ESL Writing, Teacher Education, Madarsa Education, Communication Skills, Writing Pedagogy
3rd Floor, Flat no 1. Mirza Ghalib Apartment. SS Nagar. Aligarh 202002. UP
Language Pedagogy and Research - Ph.D. ELT Paper IISession 2019-20
Prof. Raashid Nehal
is Professor in the Dept.of English at Aligarh Muslim University.
He has served as Director at AMU Kishanganj Centre,
Kishanganj Bihar and Regional Director AMU Kishanganj Centre. He has also
served the Centre for Distance Education,A MU as Asstt.Director in
addition to performing various administrative assignments .He has been
teaching ELT and Communication skills courses over the last 26 years .His
research and teaching interests are professional communication skills, ESL
writing,teacher training and Needs Analysis.
He previously served the Dept. of
English at Rajiv Gandhi Central University, Arunachal Pradesh, India. He
has a Ph.D. and an M.Phil .in ELT from AMU and postgraduate Diploma in Teaching
of English (PGDTE) from EFLU, Hyderabad. He has been Visiting Faculty at
IIT Dhanbad and was on external Faculty at EFLU , Hyderabad.
He has published 32 papers and has made
45 paper presentations for national conferences /seminar and workshops.
He has done E-courses on Teacher Development and ESL /EFL Assessment from
Indiana University’s School of Education and University of Oregon , USA. He has
worked as workshop coordinator, teacher trainer,resource person,master
trainer for more than 60 national and international,TOT workshops
including RELO American access program and for UGC HRDC AMU.Besides ,he has
been invited to deliver talks and as plenary speaker for
various National and international seminar,conferences and workshops.
He has organized more than 30 faculty Development
workshops at AMU and at its Kishanganj centre too. He has completed
UGC projects on Academic Writing and Training Needs analysis (2010-12) and has
also been the Project Coordinator for Hornby Alumni Regional India Project
)2003-05). Aligarh Regional on Materials Adaption, funded by the British
Council’s ELT Group and Hornby Trust, UK. As part of the Kindle Assessment
Project team, Prof. Nehal has completed a RELO project on Kindle Mobile
Learning Initiative (2013) funded by American Centre, for English Access
Microscholarship Program (EAMP) Centres in India in association with UGC, HRDC
Centre, AMU. He has published in the areas of teacher Education, ESL
writing and needs analysis. His recent publications include Training Needs
Assessment of Secondary School English Teachers in Aligarh, Technology-mediated
language teaching through a kindle-based mobile learning initiative in India:
The Access experience in British Council Documents ,Investigating pragmatics
awareness in language Forum. He has authored a book on writing for
Audience and edited a volume on Critical Pedagogy . Currently,he is
reviewer of Sage journals on ELT. He has been Program Advisor &Resource
Person : Training Program for Madarsa Teachers(1-15 March,2020).Centre of
Excellence in Public Policy &Govt. IIM Kashipur IIM Kashipur in
Collaboration with Maulana Azad Foundation, Ministry of Minority Affairs,
Govt.of India.Recently he has launched Online English Training & Tutorial
Program for Madarsa and Minority Teachers(OETPMT April20-June15,2020),the first
of its kind in India under the aegis of OETPMT group.