Prof. Rais Ahmad
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization
1. Research Interest: Variational Inequalities; Fixed Point Theorems; KKM Theory; Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Optimization.
2. Teaching Focus: Calculus; Real Analysis; Measure Theory; Numerical Analysis; Linear Algebra.
3. List of Journals in which my papers are published:
Abstract and Applied Analysis; Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Journal of Global Optimization; Fuzzy Sets and Systems; Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics; ANZIAM; Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; Mathematical and Computer Modelling; Computers and Mathematics with Applications; Applied Mathematics and Computation; Bulletin of Australian Mathematical Society; Applied Mathematics Letters; International Journal of Fuzzy Systems; Filomat; Journal of Inequalities and Applications; Fixed Point Theory and Applications; Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics; Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Research Paper Publications 2021
- Generalized complementarity problem with three classes of generalized variational inequalities involving XOR-operator, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2021, Article ID 6629203, 10 pages (2021) (with I. Ahmad, Z.A. Rather and Y. Wang).
- Research Paper Publications 2020
- Sensitivity Analysis of Mixed Cayley Inclusion Problem with XOR-operation, Symmetry, Vol. 12, 220, 2020 (with I. Ali, M. Ishtyak and C.-F. Wen).
- Cayley inclusion problem with its corresponding generalized resolvent equation problem in uniformly smooth Banach spaces, Applicable Analysis, 2020 (With M. Ishtyak, I. Ali, M. Rahaman and J.C. Yao).
- System of random variational inclusions involving random fuzzy mappings with XOR-operation, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol.21(10), pp. 2257-2271 (2020) (with Z.A. Rather, H.A. Rizvi and M.-M. Wong).
- Research Paper Publications 2019
- Existence results of the system of generalized variational inequalities with multi-valued mappings, RACSAM, Vol. 113, No. 1, pp. 119-129 (2019) (with M. Rahaman, J. Iqbal and Priyanka Gupta) (ISSN: 1579-1505, IF: 0.691).
- The Yosida approximation iterative technique for split monotone Yosida variational inclusions, Numerical Algorithm, 2019 (With M. Rahaman, M. Ishtyak and I. Ali), (ISSN: 1572-9265)
- Cayley Inclusion Problem Involving XOR-operation, Mathematics, Vol. 7(3), 302, 2019 (with I. Ali and C.-F. Wen)
- Generalized Nonsmooth Exponential-Type Vector Variational-Like Inequalities and Nonsmooth Vector Optimization Problems in Asplund Spaces, Mathematics, Vol. 7(4), 345, 2019 (with S.S. Irfan, M. Rahaman, I. Ahmad and S. Hussain)
- Generalized Implicit Set-Valued Variational Inclusion Problem with ? Operation, Mathematics), Vol. 7(5), 421, 2019 (with I. Ali, S. Husain, A. Latif and C.F. Wen)
- Convergence analysis and stability of perturbed three-step iterative algorithm for generalized mixed ordered quasi-variational inclusion involving XOR operator, Optimization,, 2019 (with I. Ahmad, M. Rahaman and I. Ali)
- System of multi-valued mixed variational inclusions with XOR-operation in real ordered uniformly smooth Banach Spaces, Mathematics, Vol. 7(11), 1027, 2019 (with I. Ali, X.-B. Li, M. Ishtyak and C.F. Wen).
- Research Paper Publications 2018
- Co-proximal operators for solving generalized co-variational inclusion problems in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Convex Analysis, Vol. 19(7), pp. 1093-1107, 2018 (with S.S. Irfan, I. Ahmad and M. Rahaman) (ISSN: 1880-5221, IF: 0.691).
- H(·, ·)-ordered-compression mapping for solving XOR-variational inclusion problem, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 19(12), pp. 2189- 2201, 2018 (With I. Ahmad, I. Ali, S. Al-Homidan and Y.H. Wang), (ISSN: 1880-5221, IF: 0.691)
- Research Paper Publications 2017
- Auxiliary principle technique and iterative algorithm for a new system of generalized multi-valued mixed quasi equilibrium-like problem, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2017) 2017:56 DOI 10.1186/s13660-017-1324-0 (With M. Rahaman, C.T. Pang and M. Ishtyak) (IF: 0.630)
- System of Yosida inclusion involving XOR operator, Journal of Nonlinear Convex Analysis, Vol. 18(2), pp. 831-845, 2017 (with I. Ahmad, C.T. Pang and M. Ishtyak) (ISSN: 1880-5221, IF: 0.691).
- Research Paper Publications 2016
- Mixed vector equilibrium problem involving multi-valued mappings, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 1, 203-207 (2016) (with M. Rahaman and Adem Kilicman). (ISSN: 2325-0399, IF: 1.232)
- Convergence theorems for split equality generalized mixed equilibrium problems for demi-contractive mappings, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015:418, doi:10.1186/s13660-015-0936-5 (with M. Rahaman, YC Liou and I Ahmad). (IF: 0.77)
- An iterative algorithm for a system of generalized implicit variational inclusions, SpringerPlus, Vol. 5: 1283. DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-2916-8 (2016) (with V.N. Mishra, I. Ahmad and M. Rahaman). (IF:0.982)
- Common solutions for a system of generalized unrelated variational inequalities, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 03, 354-362 (2016) (with H.A. Rizvi and V.N. Mishra), (ISSN: 1905-7873, IF: 0.367)
- Research Paper Publications 2015
- Graph convergence for the H(·, ·)-co-accretive mapping with an application, Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 1481- 1506 (2015) (with M. Akram and M. Dilshad). (ISSN: 0126-6705, IF:0.798)
- Generalized vector complementarity problem with fuzzy mappings, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 280, 133-141, DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2015.01.008 (2015) (with A. K?l?çman and M. Rahaman). (ISSN: 0165-0114, IF:1.88)
- Fuzzy resolvent equation with H(·, ·)-?-?-accretive operator in Banach spaces, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 95-106, 2015 (with M. Dilshad). (ISSN: 1735-0654, IF: 1.06)
- Generalized strongly vector equilibrium problem for set-valued mappings, Filomat, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 1783-1790, 2015 (M. Rahaman). (ISSN: 2406-0933, IF: 0.753)
- Fuzzy vector equilibrium problem, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 115-122, 2015 (with M. Rahaman). (ISSN: 1735-0654, IF: 1.06)
- Some existence results for generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problem, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 41, No. 6, 1413-1422 (2015) (with M. Akram). (ISSN: 1017-060X, IF: 0.27)
- Relaxed ?-proximal operator for solving a variational-like inclusion problem, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2015, 819-835 DOI: 10.3846/13926292.2015.1117026(with M. Rahaman, M. Dilshad and I. Ahmad) (Impact factor: 0.83, ISSN: 1648-3510).
- Research Paper Publications 2014
- Extended mixed vector equilibrium problems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2014, Article ID 376759, 6 Pages, doi:10.1155/ 2014/376759, (with M. Rahaman and A. K?l?çman). (ISSN:1085-3375, IF:1.274)
- Existence results for strong mixed vector equilibrium problem for multivalued mappings, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2014, Article ID 497846, 6 Pages, doi:10.1155/2014/497846, (with M. Rahaman and A. K?l?çman). (ISSN:1085-3375, IF:1.274)
- Generalized equilibrium problem with mixed relaxed monotonicity, The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2014, Article ID 807324, 4 Pages, doi:10.1155/ 2014/807324, (with H.A. Rizvi and A. K?l?çman). (ISSN:2356-6140, IF:1.219)
- Research Paper Publications 2013
- Generalized monotone mapping with an application for solving a variational inclusion problem, J. Optim. Theory Appl., Vol. 157, No. 2, pp. 324-346 (2013)(with M. Akram and J.C. Yao). (ISSN: 0022-3239, IF: 1.423)
- Korovkin type approximation theorem through statistical lacunary summability, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transaction A2, pp. 99-102 (2013) (with Mursaleen). (ISSN:1028-6276, IF:0.03)
- A system of generalized resolvent equations involving generalized pseudocontractive mapping, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction A, Vol. 37, Issue 3.1 (Special Issue) (2013), pp. 431-438. (with M. Akram). (ISSN:1028-6276, IF:0.03)
- Research Paper Publications 2012
- System of generalized H-resolvent equations with corresponding system of generalized variational inclusions, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 41(1), 33-45 (2012) (with Mursaleen). (ISSN:1303-1510, IF:0.212)
- Generalized set-valued variational like inclusion involving H(., .) ? ?- cocoercive operators in Banach space, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (with M. Dilshad, M.M. Wong and J. C. Yao), doi: 10.1186/1029-242X-2012- 149 (2012). (ISSN:1025-5834, IF:0.73)
- H(·, ·)-?-cocoercive operators and variational-like inclusions in Banach space, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., Vol. 5, pp. 334-344 (2012). (with M. Dilshad). (ISSN 2008-1901)
- Resolvent operator technique for solving a system of generalized variational -like inclusions in Banach spaces, Filomat, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 897-908 (2012) (with M. Dilshad and M. Akram). (ISSN 0354-5180, IF:0.101)
- On completely generalized multi-valued co-variational inequalities involving strongly accretive operators, Filomat, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 657-663 (2012) (with S. S. Irfan). (ISSN 0354-5180, IF:0.101)
- Mixed variational inclusions involving infinite family of fuzzy mappings, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 125-135 (2012) (with M. Dilshad, J. C. Yao). (ISSN:1735-0654, IF: 1.06)
- Research Paper Publications 2011
- Variational-like inclusions and resolvent equations involving infinite family of set-valued mappings, Fixed point theory and applications, Vol. 2011, Article ID 261534, 12 Pages, doi:10.1155/2011/635030, (with M. Dilshad). (ISSN:1687-1820, IF:1.525)
- H(·, ·)-cocoercive operator and an application for solving generalized variational inclusions, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2011, Article ID 635030, 13 Pages, doi:10.1155/2011/261534, (with M. Dilshad, M.M. Wong and J.C. Yao). (ISSN:1085-3375, IF:1.442)
- Research Paper Publications 2010
- Generalized multivalued vector variational-like inequalities, Journal of global optimization, 46, 25-30 (2010) (with S.S. Irfan). (ISSN: 0925-5001, IF:1.454)