M.Tech (IIT Delhi), Ph.D (IIT Delhi)
Structural Engineering, Offshore Structures and Self Compacting Concrete
3/82 Iqbal Bagh, Diggi Road, Aligarh
The faculty member has been working in the structural engineering field for more than the last thirty three years. He has more than thirty three years teaching experience. The areas of specialization are Structural Engineering, Offshore Structures and Engineering Materials. Throughout his academic career, he has been an active researcher and has published Fifty Four research papers in international journals/ national journals/ international and national conferences of repute. The number of citations of the papers is more than 300. Some of the journals in which papers have been published include International Journal of Offshore Mechanic and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Ocean Engineering, Elsevier Science publication, Computers & Structures, Steel and Composite Structures, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, The Computers and Concrete.- An International Journal, Journal of Structural Engineering and Journal of Advances in Vibration Engineering. He has four years industrial experience. He has taught for 5 years in University of Bahrain.
- Publications
1 Umar, A., Qadeer, A., Abbas, H. and Sehgal, D.K. (1996). “Prediction of error in finite element results.” International Journal of Computers & Structures, Vol. 60, No. 3, 471-480. (cited by 8) IF 2.676
2 Amanullah, M., Siddiqui, N.A., Umar, A. and Abbas, H. (2002) “Fatigue reliability analysis of welded joints of a TLP tether system.” Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal. 1.615 Vol. 2, No. 5. Pp.331-354. (cited by 10) IF 0.933
3 Umar, A., and Datta, T.K. (2003) “Nonlinear response of a moored buoy.” International Journal of Ocean Engineering, Elsevier Science publication Vol. 30, pp 1625 – 1646. (cited by 52) IF-1.615
4 Umar, A., Suhail, A. and Datta, T.K. (2004) “Stability analysis of a moored vessel.” International Journal of Offshore Mechanic and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 126, No. 2, pp. 164 – 174. (cited by 10) IF 0.64
5 Shah, A. A., Umar, A. and Siddiqui, N. A. (2005) “A methodology for assessing the reliability of taut and slack mooring systems against instability.” International Journal of Ocean Engineering, Elsevier Science publication..Vol. 32, pp. 1216 –1234. (cited by 23) IF-1.615
6 Kamruzzaman, M., Umar, A., Naq vi, S.Q.A., and Siddiqui, N.A.S. (2006) “Effect of composite types and its configuration on buckling strength of thin laminated composite plates.” Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol 3, pp. 279 – 299. (cited by 10) IF 1.254
7 Siddiqui, N. A., Khan F.H., Umar, A., (2009) “Reliability of underground concrete barriers against normal missile impact”, The Computers and Concrete – An International Journal ,Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 79-93. (cited by 9) IF 0.936
8 Umar, A., Datta, T.K. and Suhail, A., (2010) “Complex dynamics of slack mooring system under wave and wind excitations” Open Oceanography Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 9-31. (cited by 8)
9 Umar, A., Al-Tamimi A., (2011). “Influence of viscosity modifying admixture on the properties of SCC produced using locally supplied materials in Bahrain.” Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.32 -49. (cited by 14)
10 Umar, A. (2014) “‘Sustainable Concrete by Partially Replacing Sand using GRP Powder Waste’’. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences. Vol. 2 No. 6. pp.36-51.
11 Subhan Ahmad, Arshad Umar (2017) “Characterization of self compacting concrete”. Procedia Engineering (Elsevier) Vol 173(C). pp 814-821. (cited by 12)
12 Subhan Ahmad, Arshad Umar and Amjad Masood (2017) “Properties of normal concrete, self –compacting concrete and glass fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete- an experimental study”. Procedia Engineering (Elsevier) Vol 173(C). pp 807-813. (cited by 33)
13 Subhan Ahmad, Arshad Umar and Amjad Masood (2017) “Influence of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibres on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete” SKIT Research Journal – An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 48-52.
14 Subhan Ahmad and
Arshad Umar (2018) “Influence of Glass and Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibres on Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete” Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 333-344. (cited by 1)15 Subhan Ahmad, and Arshad Umar (2018) “Rheological and Mechanical properties of Self Compacting Concrete with Glass and Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibres.” Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 17 pp 65-74. (cited by 22)
16 Subhan Ahmad, Arshad Umar, Amjad Masood and Mohammad Nayeem (2019) “Performance of Self Compacting Concrete at room and after elevated temperature incorporating silica fume ” Advances in Concrete Construction- An International Journal, (Techno Press) Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 31-37. (cited by 9)
17 Rais, M.S., Shariq, M., Masood A., Umar, A., Alam, M.M., (2019) “An experimental and analytical investigation into age-dependent strength of fly ash mortar at elevated temperature” Construction and Building Materials Vol., 222, pp. 300-311. (cited by 2)
18 Shariq, M., Masood A., Umar, A., Haiyan, A. (2020) "Residual load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete cylinders after heating at elevated temperature",
S N Applied Sciences. Vol. 2, No 10. pp1-12
19 Amjad Masood, M. Masroor Alam, Arshad Umar , Mohd Shariq and Abu Haiyan “Behavior of confined high strength concrete at elevated temperature” Computers & Concrete - An International Journal, Techno-Press (Communicated)
20 Umar, A. and Siddiqui, N.A. (2002) “Reliability analysis of a moored vessel.” Journal of Structural Engineering. SERC, India, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 171-174. (cited by 4)
21 Umar, A., and Datta, T.K. (2003) “Dynamic analysis of a moored vessel.” Journal of Structural Engineering. SERC, India, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 229 – 237. (cited by 1)
22 Umar, A., and Datta, T.K (2003). “Estimation of wave forces in finite depth of water – a comparative study.” Journal of Structural Engineering. SERC. India, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 179 – 187.
23 Khan, U., Siddiqui, N.A., Umar, A., and Abbas, H. (2003). “Local damage of plain and reinforced concrete targets under impact load.” Defence Science Journal, DRDO, India, Vol. 53, No. 1, Jan. 2003, pp. 67 – 73. (cited by 5) IF 0.359
24 Anver, N., Umar, A. and Siddiqui, N.A., (2004). “Effect of geometric nonlinearity on response behavior of a multipoint mooring system”. Journal of Advances in Vibration Engineering, Bangalore, India, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 208 – 222. H INDEX 5
25 Siddiqui, N.A., Jameel, M., Umar A and Ahmad, S. (2005). “Nonlinear coupled response of Tension Leg Platform.” Journal of Advances in Vibration Engineering, Bangalore, India. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 67 – 82. (cited by 1)
26 Umar, A., Datta, T.K. and Ahmad, S. (2006). “Response characteristics of moored vessel under random sea.” Journal of Advances in Vibration Engineering, Bangalore, India, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 33 – 41.
27 Umar, A., Seema and Datta, T.K., (2006). “Dynamic analysis of a taut mooring system under first and second order wave forces”, Journal of Structural Engineering. SERC, India, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 297 – 307.
28 Siddiqui, N.A., Umar, A. and Saxena, A. K. (2008). “Non-Linear Coupled Response of TLP Under Random Wave and Impulsive Forces”, Journal of Structural Engineering. SERC, India, Vol., 34, No. 5, pp.369 -376.
29 Umar, A. and Al-Tamimi, A., (2011). “A critical study of the effect of viscosity modifying admixture and glass fibers on the properties of self compacting concrete (SCC)”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 2, June - July 2011 pp. 153–162. (cited by 4)
30 Niteesh Agrawal, Mohammed Arif, Arshad Umar and M. Shariq (2019) – Experimental Investigation on Bottom Ash Concrete Using Alkali Activators and Steel Fibres, The Indian Concrete Journal, Volume 93, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 60-66.
- Umar, A., Qadeer, A., Abbas, H. and Sehgal, D.K. (1994). “An extrapolation technique for prediction using coarse mesh.” Proceedings of Tenth Symposium on Earth Quake Engineering, Roorkee, Vol. 2, 975-981.
- Umar, A., Abbas, H., Qadeer, A. and Abbas, M. (1995). “Error modeling in finite element analysis of shell structures.” Proceedings of National Seminar on High Rise Structures, Allahabad. Pp. II 78-II 83.
- Umar, A., Datta, T.K. and Suhail, A. (1997). “Second order wave forces on large offshore structures.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Ship and Ocean Technology (SHOT’ 97), I.I.T. Kharagpur, pp. 110-116. (cited by 3)
- Umar, A. and Siddiqui, N.A (2000). “Reliability analysis of
multipoint mooring system.”
International Conference on Quality, Reliability and it at the turn of Millenium, 21 – 23 Dec. 2000, New Delhi.
- Umar, A., and Datta, T.K. (2001). “Stability analysis of a
moored system.” Proceedings of the Structural
Engineering Convention-An International Meet
(SEC – 2001), I.I.T Roorkee, pp. 636 – 654. (cited by 4)
- Umar, A., Datta, T.K. and Suhail, A. (2001). “Wave Force
Estimation – A Critical Study.” International
Conference in Ocean Engineering – 2001
(ICOE-2001), 10th-14th Dec. , I.I.T Madras, Paper No MH8. Pp. 125 – 131. (cited by 2)
- Umar, A., and Datta, T.K. (2001). “First and Second Order
Wave Forces – A Critical Study.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering for Ocean & Offshore
19th– 21st Dec., Singapore.
- Umar, A., Datta, T.K. and Suhail, A. (2002). “Effect of geometric nonlinearity on the stability of a moored system.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Ship and Ocean Technology (SHOT’ 2002), 16 – 18 December, I.I.T. Kharagpur.
- Khan, U., Siddiqui, N.A., Umar, A., and Abbas, H. (2002). “Local damage in concrete targets under impact load.” Symposium on Large Deformation. India International Centre, New Delhi pp. 22.
- Anver, N., Umar, A. and Siddiqui, N. A., (2002). “Nonlinear response of multipoint mooring systems.” Symposium on Large Deformation, India International Centre, New Delhi, pp.26.
- Umar, A., Datta, T.K. and Ahmad, S. (2003). “Statistical Characteristics of the Surge Response of moored buoy under random sea.” National conference on Advances in Civil Engineeering: Perpectives of developing countries ACEDEC 2003. 15-16 February, HBTI, Kanpur pp 30 – 40.
- Jameel, M., Siddiqui, N. A., and Umar, A. (2003). “Nonlinear Response of Tension Leg Platforms under wave and wind loading” National conference on Advances in Civil Engineering: Perpectives of developing countries ACEDEC 2003. 15-16 February, HBTI, Kanpur, pp 90 – 98.
- Umar, A., Naqvi, S. Q. A., Faisal A., and Datta, T.K. (2004) “Dynamic stability analysis of moored system under wave and wind excitations” SEM –04 ,Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, September 2004
- Umar, A., Naqvi, S. Q. A., Seema., and Datta, T.K. (2004). “Dynamic analysis of a taut mooring system” INCHOE 2004, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, 7th –9th Dec. 2004. Pp 373 – 381.
- Naqvi, S. Q. A., Umar, A., Ahmad, S., and Datta, T.K. (2005). “Wave force estimation in deep water – A critical study”. Proceedings of National Seminar on Sustainable Infrastructure for National Development (NSSIND), Aligarh,17-18 April, 2005.pp. 71-81.
- Kamruzzaman, Naqvi, S. Q. A., Umar, A., Siddiqui, N.A. (2005). “Buckling behavior of rectangulari-symmetric laminated plates”. Proceedings of National Seminar on Sustainable infrastructure for National Development (NSSIND), Aligarh, 17-18 April, 2005. Pp. 83-91.
- Umar, A., and Datta, T.K. (2006). “A critical study on the wave force estimation” Proceedings of All India seminar on Advances in Product Development, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (MNNIT) 17 – 18th Feb. 2006.
18.Umar, A., and Datta, T.K. (2006). “Geometric nonlinearity and its effects on the stability of a floating system ”Proceedings of National Conference on Earth Quake Disaster Technology and Management, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (MNNIT), 11 – 12th Feb. 2006, pp. VI – 49 to VI – 53.
- Umar, A., Ahmad, S., and Faizan, U. K., (2007). “Dynamic Analysis of Slack Mooring System under Wave and Wind Excitations” Proc. Of First National Conference on Civil Engineering: Advances and Challenges, Maharishi Markandeshwar Engineering College Mullana, Ambala, Haryana from 9-10th March 2007.
- Umar, A., and Al-Tamimi, A., (2010). “A study of the effect of viscosity modifying admixture on the properties of self compacting concrete (SCC)” 9th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Sept., 27-30, 2010. Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
- Umar, A., Tamimi, A. (2016) "A critical study of the performance of self compacting concrete (SCC) using locally supplied materials in Bahrain". International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Materials Science ICEMS-2016. The Abstract ID: 1-IC-1425.
- Umar, A. Masood, A., Ahmad, S (2016). “A comparative study of the performance of self-compacting concrete using glass and polyvinyl alcohol fibres”. International Conference on Hybrid And Composite Materials, Chemical Processing (HCMCP)-2016. St. Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 25th-27th October. pp. 27-33. (cited by 4)
- Amjad Masood, Arshad Umar, Tazyeen Ahmad and Mohd. Shariq (2016). “Residual strength properties of quartzite, granite and basalt aggregate concrete subjected to single heating-cooling cycle” International Conference on Hybrid And Composite Materials, Chemical Processing (HCMCP)-2016. St. Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 25th-27th October.
- Subhan Ahmad and Arshad Umar, (2018). “Fibre-reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete: A Review” International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy - 2018 (ICMMRE 2017), IOP Conference Series: Materials, Science and Engineering 377(1). 012117 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012117 (cited by 7)
- ED Cendales, FA Orjuela, O Chamarraví, F Self-Compacting, S Ahmad, Arshad Umar (2019) “Characteristics of SCC with Fly Ash and Manufactured Sand” IOP Conference Series