PhD( Applied Mechanics), M.Tech ( Structural Engineering), B.Tech ( Civil Engineering)
Concrete Technology & Concrete composites, Recycled Concrete Aggregates, Phase Change materials &Functionally Graded Concrete, Dynamic of Structures, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Reliability, Offshore Structures, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
4/807 Sir Syed Nagar, Ayesha Lodge, Aligarh (UP) 202001
9876497242 , 9876497242
Dr Rizwan Ahmad Khan is currently Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at AMU Aligarh. Earlier, he was Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, AMU, Aligarh in the year 2002 and Master's Degree in Structural Engineering from Faculty of Engineering and Technology, AMU, Aligarh in the year 2004. Dr Khan earned his Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD) in the year 2009. He has more than 14 years of teaching, research and educational experience. His research interests are Self Healing Concrete & Bacterial Concrete, Phase change Materials & Functionally Graded Concrete, Self Compacting Concrete, Concrete Composites, Fibre Reinforced Concrete and Recycling of Materials in Concrete, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning . Dr Khan has guided more than 44 Master theses in the various aspects of concrete technology till date and he has guided three PhD thesis and he is also guiding 04 research scholars for their Doctoral degree in the area of concrete composites. One of his thesis guided "Use of Copper Slag in Concrete and Cement Mortar as a Replacement of Sand" has been awarded Best M Tech Thesis in 2014 by ICI-UltraTech Cement. Dr Khan is a young and keen researcher and his research work is internationally recognized. He has contributed more than 100 research papers in International Indexed and National Journals of repute published by Elsevier Science (UK), Thomas Telford (UK), ASME (UK) and International Conferences. He has attended and presented research papers in various countries such as USA, France, Hongkong, Malaysia, China and United Arab Emirates(UAE). He was a Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd and 3rd International UKIERI Concrete Congress held in March 2013 and November 2015 at NIT Jalandhar. He was the Convener of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering & Science, AMU, Aligarh . Further, he was Coordinator for various short term courses organized at NIT Jalandhar and Aligarh Muslim University. Beside efforts for his personal development, Dr Khan has also been endeavoring for the holistic development of the Department of Civil Engineering at his parent Institute. He is actively involved in the development and modernization of the Concrete Structures Laboratory of his Department. He is a recipient of various scholarships including Institute Assistantship for pursuing his research work and ASME and DST grants to attend and present paper at International Conference. He got Best Paper Presentation Award for his paper presented at 11th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology 2012 (CONCET 2012) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Dr Khan is actively involved in providing consultancy services to various Government and Private Organizations in the area of Concrete Mix Design and Testing. He has been member of Board of Studies in Civil Engineering of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar and is also reviewer for various international Journals and Conferences. In view of the outstanding professional contributions, the ICI Punjab (Patiala) Centre, UltraTech Cements Ltd. has conferred on Dr Rizwan A Khan the Outstanding Young Concrete Technologist Award 2015, “Young Scientist in Civil Engineering 2017” by Venus International Research Foundation (VIRF), “Outstanding Scientist Award 2018” by IOSRD Research Awards.
- Publication
Publications International Journals (refreed)
R. A. Khan, N.A. Siddiqui, S.Q.A. Naqvi and S. Ahmad (2006), “Reliability Analysis of TLP Tethers against Impulsive Loading”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Elsevier Science, Vol.91, I-1, p73-83.ISSN: 0951-8320
Rizwan A. Khan and Suhail Ahmad, “Safety Assessment of Deepwater Marine Riser under Random Loads, International Journal of Maritime Engineering,MA-4 UK . ISSN 1741-7597, E-ISSN: 1751-7737
Rizwan A Khan, Arshdeep Kaur, S P Singh and Suhail Ahmad (2011)”Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Marine Risers Under Random Loads for Deepwater Fields in Indian Offshore, Procedia Engineering Vol. 14, Pp 1334-1342
Rizwan A. Khan and Ajay More,(2012) “ Semi Active Magnetorheological (MR) Dampers for Seismic Response Control of the Structures”, Global Journal of Engg. & Appl. Sciences, Vol. 2, I-3, 2012, ISSN 2249-2631 (online), ISSN: 2249-2623 (print)
Rizwan A. Khan and Suhail Ahmad, “3D Finite Element Analysis of Marine Risers under Random Loads, Journal of Offshore Structures and Technology, ISSN: 2349-8986, Vol. 1(1).
Rizwan A. Khan and Suhail Ahmad(2014), “Bilinear Fatigue and Fracture Approach for Safety Analysis of an offshore structure, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASMEVol. 136, I-2.
Rizwan A. Khan Abhishek Khandelwal and Suhail Ahmad, (2015)“Nonlinear Three Dimensional Dynamic Analyses of Titanium Drilling Riser, Journal of Offshore Structures and Technology, ISSN: 2349-8986, Vol. 2(2).
Rizwan A. Khan (2015) “Fatigue Durability Assessment of Suspended Piping System under Random Loads”, Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering Vol. 3 (3), 2015, pp 272-279( ISSN: 2348-8956)
Rizwan A. Khan, Milind Sharma and Snimardeep Singh, (2015)“ A Comprehensive Analysis of the Advances in Green Buildings Sector. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies. ISSN: 2230-7982(online), ISSN: 2321-5186(print) Vol. 6(3).
Rizwan A Khan and Atul Sharma(2016) Effect of Lime Powder and Metakaolin on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self Compacting Concrete. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures, Vol 3(4) Pp 161-166. (ISSN 2170-127X)
K. Senthil, R. A. Khan, G. J. Chauhan, D. K. Meena, and D. Singal( 2016). Analysis of Responses of Highway Bridges to Wheel Loading and Drop Impacts: Finite Element Studies., J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. Vol. 4(4)/2330-152X/2016/001/016
K. Senthil , R. A. Khan, S. Arvin, A. Singh(2017).Structural Behavior of Railway Bridges against Wheel Loading by Finite Element Analysis. International Journal of Structural Engineering and Analysis, Vol. 3(1), pp-1-14.
Rahul Sharma and Rizwan A. Khan(2017).Sustainable use of copper slag in self-compacting concrete containing supplementary cementitious materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 151, pp- 179-192
Rizwan A Khan (2017). Mechanical and Durability Performance of Self Compacting Concrete Containing Fly Ash and Metakaolin. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies Vol. 2 (I-1) pp 68-78 ( DOI: 10.29187/jscmt.2018.9) ISSN Number: 2458-973X.
Rizwan A. Khan and Suhail Ahmad(2017), “Nonlinear dynamic and bilinear fatigue reliability analyses of Marine Risers in deep offshore fields, Journal of Ships and Offshore Structures(
Rizwan A. Khan (2017)“ Concrete Oil and Gas Platforms in Offshore Marine Environment: A Review, Journal of Offshore Structures and Technology, ISSN: 2349-8986, Vol. 4(1), pp 33-42.
Rahul Sharma and Rizwan A. Khan(2017). Durability assessment of Self Compacting Concrete incorporating copper slag as fine aggregates. Construction and Building Materials 155C (2017) pp. 617-629
Rahul Sharma and Rizwan A. Khan(2018). Influence of Copper Slag and Metakaolin on the Durability of Self Compacting Concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 171, pp- 1171-1186
Rahul Sharma and Rizwan A. Khan(2018). Strength and Durability Characteristics of Rice Husk Ash Concrete Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibres. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 12, I-4
- Matrix method of Analysis