Dr. Abdur Raheem
Assistant Professor
Abstract Differential Equations
Department of Mathematics, AMU Aligarh
Dr. Abdur Raheem is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University. He obtained Ph. D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
His research interests are the study of Differential Equations in abstract spaces, Semigroup Thoery of bounded linear operators and its Applications to Partial Differential Equations, Method of semidiscretization in time and its Applications, Fractional Differential Equations.
He has been consistently publishing research papers in various reputed international journals such as Applied Mathematics Computation, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations etc.
His teaching interests at graduate level are Real Analysis, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Algebra, Calculus, Numerical Analysis, Coordinate Geometry, and at postgraduate level are Real Analysis, Functional Analysis, Differential Equations, Measure Thoery etc.
Qualified: CSIR-JRF(NET), GATE(AIR-119, Percentile 95.5).
Awarded: NBHM Post Doctoral Fellowship, UGC Start-UP Research Grant.
- Research Paper Publications 2021
- M.Y. Baba, M. Saleem, A. Raheem, P53-Mdm2 Loop Stability and Oscillatory Dynamics with Mdm2-Induced Delay Effect in P53, Tamkang Journal of . Mathematics, 52, 2021.
- Abdur Raheem, Manoj Kumar, Approximate solutions of nonlinear nonlocal fractional impulsive differential equations via Faedo-Galerkin method, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications, 12(2), 172-187, 2021.
- Research Paper Publications 2020
- Md. Maqbul, , A. Raheem, Time-discretization schema for a semilinear pseudo- parabolic equation with integral conditions. Appl. Numer. Math. 148 , 18–27, 2020
- M.Y. Baba, M. Saleem, M. Noman, A. Raheem, A mixed therapy minimal model: Some strategies for eradication or minimization of cancer, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 192, Article ID: 105433, 2020.
- M. Saleem, M.Y. Baba, A. Raheem, M. Noman, A caution for oncologists: chemotherapy can cause chaotic dynamics, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Article ID: 105865, 2020.
- M. Saleem, M. Noman, M.Y. Baba, A. Raheem, All shades of life with cancer through a model based on principle of mechanics, Acta Technica Napcensis-Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering, 2020.
- Research Paper Publications 2019
- M. Younus Baba, M. Saleem and Abdur Raheem, Stability preservation and oscillations in p53-Mdm2 negative feedback loop, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 120 (2), 117 – 146, 2019.
- Abdur Raheem, Manoj Kumar, An Approximate Solution to a Class of Impulsive Fractional Differential Equations in a Reflexive Banach Space, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 5, 111, 2019.
- Abdur Raheem, Manoj Kumar , On controllability for a nondensely defned fractional diferential equation with a deviated argument, Mathematical Sciences 13, 407–413, 2019.
- Research Paper Publications 2017
- Md. Maqbul, A. Raheem, Application of Rothe’s Method to Some Functional Differential Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, Differential Equations and Dynamics Systems, 1-11, 2017.
- Abdur Raheem, Md. Maqbul, Oscillation Criteria for Impulsive Partial Fractional Differential Equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 73(8), 1781- 1788, 2017.
- Research Paper Publications 2014
- Abdur Raheem, Dhirendra Bahuguna, Rothe’s method for solving some fractional integral diffusion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 236 (1), 161- 168, 2014.
- Research Paper Publications 2013
- Abdur Raheem & Dhirendra Bahuguna, Existence and uniqueness of a solution for a fractional differential equation by Rothe’s method, Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications, 2013(4), 43-54, 2013.
- Abdur Raheem & Dhirendra Bahuguna, A study of delay integrodifferential parabolic problems, Differential Equations and Dynamics Systems, 21 (4), 309- 321, 2013.
- Abdur Raheem & Dhirendra Bahuguna, Delay differential equation with homogeneous integral conditions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2013 (78), 1-11, 2013.
- Research Paper Publications 2012
- Abdur Raheem, Dhirendra Bahuguna, & R. K. Shukla, Existence and Uniqueness of a solution for a second order volterra delay integro-differential equation, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Computational Physics, 220--226, 2012.
- Abdur Raheem, Dhirendra Bahuguna, Application of Rothe's method to a second order Delay differential Equation, JMI International Journal of Mathematical.
- Research Paper Publications 2011
- Abdur Raheem & Dhirendra Bahuguna, A study of delayed cooperation diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (8), 4169–4176, 2011.