PhD (IIT Delhi), M. Sc Engg. (Power System and Drives) EED, AMU.
Electrical Power System, Renewable Energy sources, Elect. Machines
Ashraf villa, Sahab Bagh, Anoop shahar Road, AMU, Aligarh
Time Table 2023-2024 (Odd Semester)Time Table 2024-2025 (Even Semester)Time Table 2022-2023
Imtiaz Ashraf Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), M.Sc. Engg. (Power Systems & Drives) & B. Sc. Engg. Electrical, A.M.U. Aligarh. Present Position: Professor & Former Chairman Electrical Engineering Department, A.M.U., Aligarh Experience: 32 Years (Teaching & Research) Research Papers Published: 60 in International Journals, National Journals Proceedings of International Conferences, and National Conferences.
- Link for Google scholar:
Research Supervision :
6 PhDs Awarded, Working 5Topics/ Year of award
(i) DSM Based Electrical Energy Utilization in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Aligarh City, India. 2008.
(ii) Modelling of Renewable Energy Systems. 2011.
(iii) Techno-economic Analysis of Distributed Electricity Generation Systems in India. 2014.
(iv) The Reliability Evaluation with Intermittent Renewables in a Wind Generation Systems. 2016.
(v) Design and Comparative Study of Maximum Power Point Tracking PV Systems Operating under Changing Atmospheric Conditions. 2017.(vi) Low switching frequency PWM techniques for multiphase voltage source inverter. 2020.
Books Authored:
1. M. A. Mallick and Imtiaz Ashraf., Basic Electrical Engineering, Word-Press, Publishing Division Lucknow, India, January 2009. ISBN : 978-81-907505-4-7
2. Imtiaz Ashraf and M.A. Mallick., Electrical Machines, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. October 2009. ISBN : 978-93-80026-09-1, Reprint 2010
Research Projects:
1. Integrated sustainable power generation from short rotation forestry enhanced bio-mass in rural and semi-urban areas within clean development mechanism (CO2 mitigation) and GIS methodology to assess the technical and economical potential and initiative towards national enhanced bio-mass action plan as a Co-opt Researcher (CPRI, Bengaluru) NPP Project 2014:1,63,00,000 INR, Status: complete
2. Enhancement wear resistance of wind turbine blades under sand impact as a Co-PI under Advance and Strategic Technologies, Taibah University, Madina, KSA, 1,265,000 SR (33,733 US $), 2012-13. Status: complete
- Publication
Research Supervision :
6 PhDs Awarded, Working 5Topics/ Year of award
(i) DSM Based Electrical Energy Utilization in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Aligarh City, India. 2008.
(ii) Modelling of Renewable Energy Systems. 2011.
(iii) Techno-economic Analysis of Distributed Electricity Generation Systems in India. 2014.
(iv) The Reliability Evaluation with Intermittent Renewables in a Wind Generation Systems. 2016.
(v) Design and Comparative Study of Maximum Power Point Tracking PV Systems Operating under Changing Atmospheric Conditions. 2017.(vi) Low switching frequency PWM techniques for multiphase voltage source inverter. 2020.
Books Authored:
1. M. A. Mallick and Imtiaz Ashraf., Basic Electrical Engineering, Word-Press, Publishing Division Lucknow, India, January 2009. ISBN : 978-81-907505-4-7
2. Imtiaz Ashraf and M.A. Mallick., Electrical Machines, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. October 2009. ISBN : 978-93-80026-09-1, Reprint 2010
Research Projects:
1. Integrated sustainable power generation from short rotation forestry enhanced bio-mass in rural and semi-urban areas within clean development mechanism (CO2 mitigation) and GIS methodology to assess the technical and economical potential and initiative towards national enhanced bio-mass action plan as a Co-opt Researcher (CPRI, Bengaluru) NPP Project 2014:1,63,00,000 INR, Status: complete
2. Enhancement wear resistance of wind turbine blades under sand impact as a Co-PI under Advance and Strategic Technologies, Taibah University, Madina, KSA, 1,265,000 SR (33,733 US $), 2012-13. Status: complete