Prof. Ghufran Ahmad
MD(Ilmul Advia)
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Moh: Shekhwara, Mohamdabad Gohna, Mau
Dr. Ghufran Ahmad who is currently working as professor in the Department of Ilmul Advia has earlier served as professor and Dy. Director (Admin) at National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore for two years. He completed BUMS and M.D. (Ilmul Advia) from AMU, Aligarh and has more than 20 years of teaching and research experience. His areas of interest include experimental pharmacology and pharmacy including calcinology. He has standardized the methodology for experimental study of adaptogenic drugs and studied a number of Unnai drugs for their pharmacological effects. He has guided thesis work of more than 30 MD/PhD students and was associated with a project of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India on pharmacopoeal standard of AYUSH drugs. He is the coordinator of DRS II. He is associate editor of Unani Medicus- An International and member of editorial board of a number of Journals. He attended about 30 conferences/workshops/seminars and presented his work or delivered invited lectures. He has published more than 80 research papers mostly in international journals such as, Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Elsevier), International journal of Green Pharmacy, American Journal of PharmTech Research, International Pharmacetica Sciencia, Saudi Journal of Kidney Disease and Transplantation, Hamdard Medicus, Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine etc.