Prof. Abdul Latif
MD (Ilmul Advia), B.U.M.M.S., B.Sc.
Clinical Studies, Microbiology, Standardization and Pharmacology of Unani Drugs
New Colony, Mohalla Mevatiyan, Gonda (Avadh), U.P
Professor Abdul Latif, Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences), F/o Unani Medicine is involved in research since Feb, 1983 & in teaching w.e.f. July, 1994. Presently appointed as Coordinator, DRS-1 by University Grant Commission for five years up to March, 2016 and Former Chairman, Department of Ilmul Advia (w.e.f. 20.12.2013 to 19.12.2016 and w.e.f. 20.12.2007 to 19.12.2010). He has also worked in CCRUM, Min. of Health & FW, Govt. of India w.e.f. 01.02.1983 to 31.07.1994. Participated in various International congress/conferences abroad (Lahore, Halle-Germany, China, Karachi, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt & Bochum-Germany and Turkey). 65 Papers have been published in International and National Journals with good impact factor along with more than 100 Abstracts have been published in the International and National Conferences Souvenirs. I have received various honors and awards as Ajmal Khan Award (2017), Best Citizen of India Award (2014), National award of Teaching Excellence (2013), Bharat Jyoti Award (2010), Cash award worth Rs. 5000/- for excellent research work by august hands of Union Education Minister (1985). I have been Life member of International and National Academic and Research Bodies like ESIM (European Society of Integrative Medicine)-Germany, IAHIM (International Association for History of Islamic Medicine)-Bahrain, SOPI (Society of Pharmcovigilance)-India, IPS (Indian Pharmacological Society)-India.18 Research Scholars in MD (Ilmul Advia), 02 in MS (Jarahat) and 02 Project dissertation in Biotech of Manglaytan University have been guided. Major thrust areas of interest are Clinical studies, standardization, microbiology and pharmacology of unani drugs. Also functioning as Principal Investigator in an EMR Project of CCRUM and as Co-PI of two more CCRUM Projects in the University. Specialized and Innovative Research Work Done By Professor Abdul Latif: Model Designed on Anasir, Akhlat wa Mizaj: A teaching aid material "model on Anasir, Akhlat wa Mizaj" designed by Professor Abdul Latif being used in P.G. Department of Ilmul Advia, A.K. Tibbiya College, A.M.U. Aligarh, designed for the student of the Unani Tib. This wooden model has proved particularly useful in creating interest in the students as provided good learning situation by constant visual impact of a colorful representation of a Akhlat and Mizaj for the first time. Other colleges are also using same colorful wooden model as a teaching aid material. Designed an instrument: UV Lamp comprising of UV-C light for the treatment of vitiligo and Psoriasis. In India it is first time made with cheaper & handy device. Female patients can use herself on hidden portion of her affected parts in the treatment of Vitiligo & Psoriasis specially. Instrument for the preparation of Nabeez [Fermented Dosage Forms]: Nabeez is a special dosage form of medicinal And / or nutritional liquid preparation obtained by the fermentation of sweet aqueous solution of various food grains, fruits and medicinal ingredients. It is considered as one of the important form of compound drugs formulation in the earlier era of Unani medicine. Nowadays with the advancement of Industrial technology, the earthen pots have been replaced by larger wooden barrels/large metallic and plastic pots or stainless steel vessel taken for its manufacturing guided and designed as part of MD Thesis supervised. Latif-Sukul Syndrome (Iris heterochromic vitiligo-A syndrome): This is the first discerned case of its kind in the Asia, reported by Professor Abdul Latif and coined by him. It is a rare Autosomal dominant congenital disease. This syndrome indicates that vitiligo or such pigmentary disease may be hereditary and genetic in nature and not to say acquired only. It is also presented in IX Biennial Conference of Dermatology, Lahore (Pakistan) in 1997. Melanonychia (Nail Pigmentation): This is the first case reported as a rare unwanted effect of Atrilal (Ammi majos Linn.) In reference to the treatment of Vitiligo reported by Professor Abdul Latif. Please visit my website: