Theory of Rings and Near-Rings
B- 9, Rifa Palace, Medical Road, Civil Lines , Aligarh
Mohammad Aslam Siddeeque is Professor in Department of Mathematics at A.M.U., Aligarh. He started his career as an Assistant Professor/Lecturer at S.V. Govt. P.G. College, Lohaghat (Champawat) Uttarakhand in 2005.
He joined Department of Mathematics, A.M.U., Aligarh as an Assistant Professor in 2015. Where he was elevated as a Associate Professor in 2019 and then as a Professor in 2022. He completed his M.Sc. from Department of Mathematics, University of Allahabad, Allahabad. and he was awarded Ph.D. from Department of Mathematics, A.M.U., Aligarh.
He is actively engaged in teaching and research. His thrust area is : Functional identities in rings and algebras, Differential identities in near rings, Algebraic graph theory. He has published 53 research papers in the Journals of national and international repute. Some of them are published in Communications in Algebra, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Mathematics Slovaca, Filomat, Bulletin of Korean Mathematical Society, Journal of Taiba University of Science, Iranian Journal of Science etc. He was also awarded Gold Medals for obtaining Ist rank in M.Sc. He is also a recipient of Best Teacher Award, and U.G.C. Teacher fellowship. He has also completed a U.G.C. research project worth for Rs. 6 lacs in 2019.
- Research Paper Publications 2017 (1) Generalized multiplicative derivations in near-rings, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 2017, 50(5), 252 ? 260, [ISSN No. 2231 ? 5373].(2) A note on (?, ?)-*-i?n-derivations in rings with involution, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 2017, 51(2), 96?102, [ISSN No. 2231?5373].
- Research Paper Publications 2020
- Some extension theorems in the ring of quotients of ?-prime rings, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 2020, 327, 137 ? 145,( Jointly with C. Haetinger and M. Ashraf),(SCOPUS).
- Generalized derivations satisfying some identities in prime rings, The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics, vol. 39 No.1 (2020)65-80 mohammad Aslam siddeeque, Ali Ahmad Abdullah & Nazim khan.
- Research Paper Publications 2019
- Generalized multiplicative derivations and commutativity of 3-prime near-rings, Afrika Matematika, 2019, 30, 571 ? 580,,( Jointly with M. Ashraf),(SCOPUS).
- Research Paper Publications 2018
- On generalized (?, ? )-n-derivations in prime near-rings, Georgian Math. J., 2018, 25(1), 9 ? 17, (Jointly with M. Ashraf),[ISSN-1072 ? 947X(print), 1572 ? 9176 (online)],(SCI, Impact Factor: .500).
- Generalized multiplicative derivations in 3-prime near-rings, Math. Slovaca, 2018, 68(2), 331 ? 338,( Jointly with M. Ashraf and A. Boua),(SCI, Impact Factor: .654).
- On derivations in near-rings and its generalizations: A Survey, Palestine Journal of Mathematics 2018, Vol. 7 (Spec. Issue:I), 111 ? 124, ( Jointly with M. Ashraf),(SCOPUS)
- Research Paper Publications 2016
- Posner’s first theorem for ?-ideals in prime rings with involution, Kyungpook Math. J., 2016, Vol. 56, 343 ? 347. (Jointly with M. Ashraf),(SCOPUS).
- Research Paper Publications 2015
- On semigroup ideals and n-derivation in near-rings, J. Taibah Univ. Sc., 9(2015), 126 ? 132, (Jointly with M. Ashraf and Nazia Parveen), [ISNN:1658 ? 3655],(SCI, Impact Factor: 1.863).
- On ?-n-derivations in rings with involution, Georgian Math. J., 22(1),2015, 9 ? 18 (Jointly with M. Ashraf)[ISSN-1072 ? 947X(print), 1572 ? 9176 (online)],(SCI,Impact Factor: .500).
- Generalized derivations on semigroup ideals and commutativity of prime near-rings, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, Vol. 73/2, 3 ? 4(2015), 217 ? 225, (Jointly with M. Ashraf), [ISSN-0373 ? 1243],(SCOPUS).
- On semigroup ideals and generalized n-derivation in near-rings, Sarajevo J. Math, Vol.11(24), No. 2, 2015, 155 ? 164,(Jointly with M. Ashraf),[ISSN: 1840 ? 0655, 2233 ? 1964.
- On certain differential identities in prime rings with involution, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2015, 33?44, (Jointly with M. Ashraf),[ISSN-1787?2405(print), 1787 ? 2413 (online)],(SCI, Impact Factor: .677).
- On (?, ?) ? -n-derivations and certain n-additive mappings in rings with involution, Gulf Journal of Mathematics, Vol.3, Issue 4, 2015, 13 ? 25, (Jointly with M. Ashraf and M.R.Mozumder), [ISSN:2309-4966].
- Research Paper Publications 2014
- On ?-derivations in near-rings with involution, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Vol.6(2), 2014, pp. 1 ? 12, doi:10.5373/jarpm.1701.030713, (Jointly with M. Ashraf), [ISSN: 1943 ? 2380(online)].
- On generalized n-derivations in near-rings, Palestine J. Math., Vol. 3 (spec 1), (2014), 468 ? 480. (Jointly with M. Ashraf),[ISNN:2219 ? 5688],(SCOPUS).
- On semigroup ideals and (?, ? )-n-derivations in near-rings, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, Vol. 72, 3 ? 4(2014), 161 ? 171, [ISSN-0373 ? 1243], (Jointly with M. Ashraf),(SCOPUS).
- Research Paper Publications 2013
On permuting n-derivations in near-rings, Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 28(2013), No.4, pp. 697 ? 707, (Jointly with M. Ashraf), [ISSN-1225 ? 1763(print),ISSN2234 ? 3024(online)],(SCOPUS).
On (?, ? )-n-derivations in near-rings, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Vol.6, No.4(2013),(14 pages), DOI:10.1142/S1793557113500514,(Jointly with M. Ashraf), [ISSN-1793 ? 5571(print),1793 ? 7183(online)],(SCOPUS).
Certain near-rings with involution are rings, The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol. 32, Numbers 1 ? 2(2013), 17 ? 20. (Jointly with Ahmad N. Alkenani), [ISSN: 0304 ? 9787].