Ph.D, UGC NET, M.A. (English)
Assistant Professor
Postcolonial Studies, Film Studies
Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
I completed my M.A. and Ph.D. in English Literature from Aligarh Muslim University in 2009 and 2015, respectively. My doctoral research focused on the study of Postcolonial Drama in the light of Michel Foucault's discourse on power. Before joining the Department of English as a regular faculty at Aligarh Muslim University in 2019, I worked as guest faculty and as well as on ad hoc in the same Department from August 2013 to November 2014. I have also worked for some time as a content writer in Mumbai and as an assistant professor in Punjab. I have published few research papers, articles, and translations in both Hindi and English. I have also authored one monograph, which has been published by Sir Syed Academy of Aligarh Muslim University. My research interests lie in the area of Postcolonial Studies and Film Studies. In 2016, I attended a summer course in Film Appreciation at Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. Since January 2021, I have been working on 'the Non-fiction Cinema of Pre-Independence' India under a one-year-long Research Fellowship Project offered by the National Film Archive of India, a media unit of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.
- Raja Jai Kishan Das: An Associate of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Download PDFA monograph on Raja Jai Kishan Das: An Associate of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, published in 2020 by Sir Syed Academy, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
- An English translation of “Makan” an Urdu poem written by Kaifi Azmi Download PDF
in Das Literarisch(ISSN 2454-4647), a biannual peer-reviewed international refereed
journal of English studies, for the issue of the issue of July-December 2015, pp. 81.
- ‘Translation, Discourse and Foucault: Resisting and Producing Meanings" Download PDFin Lapis Lazuli (ISSN 2249-4529), an International Literary Journal (LLILJ) Vol.4, NO.1, Spring 2014, pp. 179-184
- "Alienation, Futility and Disenchantment: Analyzing the Portrayal of Male Characters in Anita Desai’s Voices in the City" Download PDFA chapter in The Gaze Reverted: Women Looking at Men (ISBN 978-81-8435-397-6), edited by S.M. Yahiya Ibrahim, published by Adhyan Publishers, New Delhi. pp. 170-174.
- "How to Write an MLA Style Research Paper in Humanities" Download PDFin The Discourse (ISSN 2278-0920), a bilingual refereed quarterly journal of humanities and social sciences, April-June 2012, Volume-1, Issue-1, pp. 9-17
- “Premchand through Foucault: Surveillance, Discipline and Coercion of Dalit Body” Download PDFin The Discourse (ISSN 2278-0920), a bilingual refereed quarterly journal of humanities and social sciences, for the issue of January-March 2014