Ph.D. (Computer Engineering), M.Tech. (Communication & Information Systems), B.Tech. ( Computer Engineering)
Associate Professor
Security & Information
Q. No. F-1/1094, Chakradhar Colony, Near Grocy Hub, Nagla Patwari, Aligarh-202002,U. P., India
Total teaching experience- 21 years-09 Months (including 01 year-03 months-25 days in Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi)
Foreign teaching experience- Approximate 01 year in Al-Mergheb University, Alkhoms, Libya
Present Position: Presently, working as Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering Section, University Polytechnic, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, A.M.U. Aligarh since 1st June, 2004 to till date and joined as part time Ph.d. candidate against Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme (MEITY-PHD-817) and his registration was approved on 28/09/2015 in CASR meeting under able guidance of Professor, Mohammad Sarosh Umar, Department of Computer Engineering, A.M.U. Aligarh. The award year of my Ph.D. is 25 October, 2021.
Proposed Research
Graphical password system framework will be built and divided into two stages, new user and existing user stage, then the system is to be implemented as prototype and an evaluation of the prototype security and usability features to be conducted by questionnaire, then the user's feedback about the whole system and the security and usability features of the graphical password prototype results to be analysed.
Ph.D. awarded on 25/10/2021.
Total Papers published: 19 (International Journals-16, IEEE Conferences-03)
Papers published on Ph.D. Topic: 11 (International Journals-10, IEEE Conference-01)- BLC-602, SE, Lecture-3, Date: 01/02/2021
- BLC-604, OS, Lecture-4, 30-01-2021
- BLC-604, OS, Lecture-3, 28-01-2021
- BLC-602, SE, Lecture-2, Date: 28/01/2021
- BLC-602, SE, Lecture-4, Date: 02/02/2021
- BLC-604, OS, Lecture-5, Date: 02/02/2021
- BLC-602, Software Engineering, Lecture-1, Date-20/01/2021
- BLC-604, OS, Lecture-1, Date-21/01/2021
- BLC-604, OS, Lecture-2, Date-23/01/2021
- BLC-604, OS, Lecture-6, Date: 03/02/2021
- BLC-602, SE, Lecture-5, 3-2-2021
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-1-Lecture-3 for online class engaged on 13/08/2020 using Zoom SoftwareBLC-501 Computer Graphics-13-8-2020.mp4 Displaying BLC-501 Computer Graphics-13-8-2020.mp4. Embed item Paste HTML to embed in website: OK
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-3, Lecture-15 online class on Zoom on 4/09/2020
- BLC-502-Compiler design-Unit-1-Lecture-3
- BLC-501-Unit-1-Lecture-2
- BLC-502-Compiler design-Unit-1-Lecture-2
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-1-Lecture-4 for online class engaged on 14/08/2020 using Zoom Software
- BLC-501-Unit-1-Lecture-1
- BLC-502-Compiler design-Unit-1-Lecture-1
- BLC-502-Compiler design-Unit-1-Lecture-1
- BLC-502-Compiler design-Unit-1-Lecture-4
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-2-Lecture-5 for online class engaged on 18/08/2020 using Zoom Software
- BLC-502-Compiler design-Unit-1-Lecture-5, Online Class engaged on 18/08/2020
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-2-Lecture-online class engaged on 19/08/2020 using Zoom SoftwareBLC-501-Computer-Graphics-Unit-2-Lecture-6-Zoom-19-8-2020.mp4 Displaying BLC-501-Computer-Graphics-Unit-2-Lecture-6-Zoom-19-8-2020.mp4. Embed item Paste HTML to embed in website: OK
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-2-Lecture-7, online class engaged on 21/08/2020 using Zoom Software
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-2-Lecture-8 for online class engaged on 25/08/2020 using Zoom Software
- BLC-502-Compiler design-Unit-2-Lecture-6 online Class on Zoom on 25/08/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-2, Lecture-7, Online class on Zoom on 28-8-2020
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-3-Lecture-10, online class engaged on 28/08/2020 on Zoom
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-2, Lecture-8 online class on Zoom Software on 31/08/2020
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-3-Lecture-11 for online class engaged on 01/09/2020 using Zoom Software
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-3-Lecture-12 online class on 01/09/2020 on Zoom Software
- BLC-501-Computer Graphics-Unit-3-Lecture-13 online class on 2/09/2020 on Zoom
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-2, Lecture-9 online class on Zoom Software on 3/09/2020
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-3, Lecture-14 online class on Zoom on 3/09/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-2, Lecture-10 online class on Zoom Software on 07/09/2020
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-3, Lecture-16 online class on Zoom on 8/09/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-2, Lecture-11 online class on Zoom Software on 8/09/2020
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-3, Lecture-17 online class on Zoom on 9/09/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-2, Lecture-12 online class on Zoom Software on 10/09/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-2, Lecture-13 online class on Zoom Software on 10/09/2020
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-5, Lecture-18 online class on Zoom on 9/09/2020
- BLC-592, Advanced Programming Lab-I/ Java Lab online class on Zoom on 11/09/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-3, Lecture-14 online class on Zoom Software on 14/09/2020BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-3, Lecture-14 online class on Zoom on 14-09-2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-3, Lecture-15 online class on Zoom on 15-9-2020
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-5, Lecture-19 online class on Zoom on 15/09/2020BLC-501, Computer Graphics, Unit-5, Lecture-19 online class on Zoom on 15/09/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-3, Lecture-16 online class on Zoom on 16-9-2020
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-5, Lecture-20 online class on Zoom on 17/09/2020
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-3, Lecture-17 online class on Zoom on 17-9-2020
- BLC-501, Computer Graphics, Unit-4, Lecture-25 online class on Zoom on 25/09/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a1SVzW9OR16AzYWE0AM4VAM_7pGAGYde/preview
- BLC-501, Computer Graphics, Unit-4, Lecture-27 online class on Zoom on 01/10/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FG8wPvv_fld2q7UysqpNpQgMN_qoJBeI/preview
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-5, Lecture-21 online class on Zoom on 18/09/2020
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-4, Lecture-23 online class on Zoom on 23/09/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xg2ZHP307ndBapIwX6LRp2tTEthrQ552/preview
- BLC-501, Computer graphics, Unit-4, Lecture-24 online class on Zoom on 24/09/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/14fihdCjbuABwDW9yw2UAxSnBiUtTQQjX/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4, Lecture-20 online class on Zoom on 24/09/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uOgjQKGWAPN8yMWK89RlodDWgPDas3do/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4, Lecture-21 online class on Zoom on 28/09/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jSYbXSuWyRrWJ8VtRZXnStn9Xf0tNQON/preview
- BLC-501, Computer Graphics, Unit-4, Lecture-26 online class on Zoom on 29/09/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GmF0LPMW6wjRpMEXhuF1VrU6E-4g7apJ/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4, Lecture-22 online class on Zoom on 29/09/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NXrkDnOhpygRuvOItA79433WA700u93y/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4, Lecture-23 online class on Zoom on 30-09-2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RHsNTv5L2wcDXz6qR3QCqz6d3ZBBVVAX/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4, Lecture-24 online class on Zoom on 05-10-2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KJtLHkn2bdcYXH_QA61WewdHO_Mkx3BD/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4 & 5, Lecture-25 online class on Zoom on 9/10/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CEILldd8PyBst-hC2np8pI6asLvaTZd3/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4 & 5, Lecture-26 online class on Zoom on 15/10/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Q1WSb_j-7GuN7O64zgSVgD6oyzqjs2t/preview
- BLC-502, Compiler Design, Unit-4 & 5, Lecture-27 online class on Zoom on 16/10/2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sr0km8FFwgCqNgMKJuYgm00htx2JYJr3/preview
- BLC-501, Computer Graphics, Unit-2,3,4, Lecture-28 online class on Zoom on 19-10-2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-2r7MSq418xtnBq33uFsrS7O0SLS5bLp/preview
- BLC-501, Computer Graphics, Unit-2,3,4, Lecture-29 online class on Zoom on 20-10-2020https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hxz4B4crre0axnYZh8N-wxTEK0dvMTEy/preview