Assistant Professor
English Language Teaching (ELT)
4/80, B-4, Qadri Masjid, Kabeer Colony Aligarh.
Dr. Mohammad Sharjeel
Chaudhary has been working as an Assistant Professor at the department of
English, A.M.U since 2019. Before joining the department of English, A.M.U., he
has worked as guest teacher at The Bridge Course, CEPECAMI, A.M.U. Centre. His doctoral
research is theorizing and critically scrutinizing linguistic identity and postcoloniality
in English literature. As part of his M.A. dissertation, he attempted to analyse
the Use of Deviant Language in the novel ‘The Kite Runner’ by Khalid Hosseni.
As part of enhancing his knowledge, he has
also completed online courses in Written English from University of California,
Berkeley. He has also completed various online courses from Australian
National University and Washington University.
His other areas of interest include: Linguistic Imperialism, Digital Humanities, Decolonization and ELT, Second Language Learning, Translation Studies, and teaching English through literature.
- Asking and Responding to Questions Download PDF
A chapter in Build your Language published by Cambridge University Press.
- Language Learning through Literature: An Assessment of using Poetry in ESL and EFL Classroom Download PDFJournal of the Faculty of Arts (Aligarh Muslim University), Vol. 10, No. 1, 2018.
- Postcolonial Reverberations in Soyinka’s The Lion and the Jewel: A Study of Decolonization through Linguistic Deviation Download PDF
- Visual Representation of Orthographic Narration: A Case of Female Subjectivity in Television Adaptations of Mirat ul Uroos Download PDF