall (2017) besides Joint Secretary of A.M.U. Teachers Association in 1997 for a period of two years. He has also represented in Academic Council of Aligarh Muslim University as elected member during 2015 - 2017, 2011 - 2013, 1999 - 2001 and 1991-93, for four terms of two years each. He had been assigned member of Board of Studies of Chemical Engineering Department, Z.H. Collage of Engineering & Technology for a period of two years in 1991-92. He has number of technical papers in international journals & conferences and attended a number of workshops, national conferences, seminars and successfully conducted two week refresher course as Coordinator on "Recent Trends in Building Design" sponsored by AICTE and organised through ISTE under S.T.T.P programme on September 4 -16, 2000. He is author of "Concrete Lab-Working Manual" for Students and Field Engineers. It is a very useful book and helps the students in carrying out the classroom experiments and also helps the field engineers to ensure quality at site. His PhD work is on the topic "Effect of Wind Forces on Hip Roof Buildings using Computational Fluid Dynamic (C.F.D) Techniques" Besides this, he has always been associated with various academic and administrative works in the university and worked in various capacities such as Provost R.M. Hall (Aug. 2011 - June 2012) & SS(North) Hall (2017). Incharge TPEC (Training in Prototype Extension Centre) & CFC (Common Facility Centre/ General Warden/Dining Hall Incharge/ Assistant superintendent of Examination/ Tabulator/ Admission Coordinator/ Chief Tabulator etc. He has started consultancy work on material testing at University Polytechnic. He also remained associated with admission in university & Polytechnic for several years besides other works of University as and when assigned.He is life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Fellow Member of Institution of Engineers (IE) F-119253-8. He also accompanied Educational Tours & Survey Camps as Incharge for many years. Worked on the project Titled "Improved Turbulence Model for Computational Wind Engineering", Rs.7.32 Lacs financed by CST-UP as Co-investigator. Recipient of PENTAGON AWARD, Zakir Hussein Foundation, Aligarh for "Social Work & General Welfare". He is also Member of Institute of Homeopathic Association Thiruvananthapuram and involve in other social works such as Secretary, Zakat Society,Aligarh etc.

strength of materials (BCE401)
Structural Design ll (BCE501)