Dr. Mohammad Sarfraz

    Ph.D (U.K)


    Assistant Professor


    Energy Management , Smart Systems, Intelligent Instrumentation, Bioinformatics.





    Odd Semester 2022-23


M Sarfraz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and is also associated with the Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Centre for Artificial Intelligence in the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. He is the Deputy Coordinator at the Medical device monitoring centre (MDMC) under the Meteriovigilance Programme of India (MvPI), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

He received his B.Tech (Electrical Engg) degree from HBTI, Kanpur,  Master's in  (Intelligent Systems ) from the University of Sunderland, U.K, and  PhD from the University of Salford, Manchester, U.K. His teaching and research lie mainly in Intelligent Instrumentation, Energy Management, Smart Systems, Biomedical systems, and Artificial Intelligence. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), and a life member of the Soft Computing Research Society, the Indian Society for Technical Education, and the System Society of India.

  1. Publications List

    [1]         A. Karn, S. Hameed, M. Sarfraz, and M. KHALID, “Load Shedding by Heuristic Knowledge Discovery Method for Frequency and Voltage Control in The Multimachine System,” Front Energy Res, p. 1400, 2022.

    [2]         M. M. Akhtar, R. Mansoor, M. Nusrat, M. Sarfraz, and A. Alam, “Smart Home Energy Management System Under Dynamic pricing for developing countries using Particle Swarm Optimization,” in 2021 International Conference on Simulation, Automation & Smart Manufacturing (SASM), 2021, pp. 1–6.

    [3]         A. K. Karn, S. Hameed, M. Sarfraz, M. R. Khalid, and J.-S. Ro, “Automatic Rescheduling of Generator for Rotor Speed Regulation by KRASOVSKII’s Theorem,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 78616–78633, 2022.

    [4]         A. K. Karn, S. Hameed, and M. Sarfraz, “Pattern recognition application in power system monitoring: A demonstration,” in Application of Communication Computational Intelligence and Learning, vol. 1, Routledge, 2022, pp. 203–212.

    [5]         H. Iqbal, M. Tariq, M. Sarfraz, M. A. Anees, W. Alhosaini, and A. Sarwar, “Model predictive control of Packed U-Cell inverter for microgrid applications,” Energy Reports, vol. 8, pp. 813–830, 2022.

    [6]         M. K. Ikram, K. M. K. Senan, M. Mustaqeem, and M. Sarfraz, “An Intelligent and Effective Cyber-Secured Smart-Home Automation System with Embedded AI,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Artificial Intelligence, 2022, pp. 153–163.

    [7]         M. Sarfraz, M. H. Khan, D. Y. Mohammed, M. D. Hussain, and K. A. Zidan, “Cardiac Arrhythmia Diagnosis via Multichannel Independent Component Analysis: An Approach Towards a Better Health Care System,” in International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Internet of Things and Computing, 2022, pp. 150–166.

    [8]         M. D. AL-Bayati, D. Y. Mohammed, and M. Sarfraz, “A Novel Approach for ECG Classification Using Probability Continuous Wavelet Transform and Alexnet-Deep Neural Network,” International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 307–315, 2022.

    [9]         A. K. Karn, S. Hameed, and M. Sarfraz, “State Observer Flaws Associated with Time-Varying Parametric System and its proposed Solution by Model Predictive Framework,” in 2021 4th International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE), 2021, pp. 154–159.

    [10]      B. Alam, N. Islam, I. Subhan, and M. Sarfraz, “Analysis and Modelling of Basic Wireless Power Transfer Compensation Topology: A Review,” Intelligent Data Analytics for Power and Energy Systems, pp. 501–515, 2022.

    [11]      M. S. J. Asghar, M. K. Ikram, M. Sarfraz, and T. Islam, “A Novel Method for the Measurement of Active and Reactive Power by Sample-and-Hold,” in 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2021, pp. 424–428.

    [12]      R. A. Khan, S. A. Farooqui, M. H. Khan, M. Sarfraz, M. Luqman, and M. Khan, “Dust Deposition on PV Module and Its Characteristics,” in The Effects of Dust and Heat on Photovoltaic Modules: Impacts and Solutions, Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 59–95.

    [13]      M. Washeem et al., “Super Hydrophilic Surface Coating for PV Modules,” in The Effects of Dust and Heat on Photovoltaic Modules: Impacts and Solutions, Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 185–209.

    [14]      A. K. Karn, S. Hameed, and M. Sarfraz, “Transient Stability Enhancement via Sliding Mode Control for Lower Order Triangular System,” in Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices, Springer, 2021, pp. 11–23.

    [15]      A. Noor, M. T. Nafis, S. Wazir, and M. Sarfraz, “Impact Of Artificial Intelligence In Robust & Secure Cybersecurity Systems: A Review,” 2021.

    [16]      S. Iqbal et al., “A comprehensive review on residential demand side management strategies in smart grid environment,” Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 13, p. 7170, 2021.

    [17]      I. Pervez, A. Sarwar, M. Tayyab, and M. Sarfraz, “Gravitational search algorithm (GSA) based maximum power point tracking in a solar PV based generation system,” in 2019 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2019, vol. 1, pp. 1–6.

    [18]      S. Khalid, M. Sarfraz, V. Singh, and A. Allahloh, “A novel model for IoT-based meter using ATmega328P microcontroller and google cloud store,” in Advances in Electromechanical Technologies, Springer, Singapore, 2021, pp. 639–648.

    [19]      A. I. Khan, R. A. Khan, S. A. Farooqui, and M. Sarfraz, “Artificial Neural Network-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Method with the Improved Effectiveness of Standalone Photovoltaic System,” in AI and Machine Learning Paradigms for Health Monitoring System: Intelligent Data Analytics, Springer Nature, 2021, p. 459.

    [20]      S. Pandey and M. Sarfraz, “Biosignal Analysis Using Independent Components with Intelligent Systems,” in Advances in Electromechanical Technologies, Springer, Singapore, 2021, pp. 771–785.

    [21]      M. A. Sana Iqbal Mohammad Sarfraz, “Advanced Fuzzy Logic Control application for Tracking Inverted Pendulum,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 8049–8057, 2020.

    [22]      H. Varshney, A. S. Allahloh, and M. Sarfraz, “IoT Based eHealth Management System Using Arduino and Google Cloud Firestore,” in 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), 2019, pp. 1–6.

    [23]      A. S. Allahloh and S. Mohammad, “Development of the intelligent oil field with management and control using IIoT (industrial internet of things),” in 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2018, pp. 815–820.

    [24]      M. Asaad, F. Ahmad, M. S. Alam, and M. Sarfraz, “Smart grid and Indian experience: A review,” Resources Policy, vol. 74, p. 101499, 2021.

    [25]      S. Rukhsar, Y. U. Khan, O. Farooq, M. Sarfraz, and A. T. Khan, “Patient-specific epileptic seizure prediction in long-term scalp EEG signal using multivariate statistical process control,” Irbm, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 320–331, 2019.

    [26]      M. D. S. Hussain, M. Sarfraz, and S. Rukhsar, “Epileptic seizure detection using temporal based measures in EEG signal,” in 2018 3rd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2018, pp. 743–748.

    [27]      A. S. Allahloh, S. Y. Sondkar, and S. Mohammad, “Implementation of online fuzzy controller for crude oil separator industry based on internet of things using LabVIEW and PIC microcontroller,” in 2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2018, pp. 341–346.

    [28]      M. Sarfraz, “ECG Signal  Enhancement  with  the  Use  of  an  Auxiliary  Lead An Abstract — Independent  Component  Analysis  Approach,” International  Journal  of  Electronics,  Electrical  and  Computational  System IJEECS, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 523–527, 2017.

    [29]      K. McGarry, M. Sarfraz, and J. MacIntyre, “Integrating gene expression data from microarrays using the self-organising map and the gene ontology,” in IAPR International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, 2007, pp. 206–217.

    [30]      G. Shamim, Y. U. Khan, M. Sarfraz, and O. Farooq, “Epileptic seizure detection using heart rate variability,” in 2016 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), 2016, pp. 250–254.

    [31]      M. Sarfraz, A. A. Khan, and F. Li, “The ICA Based Soft-Computing Algorithms for Signal Cleaning and Feature Selection in (for) Automated ECG Pattern Recognition,” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 470–476, 2014.

    [32]      M. Sarfraz and F. Li, “Independent component analysis for motion artifacts removal from electrocardiogram,” Global Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 49–55, 2013.

    [33]      M. Sarfraz, F. Li, and M. Javed, “A comparative study of ICA algorithms for ECG signal processing,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2011, pp. 135–138.

    [34]      M. Sarfraz, A. A. Khan, and F. F. Li, “Using independent component analysis to obtain feature space for reliable ECG Arrhythmia classification,” in 2014 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM), 2014, pp. 62–67.

    [35]      M. Sarfraz, F. F. Li, and A. A. Khan, “Independent component analysis methods to improve electrocardiogram patterns recognition in the presence of non-trivial artifacts,” Journal of Medical and Bioengineering Vol, vol. 4, no. 3, 2015.

Notes of Unit I & II for EE 477
Syllabus for Artificial Intelligence
Unit 1 - Murray LoopTest
Varly loop test
Unit II Electro mechanical Instruments
MI Instruments
Moving Iron Vs Moving Coil
Measurement of Power in a Three-phase Circuit NPTEL
Single phase Induction type Energy meter NPTEL
Understanding of Phantom Loading |
DC-AC Measuring Instruments NPTEL
Multi Range Ammeter
Multi Range Voltmeter
SRC: From 20.04.2020 - 02.05.2020, Lecture # Unit 4 , Average reading, RMS reading and True RMS reading voltmeters