PhD, M.Tech (Production and Industrial)
Assistant Professor
Smart Materials, Surface Engineering, Metal Coating, Additive Manufacturing, Friction Stir Welding
Abdul Faheem is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Section, University Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh. He obtained his M.Tech in Industrial and Production from Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology. He has contributed to different journals and conferences on subjects related to Mechanical Engineering. His field of interest – Smart Materials, Smart Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Surface Engineering, Friction stir welding, and computational manufacturing. He received the best paper award in the international conference on computational methods on manufacturing at IIT Guwahati, India, 2019.
- Publications
- Abdul Faheem, Faisal Hasan,Residual stress investigation in the metallic coating approach of micro-sized particles on the substrate: Cold spray additive manufacturing"Abid Ali Khan,Ankit Tyagi,Journal of Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Taylor & Francis, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/2374068X.2022.2079250
Abdul Faheem, Ankit Tyagi, SM Panday, Faisal Hasan, Qasim Murtaza “A sustainable eco-friendly additive manufacturing approach of repairing and coating on the substrate: Cold spray” Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/14484846.2021.2023379
Khan, M., G., W., Faheem., A 2022. Thermomechanical Properties and Surface Morphology of MMT-Neoprene Nanocomposites. In advances in Manufacturing technology (pp.11-18). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). ISBN 9781003203681.
Faheem., A., Khan, M., G., W. 2022 Surface Protection and Restoration of Mild Steel under Coating Technology. In advances in Manufacturing technology (pp.49-54). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). ISBN 9781003203681. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003203681
Mohd Gulam Waris Khan, Abdul Faheem, Faisal Hasan “Applications of smart materials in the era of industrial 4.0: A review” International journal of advanced technology in engineering and science, 2021, Vol. 9, 73-77. ISSN: 2348-755
Abdul Faheem, Taliv Husain, Faisal Hasan, Qasim Murtaza “Effect of Nano particles in cutting fluid for structural machining of Inconel 718” Journal of Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2020, Taylor & Francis, https://doi.org/10.1080/2374068X.2020.1802563
Abdul Faheem, Faisal Hasan, Qasim Murtaza “Material perspective and deformation pattern of micro-sized metallic particle using cold gas dynamic spray” In book: Advances in Computational Methods in Manufacturing, 2019, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9072-3_34
Abdul Faheem, Faisal Hasan, Qasim Murtaza “Enhancement of corrosion resistance by the deposition of micro-sized metal powder on the substrate under kinetic spraying: an additive manufacturing approach” in the International Conference on recent advances in engineering and science (ICRAES-2020). ISBN: 978-81-944663-1-4.
Abdul Faheem, Faisal Hasan, Qasim Murtaza “Surface modification and responses of the composite coating under cold gas dynamic spray for biomedical applications.” International conference of advances in chemical science and petrochemical engineering (ACAPE-2020).
Sufian Raja, Abdul Faheem, Akhter, Husain Ansari, Faisal Hasan, Qasim Murtaza, Salman Mohd Khan “Effect of welding emissions on health and its remedy by Friction stir welding” in the International Conference of HWWE 2017 held at AMU, Aligarh India, Springer http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2229-8_17
Md. Tauseef Raza, Md. Zeeshanuddin, Taliv Hussain, Sameen Mustafa, Abdul Faheem, Adnan Hafiz, Suhail A. Siddique, Abdul Ahad Ansari “The effect of spray cooled and air-cooled condenser of a window air conditioner on human thermal comfort” in the International Conference of HWWE 2017 held at AMU, Aligarh India, Springer, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2229-8_16
- Material science basics Ihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL7ugIktohw
- Material science basics Ihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL7ugIktohw
- Iron carbon (Fe-C) diagram part II
- Iron carbon (Fe-C) diagram part I
- Orientation programme_20th april to 8th may
- Indexing part I
- Indexing part II
- Allotropy Part I
- Allotropy part II
- Lecture I_Applied thermodynamics
- Lecture II Applied thermodynamics
- Lecture III Applied thermodynamics
- Applied thermodynamics Lecture IV
- Applied Thermodynamics, Lecture V
- Applied Thermodynamics Lecture-06https://www.youtube.com/embed/OZ-EixQ8b6w