Mr. Syed Salman Abbas

    M.A, M.Phil


    Assistant Professor


    German Postwar Literature, Literary Translation




Did his master's in German at the University of Delhi and M.Phil research at the Jawaharlal Nehru University. The title of M.Phil dissertation was "Schatterierungen des Melancholischen in den Nachkriegselegien Paul Celans" or "Shades of Melancholy in the post war elegies of Paul Celan" He has been in the field of foreign language teaching since almost 7 years at various institutions including J.N.U, D.U, and Amity University. Have coordinated two international translation projects at the Free University Berlin and University of Wuppertal, Germany. Was recently part of the South-asia wide translation project, called "Poets Translating Poets" under the Geothe Institut Mumbai, where he worked in the capacity of an interlinear translator. Have taught at the University of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru University in the capacity of J.R.F Tutor.
  1. Publication

    1. Translated a short story “Glückshaben” by Elisabeth Langässer and a excerpts from the novel “Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura” by Irmtraud Morgner for an anthology “Ek Ajnabi se Mulaqat” funded by DAAD and Goethe Institut in 2017.

    2. Translated a short story “Vampire” by Silke Scheuermann as part of an anthology “Ikkasavi Sadi ki German Kahaniya” on contemporary German literature published in New Delhi by the funding of Goethe Institut in 2017.

    3. Translated a short story “Awaragard” by Qurrat Ul Ain Haider, from transcribed Urdu to German, which appeared in the DAAD German Studies In India, Journal in 2014.

    4. “Jean Firges: Schwarze Sonne Schwermut. Die Melancholie als kreative und destruktive Kraft in Leben und Dichtung Paul Celans“, German Studies in India Journal 2012, DAAD, New Delhi.
