Prof. Mehboob Anwer Khan
M.Sc. Engg., Ph.D
Geo technical Engg
4/1476 C-I, Aghosh-e-Noor, Back Side Jamia Urdu Road, Civil Lines, Dodhpur, Aligarh
For being B.E. (Civil) with honours (rank II) and MSc. Engineering (Civil) with honours, I was awarded PhD. (Geotechnical Engineering) by A.M.U. Aligarh in 2008. Presently working as Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering A.M.U. Aligarh and teaching Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Advanced Foundation Engineering, Advanced Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Transportation Engineering (Highway, Railway and Airport Engineering) and Advanced Highway Engineering. My field of spcializations are Soil-Structure Interaction, Geotechnical Engineering and Wind Engineering. I am actively engage in research areas like Geotechnical, Highway and Geo-Environmental Engineering. I have supervised 23 M.Tech. dissertations and presently guiding 02 M.Tech. and 01 PhD. students. I have published about 52 papers in International/National Journals and Conference Proceedings and attended 02 Inernational and 10 National Conferences with 13 Workshop/Orientation and Refresher Courses. Some of the journals in which my papers were published are International Journal-Steel and Composite Structures, International Journal-Structural Engineering and Mechanics, International Journal of Civil Engineering and International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. Completed a Research Project entitled, �??Environmental Geotechnical Investigations for Mass Utilization of Flyash from Thermal Power plant�??, Sponsored by AICTE, Rs. 5.00 Lakhs, (1998-2000). Recently i have Submitted a Research Project entitled, ?Stabilization of weak soil with waste materials?, in DST, Approx. Rs. 70 Lakhs (Acknowledgement No: DST/TSG/STS/2015/141)I am also member of professional bodies like Institution of Engineers (India) and Indian Geotechnical Society since 2002. I have been awarded Shiksha Ratan Award and Certificate of Excellence in 2010 and was elected best citizen of India in 2011. I have cotributed as scruitinizer since 1996 and Tabulator of B. E. Courses since 2010 in Civil Engg. Deptt. AMU and Varifying Officer for the admission tests of B.Tech, M. Tech. and B.E. evening cources (ZHCOET) since 1998. I have been a part of University Adminitration from 1996 to 2007 and 2011 to 2012 and worked as warden in various halls and Assistant Proctor (1997-1999). I have Contributed as Co-Convener in the two Workshop held in the Department of Civil Engineering on April 26 and May 12, 2012.I have Organized 4 National Conference/workshop in the department. I have been humble, disciplined and popular academician who always adhered to the values and virtues of honesty with integrety.