Dr. Salman Ahmed

    PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc. (Honors)


    Guest Faculty


    Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrological Studies, Aquifer vulnerability (DRASTIC), Hydrological modelling, Watershed Management,, Groundwater contamination


    4/138, University Farm, Firdaus nagar, Aligarh- 202002





Dr. Salman Ahmed is a qualified professional with a Ph.D. in Geology, specializing in Hydrogeology and Remote Sensing. With four years of experience in both research and teaching, he has made significant contributions to the field of earth sciences. Dr. Ahmed has worked at prestigious national institutes, including CSIR-NGRI and Netaji Subhash University of Technology.

His expertise extends to various aspects of geology, with a particular focus on hydrogeology and remote sensing techniques. Dr. Ahmed's research efforts have been recognized through his publications in reputable SCI and Scopus journals, where he has shared valuable insights with the scientific community. His dedication to advancing knowledge led him to present his research work at several national and international conferences, including Imperial College London and USM Malaysia, among others.

Dr Ahmed also recieved:

  1. Best paper award in the Fourth Indian National Groundwater Conference (INGWC-2021) on March 22-24, 2021 organized by the Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, JNT University, Hyderabad and Association of Global Groundwater Scientists (AGGS) Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad and CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad.
  2. Best oral presentation award in Geoscience category in the International Conference on Tropical Resources and Sustainable Science (CTReSS 6.0) on 26-28 August 2024 ,organized by the Faculty of Earth Science, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malays

WEB lInks:

  1. Heavy metals and geo-accumulation index development for groundwater of Mathura city, Uttar Pradesh” Desalination and Water Treatment.
  2. A sustainable approach for fluoride treatment using coconut fiber cellulose as an adsorbent.
  3. Predictive Analytics For Groundwater Resources Using SVM And Deep Radial Basis Approaches In Smart City Planning For Feature Extraction And Prediction. DOI:10.1109/ICDT61202.2024.10488966
  4. Land use/land cover change analysis using geospatial technology in Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh, India, in AIP Conference Proceedings.

  5. Reckoning of groundwater quality and Hydrogeochemical processes for drinking and irrigation purpose under the influence of anthropogenic activities, North India”, Journal of Pollutants
  6. Evaluating groundwater pollution with emphasizing heavy metal hotspots in an urbanized alluvium watershed of Yamuna River, northern India". Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring & Management
  7. Impact of urban domestic wastewater reuse for irrigation on hydro-agroecological systems and human health risks: A case study from Musi river basin, South India”, Journal Of Hydroresearch
  8. Evaluation of corrosive behaviour and scaling potential of shallow water aquifer using corrosion indices and geospatial approaches in regions of the Yamuna River basin. Journal of King Saud University science.
  9. Water quality assessment of shallow aquifer based on Canadian Council of Ministers of the environment index and its impact on irrigation of Mathura District, Uttar Pradesh” Journal of King Saud University science.
  10. Statistical Analysis and Water Quality Index development using GIS of Mathura City, Uttar Pradesh, India” Desalination and Water Treatment,
  1. Book Chapter : Risk assessment on human health with the effect of heavy metals" in the book edition “Applied Water Science I: Fundamentals and Applications” by Wiley-Scrivener.
  2. Water Quality Index Assessment of River Ganga at Haridwar Stretch Using Multivariate Statistical Technique. Mol Biotechnol (2023).
  3. Evaluation of Toxic Heavy Metal Concentration in Aquifer System for Groundwater System Development Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques