Mr. Saliesh Maheshwari
Associate Professor
Compilers,Operating Systems
"ARCHANA", Bhahman Puri, Aligarh.
After passing Computer Science course of PGDCS (equivalent to M.Phil) from AMU, in 1976, I joined Computer Centre of Gauhati University in 1977 as System Programmer. I worked there for 5 1/2 year and taught Computer Science to students of various courses and teacher of university as it was completely new thing in NE region and computer culture has to be developed.
I joined AMU Computer Centre as System Programme (Lecture Grade) in 1983 and promoted to System Engineer (Software) (Reader Grade) in 1987. Three year master degree course of computer science was introduced with approval of UGC & DOE. I was involved in course structure development, syllabus design, Lab development and other related work. M.Tech (Computer Science) was also started in Computer Centre and I was teaching there also. During this period computerization of admission and examination was taken up at large scale by the University and I was team member to implement this. I also developed and conducted various short term courses for Teachers and Research Scholar of the University so that culture of computer usage may develop in the university. I was also involved in training programme of other university/college teacher, Banks Employee, School Teacher etc. I was in charge of class project of govt. of India for Computer Education in Schools.
I joined the dept of computer science as reader in 1991 and working on the same post since last 22 years. During this period in addition to master level course and diploma which were already running since 1983, graduate level course of Computer Science and Ph.D programmes were started in the department. B.Tech(Computer) Course was also started in engineering faculty with our help and I was teaching there till teachers were appointed in Computer Engineering Department.
I was Chairman of the Department of Computer Science for nine years and made all out efforts for the development of the department and brought the department to this height in term of space, facilities, students and staff. I was also deputed by the University for AMU Center of Dubai and established the department of Computer Science there and helped them to run it. Further I was given additional responsibility of System Manager in Finance Office for four years. I have been invited as member of expert committee by AICTE, NAAC and various other Universities. I have supervised around 200 dissertations/ Project works of PG students of Computer Science.